Intro to bitcoin and wallets walkthrough

@DoomKitty  Monero has the right idea.  We should be shielding the sending and receiving addresses.  And at the same time, we should be allowed to control who can access a transaction or contract.  If you were to store medical records on the blockchain, you'd need to give over your hash, but at least you have a choice.  There are so many health privacy laws and HIPPA regulations that the research was over before it even started hah.  I'm usually more academic than practical.   I keep telling myself if I ever have enough time I'll contribute to one of the cryptocurrency codebases.  Monero's repository in C++ looks quite interesting.  Maybe I'll get to it in the next 15-20 years lol.

Would it be redundant to start a new or follow-up thread on Bitcoin wallets for people who already have Coinbase and CashApp accounts?  Maybe some suggestions on SECURE wallets (that aren't being actively targeted by hackers and nation states and other APT's).  Some advice on how to transfer/send money quickly and safely.  Also, if there are any time limits on when to move the money from Coinbase/CashApp?  If this is already posted somewhere, then my bad for not being the best forum user.  Also, how long can you keep the money in the wallet?  Does it loose value? 

In reply to myself above, maybe someone can do a step-by-step tutorial from purchasing funds through CashApp/Coinbase (obviously no need to repeat the OP, but to pick up from where he left off) to transferring and storing the funds in the wallets?  And then another section how to spend the money in the wallets?  i.e. just keep the BTC for a rainy day or explain how to conduct an immediate transaction with another user using their BTC address?  Again, if this is all explained somewhere else then I apologize for being lazy.

@Jesse How do I increase my weekly spend amount on Coinbase?  I also hear people getting kicked out for "inappropriate" spending. 
I'm not sure you can. I haven't had my weekly purchasing amount increased on Coinbase, but I have had the amount of time it takes for the coin to transfer decrease considerably after the first time I used it. The first time took about 10 days to transfer the coin to my personal wallet. Since then, it's taken a few hours.

And, yes, you can get kicked out of Coinbase if you send coin to anyone they've flagged. You should just transfer the coin to a personal wallet right away anyhow. Don't leave it sitting in Coinbase. As soon as it becomes available, transfer it to your personal wallet.

@Jesse Yeah I see what you mean, but if I can't get enough money to pay my vendors then what's the point, you know?

@Jesse Yeah I see what you mean, but if I can't get enough money to pay my vendors then what's the point, you know?
You'll likely want to use more than one service anyway. I've run into not being able to buy coin at various exchange sites, not because I'm over their weekly limit, but because they don't have any to sell. This happens especially when bitcoin prices drop and there's a run on buying them. Each exchange has its hassles, whether it's buying limits, or wait times, or high fees.


I’ve noticed that a nonzero amount of members are either hesitant to get payments set up with bitcoin, or have had a difficult time setting themselves up to purchase or transfer bitcoin. Coming from someone who was very new to crypto currencies 2 years ago, I understand where you guys are coming from. My goal with this is to hopefully make a short and easy to follow guide on how to get set up and ready with bitcoin, and some common myths or misconceptions surrounding bitcoin.

Intro: What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is an electronic currency and store of value(albeit one that fluctuates wildly). Bitcoin is stored in a wallet(represented with a long string of alphanumeric characters). There are services that hold your bitcoin for you, called exchanges. You are also able to hold bitcoin yourself in what is called cold storage. Examples of cold storage are Electrum, ledger, and trezor. There are more, but these are the most common. You are able to send and receive bitcoin with a certain amount of anonymity. Bitcoin transactions are NON REVERSIBLE and are NOT INSTANT. There are websites such as blockchain . com that allow you to track the progress of your transaction.

Below are ways to get bitcoin, and some pros and cons.

 1. Coinbase

Coinbase is the easiest way to set up purchasing bitcoin with your debit card or bank account. It will require you to verify your identity, and link your bank account and or debit card. Purchases with debit cards give you instant access to your bitcoin, where purchases with your bank account require 3-5 days to clear(obnoxious). It’s that easy! You make purchase using the TRADE button.

2. Sending bitcoin with coinbase

alright you bought your bitcoin after signing up and getting your account fully set up. In order to send bitcoin to another party, you need their RECEIVING address. Once you have the RECEIVING address copied, go to PORTFOLIO on the website. Scroll down to assets, and click on bitcoin. Click send bitcoin, paste the receiving address, and input the correct amount of bitcoin needed to make your transaction. Done!

3. Keeping your Coinbase account secure.

Some of you are going to have a large amount of money in Coinbase at some point and time, and I personally am aware of people who make a large sum of money attempting to steal from Coinbase. We want to avoid this. To lock your account down, we just need to practice correct account security practices! Use a password that you have not used elsewhere before, I personally have keepass2(a password manager) create and store a 64 character password that even I don’t know for my account. TURN ON 2 FACTOR AUTHENTICATION USING GOOGLE AUTHENTICATOR. Do NOT use text verification, as you can be a victim of sim swapping(google it). With those two steps, your account is for all intents and purposes non-accessible to anyone aside from yourself.

4. Issues with coinbase and general do-not’s

Coinbase is highly regulated and can at any time restrict or suspend/close your account if they feel what you are doing is against their terms of service, or the law. This can obviously cause some issues with a lot of things. Coinbase also has your bitcoin address tied to your identity, which is realistically not a problem for most people, but it is something to remember. I do not recommend sending funds directly from Coinbase for ANY purchase.

