Ordering From Vendors Because Your Doctor Won't Prescribe What You Need

Hi Leigh Anne, completely know the feeling. I switched docs after I moved thinking they would continue my treatment based on a long medical history and the new doc wanted to completely change my regiment. She treated me like a complete feign bc I simply wanted to continue my regular meds. It was a hassle to move back to my old doc since she is a few towns over but it was completely necessary. Some doctors seem to think green tea and homeopathy will cure everything.

Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!
Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!
If your doc is not prescribing what you really need & helps you - THIS is the main reason why I buy my meds online! - And i know many people that would criticise me for doing that. But because of my health conditions, background & work i do for living i really know what i need - and than going to a doc thinking he knows everything better and having no time to really make all the needed check ups a normal talks - that is humiliating my self - I know what i need & so i get it myself!
I feel like I'm maxed out on what my doctor can give me as far as controlled prescriptions and I just don't want to ask for anything else.  He's giving me 4 scheduled medications as it is.  And my GP doesn't even want to give me an aspirin because of all the other meds I take--I asked him for S0Ma to take at night instead of my Z@naflex or Flexer!l, & he acted like I'd asked for MS contin or something.  And as for something for weight loss, I'm just not heavy enough to meet the criteria for those scripts and all the OTC stuff I've been taking just doesn't work.  I do hate to self-medicate, but it seems to be a necessary evil in these days of all the regulations on the doctors.  Thank you for your feedback.  Leigh Anne

Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!
Cannot believe I just noticed this section. I should have posted here as an introduction. I apologize in advance if this is too much information.I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was young and I used to drink a shI&^t load just to get the nerve up to talk to a girl or ask her out of a date (or to socialize at all). That was pretty much my first few years in college and then I started to bar-tend and it went downhill from there. Dropped out of college in my senior year and pretty much "played" for my entire twenties though I cannot remember a lot (vcr wasnt recording). Then I reverted back to exercise; gave up booze/hard core narcs and went back to school during the night while working full time in my late twenties and got a job that had health insurance. Got diagnosed properly for anxiety and that was first my introduction to benzo's. Then I found a site similar to this (but not near as good and they had a monthly subscription) and I was able to order more than the limited amount the doctor prescribed and it wasnt so much that I took a ton at once but the main point was that I had enough to ameliorate any concerns about having to deal with my anxiety bc a script was getting low. Usually, I never take more than 2mgs of X*an or 20mgs of Va*l a day but just knowing I have a backup supply did wonders for my anxiety. I finally had a safety net!! Since then, I completed 8 marathons (qualified for Boston once thou it took me 7 years), graduated with a masters and bought a home. The people that knew me during my 20s dont even recognize me. Sure, I might enjoy the occasional opiate high which helps from the abuse that I continue to put my body through with endurance sports but there are days I dont even take benzo's at all and I find myself socializing without sweat beating off my brow as I talk with folks. In short,I am simply grateful for places like this and the people who share their thoughts and advice. Invaluable!
If your doc is not prescribing what you really need & helps you - THIS is the main reason why I buy my meds online! - And i know many people that would criticise me for doing that. But because of my health conditions, background & work i do for living i really know what i need - and than going to a doc thinking he knows everything better and having no time to really make all the needed check ups a normal talks - that is humiliating my self - I know what i need & so i get it myself!
I feel like I'm maxed out on what my doctor can give me as far as controlled prescriptions and I just don't want to ask for anything else.  He's giving me 4 scheduled medications as it is.  And my GP doesn't even want to give me an aspirin because of all the other meds I take--I asked him for S0Ma to take at night instead of my Z@naflex or Flexer!l, & he acted like I'd asked for MS contin or something.  And as for something for weight loss, I'm just not heavy enough to meet the criteria for those scripts and all the OTC stuff I've been taking just doesn't work.  I do hate to self-medicate, but it seems to be a necessary evil in these days of all the regulations on the doctors.  Thank you for your feedback.  Leigh Anne
Nuzav, that is terrific that you have been able to wean off all those benzo's--that is a very difficult feat.  It sounds like you've recovered from some social anxiety and agoraphobia also.  I wanted to "like" your post, but I can only "like" 7 posts a day, and I am over my limit.  I, too, love this forum.  There is no one I know that I can discuss meds and doctors and that sort of thing with anyone outside this forum who isn't experiencing the same kind of problems as far as anxiety, pain, anxiety, insomnia--all of it.  Some days I think of Alice in Wonderland, taking one pill to make her smaller, and another pill to make her tall.  Which actually is pretty much what I do--take the stimulants in the morning, take the tranquilizers/sedatives at bedtime, and X@nax 4 times a day (2 mg at that).  Maybe one day I'll do what you've done and be able to get off some of this medication, but right now I am disabled with my anxiety and depression, and those meds just don't make me feel better, they keep me from dying--literally dying.  And I've got a Bachelor's degree in a very well-regarded and well paying field that I used for 14 years, but I just can't do it anymore right now.  I keep up my licensure for my occupation, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to work again.  It's so strange, I couldn't wait to work--got a job at 16, worked and went to college full time, had a great social life--then this depression just descended on me like a blanket, and I became more and more anxious.  I had to take time off from work, then eventually just had to quit.  It's embarrassing to be well educated, and not be able to use that degree that I worked so hard to get.  And I'm still relatively young, but I can't drive, I only leave the house once a month to see my psychiatrist and go to the pharmacy and do my grocery shopping while I'm waiting on my refills.  I had to have shock treatments last year, but they were not effective for me.  Everyone I know who has had to go through them has been helped tremendously, but had no effect on me except to make me more forgetful and probably lose a few IQ points.  Anyway, nice talking to you.  You have comrades here who understand where you've been.  Regards, Leigh Anne.

