Alex (Formerly

I am going to see if I might be able to share little bit. PLEASE remove this from here if it's not suppose to be shared here! 

Not too long ago I had a letter of rosary beads snagged by an old schooler who i guess wanted them more than I did. 

Things got a little "hinkey" around that time. I don't want to give too much deep detail in this public forum  but the old schooler told me an employee of Alex's cleaned out a couple days worth of donations which was a large amount. When Alex asked for the donations back the employee decided to get an upper hand by telling the old schooler what was happening. 

I stopped communicating all together at that point with Alex. I sent him an email from another email telling him what was happening and to not email at this point.i needed to step back and make sure I still understood the issues of making rosaries for people. He replied back to the seldom used email and said ok and thank you. He didn't ask any questions. 

Of course then there was no communication for a week or so. Then out of the blue I got an email to my usual address from Alex's email. 

But it was very odd. I could tell it was not him. I asked him about several things (I ordered from Alex for at least the last five years) and whomever replied was a little privy to our past conversations but missed the mark on several pretty significant items. The color and quality of the beads, etc

When I felt comfortable to order again (that's a story too but for sure not on here!) it was one issue after another with my letters. I always ended up with my beads but the delivery was horrible. But with not being to do this bitcoin "thing" and looking for another vendor I just bucked it up and tried to order far enough ahead. I just didnt order as much or as often. 

Now this last week I get an email that says "Hello Jane, I am back!".... THIS Alex is the old Alex. Asking about all the stuff we have gotten to know about each other. Not the cold "Thank you friend" from the last month or so. 

SOOOOO more out of sheer pain I decided to order again with the one proclaiming "I am back". (Like I said I was always getting the exact beads I ordered from the "'other Alex' but not as quick as I wanted. And some of the excuses were just bizarre.) 

As I keep saying there are more pieces of this behind the scenes story. WOW did I get a lesson on rights, etc in this situation. I found out, at least in my case, that I had a lot of built in protections that I didn't know about with the old schoolers. 

I ordered Friday with the new return of the old Alex. It should arrive soon. I can update on here if anyone wants to know. 

In a nutshell something happened. It may not be as I think exactly, he had told me his uncle and mother had been very ill. Oh I will also say that a couple of times each year I would "talk" with Alex on email about things where the return conversation was just off. I started counting that as a time when the real Alex was on vacation etc and someone else was covering. 

I am sorry if anyone got stiffed. That is not a acceptable. I eventually got my beads.

As I keep saying I am scared of doing something really stupid with bitcoin (my biggest fear is that I will inadvertently send all of my money and realize I  have cleaned out my account in bitcoins trying to send $50 or whatever!) 

If I can answer questions please let me know. I will let you know if I get my letter as was the case up until recently! 
Alex was my first and favorite until I realized last winter that it wasn’t him I was emailing. I had a problem with my donation and two weeks of excuses, and that was it. I feel terrible for everyone that was scammed- real Alex was so great. I did make sure to review, and I remember calling whomever it was Fake Alex. 

Good luck on the bitcoin!

alrighty for anyone else that cares or is following: the "old" Alex reached out to me and after drilling him I placed an order. I did pesos to a box.  It landed in the box on Saturday. I received my letter on Wednesday. 

NOT the easiest way. However I did hear back from him on Thursday that he now is feeling more secure with a new reciever so the other transfers are back. 

So. As soon as I get my bright child to send the donation to DBG in BC I can post more. 

I came. I jumped in. I did good. Very little evidence at this point for everyone else. Since I felt like I had to take that risk of Alex as I had no way easily to find some find someone else, I wanted to post it. 

For whatever it's worth! 

