Don't get me rong zone did come through for me aftrer 45 days , i admit i thought i was ripped off. Zone, if you want to keep your costomer base time is a giant factor.people would rather pay a little extra then wait 45 days for their order to arrive. You do not have to wait for payment from us ipso facto we should not have to wait for our orders to come through I received close to 10 orders from another vendor in the time it took to get one order from Zone I'm not saying zone is a bad person and if she just where was a little bit more punctual . sales would do much better. I would even order again if my package arrived in allotted time . my first order arrived promptly, placed larger order and did not go so smooth. My advice is order at your own risk. Butt I did get full order . But my advice to Zone is to keep your time agreements please I guarantee it would do wonders for your business thank you Ryan