Yes, can relate - not to the exact circumstances - but long story short was taking 3 10/325s/day, with wine and also klons (2mg/day). The 10/235s for about 7 years, the klons for over 22 years! I got off both the norco and klons at the same time two years back. Dr. told me I could/should have been a statistic. I suppose I had developed a tolerance? Anyway, on subs now, and an occasional klon to help maintain a sleep cycle. The klon w/d was weird, I actually thought it was panic attacks, my Dr. explained that was actually my body crying out for the klons. Took a year and really was not that bad. Subz have been a savior for me. Also spine/neck related, but not an accident. Epi injections did help, I believe. I will never stop drinking, and I actually am moderate on that front - IMO!. Dr. has worked with me, too.
Hope your treatment addresses the underlying pain issues, Poppy. Saw a great documentary outlining all the benefits of red wine last night, so that's just taking good care of yourself, girl!