Hi Leigh Anne, completely know the feeling. I switched docs after I moved thinking they would continue my treatment based on a long medical history and the new doc wanted to completely change my regiment. She treated me like a complete feign bc I simply wanted to continue my regular meds. It was a hassle to move back to my old doc since she is a few towns over but it was completely necessary. Some doctors seem to think green tea and homeopathy will cure everything.
I had an Indian doctor once who was completely horrified by the meds my psychiatrist was giving me--I take I think 4 anti-depressants, several anti-anxiety meds, some stuff for sleep--she didn't "believe" in depression...she didn't even want to prescribe an antibiotic when I had a UTI because of all the other meds.  Had to switch GP's, couldn't handle the judgement and brow-beating anymore.  The one I've got now still is wary of me--treats me like a drug-seeker, but at least with give me stuff for my stomach, heartburn, and muscle spasms.  I need to

I got cut off for some reason, sorry.  I need to see the GP for some allergy-type related stuff, and have him write for my Prevacid and Linzess so I don't have to see my GI doctor anymore, but I swear, he's nervous even treating me for run of the mill stuff.  He can't get over that I take 2 mg of X@nax 4 times a day--he criticizes it, but then tells me not to ever miss a dosage or I'll have a seizure.  I have to have my friend go into the examining room with me because I get so tongue-tied I forget what I need to ask him about, and I need her to stand up for me, also.  I mean I've ended up on 13 or 14 meds now, but that's been over the course of 7 years--I didn't just walk into my shrink's office and he prescribed all of that.  It just built up gradually as my tolerance changed, and depending on how my anxiety and depression are when I see him.  I know how highly regulated these doctor's are, & that all their scripts are scrutinized, but these meds exist, and people need them to function.  It's been nice chatting with you.  Hope you have a good night.  Regards, Leigh Anne.

Hi Leigh Anne, It has been very nice talking to you and I couldn't agree more! If I wasnt able to run/exercise, my benzo use would jump and there will always be those days I need various items to just get me through the day(s) (and you are right; I cannot talk to anyone I know that sees it as nothing more than pill popping but it couldn't be farthest from the truth). My biggest challenge was giving up booze and I dont miss that at all. I inherited the anxiety problems from my mother (she is paranoid schizophrenic) and it kills me when doctors try to treat her with only homeopathic remedies. The one thing I have learned over the years (and still learning every day) is to take stock of where I am and set a reasonable short term and long term goal. And I dont see anything embarrassing about being well educated and seeking help through psychiatry and places like this (hope you do not have to go through shock therapy again!). I have often wondered if too much self-reflection and awareness can be a handicap in and of itself. Warm regards and good luck! Ben

