Found this when searching for information about the recent Interpol Operation Pangea. Here's a direct quote from the press release regarding U.S. seizures. (There are other press releases directed toward other countries, including the UK, where apparently several more seizures and pharmacy shutdowns happened there than in the U.S.) Here's the link if you want to look at the various countries' press releases: Pangea VIII - Media Releases.pdf
Here's the portion of the U.S. release I found most interesting:
"As part of this year’s international effort – Operation Pangea VIII – the FDA sent Warning Letters to the operators of nearly 400 websites offering unapproved or misbranded prescription medicines to U.S. patients and to nine firms distributing unapproved or uncleared medical devices online. FDA inspectors, in collaboration with other federal agencies, screened and seized illegal drug products and medical devices received through International Mail Facilities (IMFs) in Chicago, Miami and New York during the IIWA. These screenings resulted in 814 parcels being detained and referred to appropriate FDA offices for follow up. Parcels found in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act will be refused entry into the country.
Multiple centers and offices within the FDA participated in the enforcement action, which ran from June 9 to June 16, 2015."
So, if I'm reading this correctly, the vendors were sent warning letters. Also, only 814 parcels were detained/seized from Chicago, Miami & New York. That's not that many. I wonder what the percentage of those were TTM alone? That's far fewer than I had assumed had been seized... Which makes me pretty uncomfortable. This idea that your LL/parcel is one of thousands offers a whole lot more anonymity than one of 800.
Interesting reading, if you're curious.