Thank you @alixjones2018 your daughter sounds like an awesome lady! I totally respect her occupation. I hate the word crack whore or ladies working the track being made fun of. God, I used to shoplift to support my habit. Gratefully I married a man who didn’t like spending money on my habit, but did because I always threatened him well if you don’t give me money to get well I’ll go downtown on the track! God I was a horrible person back then. Ive since got clean, like Modest Mouse sings, I packed up my belongings and headed to jail I had to think awhile, looking back it was the best thing that happened. I had a few relapses but I’ll have 3 years I believe December 18th, my husband says it’s the 28th when he sent me out on the last train to Clarksville in the middle of nowhere when I finally straighted my life out! But people who make fun of those poor ladies should be ashamed of themselves, unless they know they are HIV positive and are irresponsible with other people’s lives. They should be jailed, they ruin families it’s awful. But I understand I had a good friend I met in jail who was married and her boyfriend watched her while she was working, HOW the hell can you watch a lady after she’s in the car.? I cant count the times she was raped or beaten, the last time she was thrown out of a window and was hospitalized for two months. It’s a vicious circle they hate being demoralized but use to cope with how they are making their money. My heart goes out to them. Prostitution is the oldest profession yet we do nothing to make it safer for both men and women. It really breaks my heart. I was happy when all her warrants caught up with her and she was sent to PeeWee Valley in Kentucky for seven years. At least I know she won’t die from shooting Krocodil, she had holes all over her body from that poison and she won’t be raped or killed by a John. I still send her commissary money, she has 3 beatiful kids with her parents. 

Anyways, sorry about my rant, but you must be so proud of your daughter! I have used Alex’s old email and haven’t heard back in awhile. Remember before the thankful extinction of @Jewbacca and @Heisenburg, god remember how cliquish it was back then. God I started out twenty years ago at Pandas Place which is no longer in extenction, I sometimes wonder if our wonderful @Admin was ever involved with that board, it was serious, you had to send medical records and wait to be approved! But it was a Godsend to people that were seriously in pain. I felt so much gratitude from other people although I do have serious medical issues, there are people who seriously need this board. I only take benzos now but they are truly needed my anxiety is through the roof. I have PTSD issues going back to my copping days, I went with some guy back to his place in the projects and had a very traumatic event happen to me which I don’t want to disclose here. But I still wake up with nightmares even though he’s in jail, he was given a life sentence. 

My furniture at my winter house should be here soon, so Ill wrap it up but I do want to pm you to catch up on everything. 

The board is great now @2earls and @Admin don’t let the bullying or cliquish crap go on. Everybody seems to be happy to help everyone it’s totally changed for the better! There’s always someone here to help!  It’s like family now to me. I love how things have definately changed for the better!

as soon as I can I’ll pm you!

lots of love and hugs, glad to see your back home here!


Hi. I've written a few letters to Alex in the past. How do I tell the old Alex from the other people at that email address? I think I can but I'm not entirely sure. I have two different addys for him. Thanks

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I get what you @painit4word is asking. I had a vendor that spent 5+years giving unbelievable service (speaking only for myself!) and its rough to not look back. I never lost money. I had some beautiful rosary beads which were nabbed--and we split the difference. The beads weren't the diamonds old school thought they were. It wasn't his fault. And then "something" happened. Not really sure partly because I went dark after "something" happened.  Figured it was a good time to just travel. (My daughter the attorney who spoke to old school on my behalf thought so too!) 

I knew somewhere along the line "Alex" wasn't the person I dealt with for years. I finally placed one order about 3 months later that took 3 weeks with so many excuses (not normal) and by then I had tapped out and travelled over to MX where my orders are sold OTC. The 3 week'ish letter showed up finally. Some of it his fault--and then some old school's fault which sent the letter to a PO a 100 miles away because the first part of the names were the same. 

I would love to have Alex back. IF the old Alex comes back. I am not sure if you are like me still figuring out bitcoin (I am now awaiting  confirmation from square) and looking at the BL section is one of the few ways to check out what's happening. So I get the question. 

Unfortunately we cannot give emails on this thread. I would say use the last one you sent to. I sent him a list of 5 questions which only he would know before I ordered just recently. And I mean questions from when we first "met" each other. 

I felt comfortable ordering then. I got mine. He was doing cash only but has since moved back to typical money services. 

I figure it's a risk every single time. I didn't have access to anyone else so I took the chance. 

That's my experience.  Again sorry for anyone who lost money. 