I wish I could get out more, but I'm sort of a "Boo Radley" in this neighborhood (from "To Kill a Mockingbird").  When the sun sets and it's sufficiently dark, I will walk out to the mailbox, otherwise I don't go out except to see the shrink monthly.  Nope, no more shock treatments.  Didn't help at all, just made my memory worse.  My friend goes places with me because I can't drive anymore (too anxious), and I have trouble remembering sometimes what the doctor has told me, or I get too nervous to ask about something I need to discuss.  I love what you wrote about long and short term goals--every day I have a ritual where I get up, take my meds, make my bed, brush my teeth, clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen and whatever else needs to be done.  But I also set a small short term goal, sometimes it's just cleaning the ceiling fans, or changing out the salt & pepper shakers, or making sure all my Tupperware has lids to them.  In the last six months, I've been able to take over bill paying from my husband, and I'm really proud of that.  He seemed to think final pay date was when the bill was supposed to be paid, so he was running us behind almost two months on everything--I was clueless.  Found a bill one day & figured out what was going on.  He makes good money, but never seems to have any, and couldn't account for where his money was going.  So I made him get direct deposit in a joint account that only I access, and he gets $240.00 a week for his gas, lunch, and cigarettes--I pay all the bills, buy all the groceries, make sure he has everything he needs--toiletries, underwear, jeans, socks--everything.  And at the end of the week, he still doesn't have any money.  I just can't figure it out.  I know he gambles a little, but he was running us into the ground, and I was too despondent to even know it was happening.  Every bill we have now has a 0 balance, I'm rebuilding my credit, and I feel better about myself that I have been able to take over this task and do it well--I didn't know if it might be too overwhelming for me, and at first (when everything was so far behind) I was.  But every week, I pay on something, and slowly I've paid off all the creditors.  I've never had trouble with the booze because I have such bad acid reflux, or I may have turned to the bottle myself.  I'm sticking to my prescription meds, but I have created a little stash for emergencies--an extra muscle relaxer for those nights I can't turn my head, an extra benzo for those nights of insomnia or panic attacks, and something to help me curb my appetite.  I don't like taking things my doctor doesn't know about, but I also cannot ask him for more controlled substances when I'm already on 4!  He has been so kind and patient with me, I know if I had an emergency, he would drop what he was doing and fit me in somehow.  So I don't like withholding information from him, but every now and then I do take a little something extra.  And you're right about the self-reflection--when I am not trying to stay busy, even minimally, I start berating myself, and asking "what if...".  That degree I earned, I keep in a leather bound folder in a drawer, and I feel like it mocks me sometimes...other times, I get calls from recruiters asking if I'm available to work and what great positions they have available, and I have to tell them that I am disabled and cannot work.  That makes me feel bad about myself, too.  I started paying into the social security system when I was 16, and worked for over 20 years, so the monthly stipend I get is not charity--that's money that came out of my checks every single week.  But it makes me feel ashamed.  And no one in my family ever discusses my former career, or college, or my being on social security now--it's all taboo to discuss.  I know my parents mean well, but when they talk about me, I know they explain that I am educated, but that I am a home-maker now since I'm married.  It's complicated.  I live in the South, and it's not a shameful thing to be a housewife where ever you happen to live, but I feel like my parents moved to Florida for retirement 12 or so years ago partly to get away from me.  That's when I started to get sick--anxious, agoraphobic, depressed...Sylvia Plath explained depression better than anyone I've read in "The Bell Jar".  She had several hospitalizations and shock therapy, too, but of course we know what happened to her--dead with her head in the oven...I want to say that to my GP or anyone else who criticizes my medication regimen--it keeps me alive.  And for a couple of years, that's all I could do--just try to survive each day.  But in the last 6 or 7 months since my shrink started me on amphetamine-based meds, my depression has slowly been receding (until a couple of weeks ago when he took me off the Phen/Addy combo & I had to wait to get the Dexedr!ne), but now I'm feeling a little better again--at least until I got ripped off from those pissers trying to get B0ntril.  Never again using a vendor not endorsed by this site.  Ripped off every time.  I've talked your head off--sorry, but it feels SO good to let it out.  My husband and best friend love me, but they think I'm crazy going on these forums and spending money for meds, but neither one has ever been suicidally depressed, or unable to get out of bed, or had to be hospitalized, or had shock treatments, or panic attacks, etc etc etc. They have absolutely no clue.  Only someone who has lived under that blanket of depression has any idea what it's like.  One more thing I've been able to do over the last 6 months or so is turn off the TV every weekend, and read, read, read.  I always loved the written word, and thought I was pretty well read at one time, but for many years I couldn't focus on the words or concentrate on the story--I just couldn't do it anymore, and reading had been my passion.  My shrink is really happy about that--not just that it means I'm doing better, but I have the TV off--he swears TV ruins the alpha waves in your brain, and actually makes you dumber, as well as being a waste of useful time.  I need to shut up now, I'm pouring out my life story, but thank you for giving me that opportunity.  I feel better somehow getting some of this off my chest without all the criticism.  I look forward to chatting more with you later, and I hope you have a good night.  I've taken my night-time "cocktail" (X@nax, Amb!en CR, Val!um, Zanaflex, S0ma, Melatonin, nerve tonic, Benadryl, chlor-tabs, doxep!ne, doxylamine, sometimes phenerg@n and ultr@m/tr@madol).  I have just discovered on TTM something called "Arem" (N!trazepam I think), and you can get 90 of them for $29!  And I think they actually help me to sleep.  I love TTM--that you can buy relatively small samples of different meds to try without having to put up a lot of money as an investment.  I don't remember if you said you had used them (they are in the bowels of *****& I don't know where you live, and they recently had a high rate of seizures around the time of 9/11, but they have a great menu with the best prices I have seen.  Well, SL has some good prices, but "Jim" won't ship to my state--it's a "red flag" state apparently.   OK,  I'm going to try and go to lay down--I set my alarm this morning for 6 am so I could get up and take the Dexedr!ne and still be able to sleep tonight.  Any time you want to talk, hit me up.  I might be a little erratic answering--some days I can't answer the phone, go online--nothing.  But with God and my shrink's interventions, maybe I'm going to get better.  Have a great night, sleep well, & I'll talk to you later, I'm sure.  Warmest Regards, Leigh Anne.

