I have a tale to tell. Hopefully one can read between the lines.
My friend, the SWIM, has an exotic bird he calls His Jones. His Jones has a peculariar appetite for things, some would consider crazy.
So my friend, the SWIM keeps an eye out for these items. Back late January the SWIM came across this series of links here on DBG, actually in this thread, and reached out to this guy here for a menu.
Several emails later the SWIM and the gentlemen here struck a deal. Late January the SWIM covered the expense and the items went said to be into transit. This gentlemen provided a tracking number to ensure his word was valid.
Weeks went by without anything. Then 3 weeks and four. The Swim reached out and said, can you confirm the bird seed actually shipped. I sent you a tracking number, and I have other shipping info show it was headed toward your prescribed destination.
I asked what his policy was on reship as we were outside of normal delivery times. He replied that IF I could provide the Love Letter from those folks on my end say "got cha", he would reship if I were to pay half of the original cost. I thought that to be a bit much, but followed the link he provided and entered the tracking number provided. This touted tracking number showed the birdie candy traveled several hundred miles and entered the Cu$t0ms facility in Belgr@de late January and that's where the trail ends.
So, now I send another email. Explaining the items were snagged in his country and I would not receive the Love Letter, so I'd be out the total cost and Jones my birdie would go without. It goes without response.
My next correspondence went unanswered, where I told him I should be paying nothing if he couldn't get the chit out of his own back yard. I felt he should do a reship of the total order free and as a compromise at least reship half the original order. I told him he needed to make this right.
I told him of how another Bird treat supplier from DBG, had a shipping issue and how he reshipped at his expense. That little piece of good will netted him far more in the long run than it cost in the short run.
Over the last 2 weeks I have sent 4 emails. All I can see have been read, but no response back. Not even a FO.
It just goes to show, sometimes you land in the Zone and sometimes the Zone lands on you.