I got "popped" in the 4 letter snag in summer 2017. They never said anything about my tracking history.
They typically can't tell you where a delivery is internally with any degree of certainty, they struggle to get deliveries out on time due to various reasons but sometimes based on older, outdated technology, in my area they lost half their roof of a huge sort location and it took them weeks to find and sort deliveries--with a huge portion never delivered because it just overwealmed them. I am pretty certain ain't no real investments made into their technology.
AND no matter, it doesn't "prove" anything. Like stated above, in a year it has to be billions of (maybe even trillions) of clicks.
What I took away from my experience is not to use their on-line account. THAT is what was referenced. They wouldn't have been able to just casually locate me had it not been for that.

My fault. I got lazy.