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Hi Leigh Anne, such a wonderful post and it was a pleasure to read and listen! I commiserate with so much of what you said and rebuilding your credit is excruciatingly hard. And yes, love TTM and my other favorite is PPE2U...havent seen anything on this site about the latter and I hope I am not breaking any rules about talking about them here but they are in the same region as TTM. Good to hear about no more shock treatments and my wife pretty much thinks the same thing as your husband about going on sites like this.....but she cannot relate. I really wish I could get my brother to try a place like this (he has ruptured so many discs in his back that is was put on disability last year and he has lost all hope....but that is a story for another day). As for reading, one of my favorite pastimes besides running and a few of my favorite web aggregators are longreads.com, longform.org and thebrowser.com. IMO, these sites provide some of the the best journalism out there and they will keep you occupied for hours and hours. Please check them out and let me know what you think. I used to live in the south but live in the NE now so I can relate to both places. Have a good night and will talk soon!! Ben 

Oh yeah, on a side note...to me a degree is just one step in the learning process. A lot of people I know think that education ends with a degree (and is proof of intelligence) but I think it is only the beginning and the more I read the more I am humbled by how much I dont know. You earned that bachelors degree and that is one helluva an accomplishment to be proud of in this journey we are all going through!

I haven't heard of PPE2U before--I will try to look on my web browser and see if I can find them--can't have too many reputable vendors.  Thank you for the web sites, I will find them later on tonight and take a look--I love to read, and the information must be good for you to recommend.  I appreciate you reading my long-winded posts, and I thank you again for the advice and your response.  I feel really lonely not having people around me that I can discuss these sorts of problems with, & the forum has put me in touch with many that have experienced some of the same issues I have, like you.  So nice to have "met" you--I have enjoyed our chats.  Hope you are having a good day, and best of luck to you in your future endeavors.  Warmest regards, Leigh Anne.

