Hi all. I have had some terrifying experiences lately. First a little backstory. I have been on Benzos for about 25 years. I had bad panic attacks in the 90s and Doctors were handing them out like candy back then. My body quickly gets used to them so they maxed me out at 2mg 4x daily of xanax. My Doctor passed away about 3 years ago so I searched everywhere and finally found one that put me on Kpins at only 1mg 3 xdaily.
I cannot get used to this low dose. I have been having constant anxiety and insomnia for years now. My Doctor does nothing. He is a Psychiatrist and has never heard of P.A.W.s. I am not sure that is what I have but it would be nice to have a Doc that would look into it instead of just giving me Gabapentin ( which I admit, did help me sleep). Now he is taking me off those because he said the FDA is Scheduling those.
OK, now for my big problem. Sometimes I will go two or three days without sleep because of this. Now this has been happening for years and of course I would be tired and cranky, but that is it. The last 4 times I have gone without sleep, by the third day I will go into a Psychotic episode. I cannot function well enough to use my phone. If the house caught fire I would probably run into my room instead of leaving the house (the corner of my bedroom becomes a safe-zone, I know it makes no sense). I forget to eat and drink fluids. I think things are happening that are not. After one night of sleep this all goes away. I become "normal" again.
I cannot take anti-psychotics, I developed an extreme case of Tardive Dyskinesia once while in a detox unit. They gave me those while trying to detox from xanax. I wasn't having any psychotic symptoms so I assume this was a preventative measure. I had to be rushed to the E.R, they rolled the crash cart in there, pumped me full of benedryl, it was really bad but thank god it went away when the antihistamine kicked in. I was told never to take an anti-psychotic again, including Phenergren.
I do not think I need them anyway since sleep gets rid of the problem. I have not even discussed this with my Doctor b/c I know he would probably just try to up my dose of Prozac (every problem I have, he just ups my Prozac). He will not prescribe a sleeping pill, nor will he up my dose of Kpins, even though my body hasn't gotten used to the smaller dose.
I do not have an addiction specialist in my area. I am truly terrified of slipping into a psychotic state and not returning. I feel alone and helpless. I have a great husband but this really scares him when this happens to me. He has to go to work and is afraid to leave me alone. He caught me pouring myself a glass of Pine-sol that I thought was apple juice so he tries to "baby Proof" the house before he leaves for work.
BTW I did go to the E.R once and they told me to get some sleep and not let this happen?! I do not stay up on purpose. I do not use any stims. They gave me 2 Mgs of Ativan and sent me home as bad as when I came in.
I am sorry for the long post. Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on what I could take to sleep, or what is wrong with me? Why is this happening now? Any advice or opinions are welcome. Thank you in advance!
I cannot get used to this low dose. I have been having constant anxiety and insomnia for years now. My Doctor does nothing. He is a Psychiatrist and has never heard of P.A.W.s. I am not sure that is what I have but it would be nice to have a Doc that would look into it instead of just giving me Gabapentin ( which I admit, did help me sleep). Now he is taking me off those because he said the FDA is Scheduling those.
OK, now for my big problem. Sometimes I will go two or three days without sleep because of this. Now this has been happening for years and of course I would be tired and cranky, but that is it. The last 4 times I have gone without sleep, by the third day I will go into a Psychotic episode. I cannot function well enough to use my phone. If the house caught fire I would probably run into my room instead of leaving the house (the corner of my bedroom becomes a safe-zone, I know it makes no sense). I forget to eat and drink fluids. I think things are happening that are not. After one night of sleep this all goes away. I become "normal" again.
I cannot take anti-psychotics, I developed an extreme case of Tardive Dyskinesia once while in a detox unit. They gave me those while trying to detox from xanax. I wasn't having any psychotic symptoms so I assume this was a preventative measure. I had to be rushed to the E.R, they rolled the crash cart in there, pumped me full of benedryl, it was really bad but thank god it went away when the antihistamine kicked in. I was told never to take an anti-psychotic again, including Phenergren.
I do not think I need them anyway since sleep gets rid of the problem. I have not even discussed this with my Doctor b/c I know he would probably just try to up my dose of Prozac (every problem I have, he just ups my Prozac). He will not prescribe a sleeping pill, nor will he up my dose of Kpins, even though my body hasn't gotten used to the smaller dose.
I do not have an addiction specialist in my area. I am truly terrified of slipping into a psychotic state and not returning. I feel alone and helpless. I have a great husband but this really scares him when this happens to me. He has to go to work and is afraid to leave me alone. He caught me pouring myself a glass of Pine-sol that I thought was apple juice so he tries to "baby Proof" the house before he leaves for work.
BTW I did go to the E.R once and they told me to get some sleep and not let this happen?! I do not stay up on purpose. I do not use any stims. They gave me 2 Mgs of Ativan and sent me home as bad as when I came in.
I am sorry for the long post. Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on what I could take to sleep, or what is wrong with me? Why is this happening now? Any advice or opinions are welcome. Thank you in advance!