Just FYI: I did receive another letter from Alex. It took a bit longer based on what we all know is happening. I have branched out to another SY too just because of the times we live in but I will probably continue to use Alex too. 

For whatever its worth....

I received another letter from Alex. It looks like things are moving along now. So thankful! It was hard giving up a vendor of 6 years! 

I received another letter from Alex. It looks like things are moving along now. So thankful! It was hard giving up a vendor of 6 years! 
He’s had my money for almost a week and was supposed to be overnight. He said he took the day off to buy a present for his son then he had shipper issues etc. Now he’s not responding. I guess nobody has placed an order to pay for mine since that seems to be the way he does business. 

@KansasGal well shit! I am sorry you are in this position! Just when I think we have cleared a hurdle🤦‍♀️👀

This is exactly why I had to find another charity to help support. Hopefully it won't suck for much longer! 

@KansasGal well shit! I am sorry you are in this position! Just when I think we have cleared a hurdle🤦‍♀️👀

This is exactly why I had to find another charity to help support. Hopefully it won't suck for much longer! 

Oh @KansasGal I hope you did hear from him. Typically he doesn't reply over the weekend, at least to me anyway. Sucks. That's about the best way to sum it up. 

Oh @KansasGal I hope you did hear from him. Typically he doesn't reply over the weekend, at least to me anyway. Sucks. That's about the best way to sum it up. 
Dude.. I'm really not trying to be a dick here but more and more you sound like a shill. The guy is in the section for a reason and people, other than yourself, keep getting screwed. Stop cheerleading for the guy.

I finally got my letter but they were all counterfeit. These two pills are the same pill with the same markings? No way. They are very crumbly as well.




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@KansasGal OMG! This sucks! Thanks for updating. I have been holding off and actually used another vendor in order to "protect" myself from this kind of crap! I am sure it was only a matter of time for me too. 

If you need a shoulder to cry on or vent to (with!) PM me. 

I hate this for so many reasons. We need a good reliable SY who is taking new customers. 

I would be interested to know the outcome if you feel like posting it. 

I don't have a pending letter so I appreciate your updates. 

Dude.. I'm really not trying to be a dick here but more and more you sound like a shill. The guy is in the section for a reason and people, other than yourself, keep getting screwed. Stop cheerleading for the guy.
Well, dude for someone who wasn't trying to be a "dick" you didn't fare too well. 

If you would read a few of my posts you would see several things: 

I had my own problems with Alex. I haven't been explicit about the what but it was enough for me take a couple trips south to get what I needed. 

I joined this board after years of being off and discovered the SYs on here right now aren't either taking anyone new and/or they have a high minimum.  While I get it, that doesn't help some of us. 

Alex was good for many years. And until I came here (after my own experiences very recenty) I didn't have any idea he had degraded so much. My hope was that this was a temp happening.  

I have ordered from another vendor and updated in a "cheerleader" fashion  on his thread too. Again, our choices are a little limited today and I appreciate when others make positive OR negative posts so I have a clearer picture without PM'ing other members. 

It is rough to go through this crap vitually alone--I wanted to make sure @KansasGal knew it mattered to at least me. 

@KansasGal I'm really sorry to see this.  I've also had my fair share of bunk Watsons.  in fact I won't order them from any vendor regardless of their reputation.  Alex has been blacklisted for some now, what made you use him?  

@KansasGal I'm really sorry to see this.  I've also had my fair share of bunk Watsons.  in fact I won't order them from any vendor regardless of their reputation.  Alex has been blacklisted for some now, what made you use him?  
I’ve used him before with no issue. I hadn’t been on here in a while. He also said he had m three o seven in stock. I’m beyond pi$$ed. 

I waited a day for him to respond to my email to give him a chance to make it right but of course I’ve received zero response.

He’s responded to my email since I posted. He’s blamed everything from the elements (for them being crumbly) to Watson changing their formula. 

No. I’ve been in this way too long. I knew these were counterfeit the second I laid eyes on them. A fake also doesn’t make me piss clean for opiates. 🙄

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  4. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  6. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  7. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  8. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  11. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  15. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  18. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  19. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.