Definitely enjoyed chatting with you and feel free to chat whenever you want! Btw, I left out a web aggregator site. It is called Arts and Letters Daily (aldaily @com) which is another good one and their focus is more on literature. You referenced "To Kill a Mockingbird" earlier so I think you might find this one especially appealing. I tend to read more non-fiction but all four sites are really good (Would like to know your thoughts on these sites). Hope you are enjoying your weekend and will talk soon! Ben

I'm in the same boat as you all and it really does suck. I used to suffer really bad with anxiety and after a while it just seemed to disappear! Well fast forward to now and for some reason its back and worse than ever, Nothings changed in my life but I am really at my wits end with it. I went to my doctor cap in hand about how bad it is and was prescribed mirtazapine 15mg. It didn't work and I have since been back a few times and each time they just up the mirtazapine and its doing nothing! I was going on holiday that i had paid and booked for well before this all started and the doctor finally prescribed me some diazis (5 tablets) These things were a godsend and I rationed them and when I felt really bad it eased my symptom and made it bareable.

Im at the point where I am sick of being fobbed off and them upping a drug that is doing nothing while my anxiety gets worse and worse. I have a 9-5 job and I will be starting a new job in 2 weeks with great prospects and career progression but Im terrified about this anxiety ruining it all.

My question is, If anyone is allowed to tell me is what brands do people recommend and what dosage should I be taking if I have an attack at work etc. I dont drive but need to be with it to do my job. The tablets the doctor gave me just said Diazis 5mg and I split them in half but when it was really bad I took 1x5mg and it made me quite sleepy.

I hope someone can help with a bit of advice as I want my life back from this crippling illness

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I usually order items from vendors which i already get from doctors, just to have a back up in case I run out early. Sometimes I order stuff that I don't get prescribed but I've used before and know how they make me feel. I don't really order anything super strong because A) it's too expensive and B ) can lead to bad addiction problems. 

I haven't heard of PPE2U before--I will try to look on my web browser and see if I can find them--can't have too many reputable vendors.  Thank you for the web sites, I will find them later on tonight and take a look--I love to read, and the information must be good for you to recommend.  I appreciate you reading my long-winded posts, and I thank you again for the advice and your response.  I feel really lonely not having people around me that I can discuss these sorts of problems with, & the forum has put me in touch with many that have experienced some of the same issues I have, like you.  So nice to have "met" you--I have enjoyed our chats.  Hope you are having a good day, and best of luck to you in your future endeavors.  Warmest regards, Leigh Anne.
PPE2U is great. I use him/her all the time. Email is a little slow and I've had two LL's but Doc has always re-shipped.  Wish I was able to post a review but my post count isn't there yet. Please note I am NOT advocating you use them, just simply stating my experience. 

I kinda had the opposite experience my 1st doctor was a psych and she put me on x@nax along with depression meds. She started me on .5mg 4x daily which immediately gave me a taste for x@nax. I stopped taking the depression meds cause the x@nax was my cure all med. Next I stopped seeing her and went to internal medicine doctors who would prescribe 2mg at higher doses daily. Before I knew it I could never get enough x@nax, I was seeing Drs, having my fiancé see Drs for me, as well as IOPs. Then when I started having seizures when I ran out and my tolerance was sky high I realized this was no way to live. I made myself switch to 1mg of kpin 4x daily and now only use x@nax sparingly. So be careful with x@nz they can take control over your life and make you into something you don't wanna be. 

This is the first time I've been back on the forum for a couple of weeks, so I'm trying to get caught up a little.  Going from Addys to Dex!drine has not helped me at all--my shrink just went ahead and increased my dosage to the highest, but I'm suffocating under this blanket of depression.  This time of year is really, really hard on me.  One doc recommends tanning bed (just for the light therapy--not to tan), & my primary doc says absolutely not--I have long, close family history of malignant melanomas.  He suggested I replace all my lightbulbs in the entire house to flourescents, and to turn them on at all times while I am in that room.  Both docs are on me for drinking my diet sodas--they say the fake sugar (even though I don't get those calories) still work on my pancreas and cause cravings of real sugars.  I am putting on a little more weight--freaking out about that--taking diet pills I have prescribed for myself since no one else will write for them anymore....Also, both docs are riding me to start exercising--it's all about the endorphins, the accomplishment, the burning of calories--I just can't do it.  I just can't leave the house right now, and I just have no motivation to function except just minimally.  I'm still getting my daily tasks done--bed making, bleach washing bathroom & kitchen, doing laundry, picking up, no dishes in my sink ever...but it's just getting harder by the day to even get out of bed.  My shrink took me to the max of the Dex & scheduled to see me in 3 weeks, and I'm going to have to go back on Addys, I think.  But the X@nax is essential to me, as is Busp@r & all the other soup of medications I am on.  I've seen a couple of ads for new anti-depressants I haven't tried--all the regular ones I have tried at some point over the last twelve years or so, & my current combo had been working pretty well, but right now, I'm inside the Bell Jar again.  I just won't do anymore shock treatments, I don't need to be hospitalized, but somethings gotta give.  Thanks for letting me vent--I swear I just haven't had the energy to even log onto this site, but I got some product from Moda and needed to let people know it was a good transaction (I'm glad I did--I read several unflattering things about him, & while I don't "know" him, he's been good to me, and I sense he's an honest man in a business that just seems to run on people of disrepute scamming clients that are just trying to feel better).  If anyone has any suggestions that don't involve going outside or interacting with other people, I'm all ears.  Maybe one of you have tried a couple of this new generation of anti-depressants?  Best regards & wishes to all, Leigh Anne

This is the first time I've been back on the forum for a couple of weeks, so I'm trying to get caught up a little.  Going from Addys to Dex!drine has not helped me at all--my shrink just went ahead and increased my dosage to the highest, but I'm suffocating under this blanket of depression.  This time of year is really, really hard on me.  One doc recommends tanning bed (just for the light therapy--not to tan), & my primary doc says absolutely not--I have long, close family history of malignant melanomas.  He suggested I replace all my lightbulbs in the entire house to flourescents, and to turn them on at all times while I am in that room.  Both docs are on me for drinking my diet sodas--they say the fake sugar (even though I don't get those calories) still work on my pancreas and cause cravings of real sugars.  I am putting on a little more weight--freaking out about that--taking diet pills I have prescribed for myself since no one else will write for them anymore....Also, both docs are riding me to start exercising--it's all about the endorphins, the accomplishment, the burning of calories--I just can't do it.  I just can't leave the house right now, and I just have no motivation to function except just minimally.  I'm still getting my daily tasks done--bed making, bleach washing bathroom & kitchen, doing laundry, picking up, no dishes in my sink ever...but it's just getting harder by the day to even get out of bed.  My shrink took me to the max of the Dex & scheduled to see me in 3 weeks, and I'm going to have to go back on Addys, I think.  But the X@nax is essential to me, as is Busp@r & all the other soup of medications I am on.  I've seen a couple of ads for new anti-depressants I haven't tried--all the regular ones I have tried at some point over the last twelve years or so, & my current combo had been working pretty well, but right now, I'm inside the Bell Jar again.  I just won't do anymore shock treatments, I don't need to be hospitalized, but somethings gotta give.  Thanks for letting me vent--I swear I just haven't had the energy to even log onto this site, but I got some product from Moda and needed to let people know it was a good transaction (I'm glad I did--I read several unflattering things about him, & while I don't "know" him, he's been good to me, and I sense he's an honest man in a business that just seems to run on people of disrepute scamming clients that are just trying to feel better).  If anyone has any suggestions that don't involve going outside or interacting with other people, I'm all ears.  Maybe one of you have tried a couple of this new generation of anti-depressants?  Best regards & wishes to all, Leigh Anne
I've seen a lot of people have good results from W3llbutrin, it not only helps the depression but has a pick me up quality to it. I have tried it for depression but it made me feel too speedy even though it's not an amp. It gets you off your feet and moving in the morning but don't take it too close to bedtime as it will keep you up. Hope that helps..

I've seen a lot of people have good results from W3llbutrin, it not only helps the depression but has a pick me up quality to it. I have tried it for depression but it made me feel too speedy even though it's not an amp. It gets you off your feet and moving in the morning but don't take it too close to bedtime as it will keep you up. Hope that helps..
Yes, part of my drug cocktail that I have been taking for my depression includes Wellbutr!n (150 mg 3/x day), and it has helped me, and I plan to stay on it and my other meds too, probably.  I just think switching from Addys' to Dex!dr!ne has messed me up a little--my mojo is just gone right about now.  So I'm thinking I'll go back on some amphetamine type med, but also possibly need another anti-depressant as well.  Just not sure.  If I would actually do the exercise/muscle strengthening that he keeps recommending, it would probably make me feel better.  But I'm down in a hole, and just barely able to function right now.  You know that Jefferson Airplane (or Starship?) song about "one pill makes you smaller, and one pill makes you tall, and the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all"--that's seems to be my theme song.  I have to set an alarm to get up to take the stimulants so I'm not up all night (those make me tall), then I get up a little later & take all the other meds, then it's near bedtime, and that's another cocktail to make me "small".  Sounds crazy, I know.  But thank you for the advice--if I wasn't already on it, it probably would help.  Happy you read my post & tried to help me out.  That's really nice of you.  I hope you have a good evening.  Leigh Anne

PPE2U is great. I use him/her all the time. Email is a little slow and I've had two LL's but Doc has always re-shipped.  Wish I was able to post a review but my post count isn't there yet. Please note I am NOT advocating you use them, just simply stating my experience. 
Thank you for what you said about your experience with PPE2U--I understand you're not advocating all over for this vendor, just stating that you also had a positive experience with them.  Like I said, you just can't have enough possible vendors--some of these people get flaky, or suddenly unreliable, & it's always good to have a back-up.  Thank you!

I kinda had the opposite experience my 1st doctor was a psych and she put me on x@nax along with depression meds. She started me on .5mg 4x daily which immediately gave me a taste for x@nax. I stopped taking the depression meds cause the x@nax was my cure all med. Next I stopped seeing her and went to internal medicine doctors who would prescribe 2mg at higher doses daily. Before I knew it I could never get enough x@nax, I was seeing Drs, having my fiancé see Drs for me, as well as IOPs. Then when I started having seizures when I ran out and my tolerance was sky high I realized this was no way to live. I made myself switch to 1mg of kpin 4x daily and now only use x@nax sparingly. So be careful with x@nz they can take control over your life and make you into something you don't wanna be. 
I take the X@nax 2 mg usually 4 times a day, but sometimes I'll skip a dose & not notice any issues.  I don't feel psychologically addicted to them, but I'm sure my body would go through terrible symptoms if I were to suddenly stop them.  It's the uppers I got put on maybe 7 or so months ago that seem to dictate how I feel right now.  And being switched from Addy's to Dex!drine seems to have been a mistake.  Doc just took me to highest possible dose of Dex, but not really feeling any better.  I'll just white-knuckle it for a couple more weeks just to survive, then I have another appointment to see him, & I know he'll do something, make some change--something that will help me.  Don't know what it'll be, already been through series of shock treatments last year that did nothing but damage my memory.  It's hard when you get dependent on anything & it starts to control you.  I've done it with meds, relationships, weight restrictions--it's just all or nothing for me, I guess.  I appreciate all the advice I get from "my people" on this forum--if you haven't been there, you just can't explain it.  So many good folks on here, I thank everyone for their feedback.  Goodnight all--cocktail is kicking in, gotta get in bed before I start running into stuff....Leigh Anne

Hey there Taylor32, sorry to hear of your troubles. It is quite easy to contact a vendor, and all the vendors listed in the international /email /Mexican section are legitimate. You could also click on one of the banners on the home page, SL would be a good place to start perhaps.

@taylor32, you could have trouble with any vendor, no matter how good they are. The only ones here are ones that are proven to be steadily reliable as long as they are not on the blacklist, of course.

When I say trouble, I don't mean that you will get ripped off. Just that no vendor is perfect and there is always something that could go wrong, even if it's unlikely.

I've been ordering from vendors to get anti anxiety medications that I need. This is helped me greatly because my regular psychiatrist will not prescribe any benzos. I feel bad about this because I'm usually very good at doing exactly what somebody tells me to do. But I suffered so long for so many years it gets to the point sometimes where I cannot function from the overwhelming anxiety and panic. I need to be on top because I have 2 kids and I have to work and a single parent with post-traumatic stress disorder. My question is with all the medications I take I have taken so many benzos before and at high doses that I really don't need to worry about the interactions. I do feel bad that I'm doing this behind my doctors back. Does anybody else feel this way. And is anybody else ordering from vendors because their doctors won't give them what they should have? Thanks guys I really appreciate it.
I'm in the exact same boat. I was on clon for a while and I did great in school and everything was going great. Then my doc closed his practice out of the blue and after many visits to several different psychs they all wanted to put me on all sorts of random and expensive crap that was either one of those commercial meds you see 100 times a night or something that "might" help. After puking blood for an entire day due to a really bad reaction to a new med I ended up here and this place has been a godsend for me!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?