5. Avoiding Coinbase suspension.

awesome, you got your bank account linked and bought some bitcoin and are ready to make a purchase! You will need to transfer your bitcoin from Coinbase to a cold storage wallet.

6. Cold storage and how to use

I’m going to use electrum as the only example currently, if this guide is well received I will get into ledger next. 

6a. Google “electrum wallet” and download the version correct for your OS. Complete the install, set your password, and electrum is set up! To transfer your btc from Coinbase to your electrum wallet, click RECEIVE in electrum, copy the receiving address, and use step 2 from the guide to send bitcoin to your electrum wallet. You will receive confirmation of incoming mBTC(just a different way to show bitcoin value, you will have the same amount of money that you sent). You are now able to send bitcoin from your electrum wallet and avoid account suspension!! 

7. Droppin23, this all seems great but it seems like I can be easily identified due to Coinbase having my identification, how do I remain anonymous? 

To remain as anonymous as you can with bitcoin, with KYC implementation to localbitcoins, this is a bit more obnoxious than it used to be. The easiest(lol)way to anonymously purchase bitcoin is finding someone local to sell you bitcoin for cash. Depending on where you are this will be either super easy or legitimately not an option.

The second way that CAN be anonymous is using a bitcoin ATM. There will be a premium on price while using one of these, and you WILL NEED the QR code located on the RECEIVE tab in your electrum wallet. Make the purchase with cash, and scan your QR code when prompted. For purchases of less than $1000, you will need a phone number(can be temporary), and a name entry. For purchases of more than $1000, you will need to register with your ID, defeating the point of the anonymous thing. 

The third way is using localbitcoins to send a moneygram or other transfer service to purchase your bitcoin. There are many options for sellers with this. 

This was all kinda typed out last minute so let me know if this is helpful or useless or whatever you think. 

thank you for your help

question - I bought bitcoin on Coinbase and made a mistake - I think I bought “Bitcoin Cash” and in fact used “Bitcoin Cash” to make a donation

I wish that my funds were actually in regular “Bitcoin” but my 7 day wait to use funds sucks because I don’t think my vendor takes -   I have a balance can I move it in my account from “Bitcoin Cash” and place into

regular Bitcoin so it’s there to donate ? Or am I screwed and can’t move funds ?

i hope my Question makes sense 

thank you 🙏  

You'll likely want to use more than one service anyway. I've run into not being able to buy coin at various exchange sites, not because I'm over their weekly limit, but because they don't have any to sell. This happens especially when bitcoin prices drop and there's a run on buying them. Each exchange has its hassles, whether it's buying limits, or wait times, or high fees.
Alpha brought up Blockchain ( in another forum and I was so excited to use it.  You can purchase up to $30,000 and send it directly to your wallet, but when I went to register it said "Sorry not available in your area yet.  We will contact you".  I received an email the other day "Let's Get You Started" and I was SO excited, but it was just an advertisement.  They still don't work with clients in the USA.  I'm super bummed about that.

It seems like Coinbase may work out after all.  My weekly limit started at $300.00, but I made a few small transactions this week.  One for $250 and another for $15.

Today my limit is $738.00!!  Yesterday it was $650.00.  I guess it changes day to day with the stocks?

I did have a problem sending $250 to a vendor.  They placed me on a 72-hour hold.  I also tried sending to my Green wallet but still same 72-hour verification period, but I was able to override this by providing identification (AGAIN) and the transfer went through immediately!! 

I think my luck is starting to turn around :)  

Coinbase does instant transfers for me (no 3 to 5 day wait) as long as I use my debit card rather than my bank account. 

Coinbase does instant transfers for me (no 3 to 5 day wait) as long as I use my debit card rather than my bank account. 
I wanted to mention if I can that that is also true for me.  BUT - it’s weird it dropped my primary bank direct from my account (savings) and would not reconnect with it the other day.  It acted like it was going to then the cycle started again.   Assumed it was my bank,  but then it accepted my debit card and allowed that. Not sure why.  Didn’t ask - just left well enough alone . 

I think Coinbase rewards you based on volume and/or number of transactions because I am suddenly able to send 50% of my purchase immediately even using my bank account. I didn't ask for the privilege it just happened. Hopefully it won't take another 2 years to be able to send the whole thing immediately without having to do or change anything. 

Tried donating but will have to wait until I renew my DL. Created a coinbase account but verifcation failed as my DL expired a few months ago (even though the DMV gave me an online extension for 6 months due to corona virus). Looks like I will be trying to go to DMV monay. Bitcoin is the only donation type correct? Also i just disovered this forum and thank you for existing. i moved to the us from germany and have weekly physical therapy and they wont prescribe me pain medicine. i was being prescribed 10mg hydro's. the physical therapy usually lasts 4-5 days before its very bad and my pt teacher had a covid case in the  family 5 weeks ago and so couldnt go for 5 weeks. now im going monday again, its been miserable not having pain medicine or pt for that long.. wish they would just give me a presciption. anyways have a great evening everyone!

OK any bitcoin experts I need a big help. Sent BCH and receiver says they cannot obtain. Upon my reading it only takes a few steps for a receiver to obtain the BC H. It seems to be locked in block chain but it is there and it does show successful and it does show the proper Addy. At this point in time I have completely redone but I would prefer to have my BCH back absolutely I would be in tears if I can get my BCH back. I don’t want to overwhelm the vendor and explain how they can get it but there is a way that they can get it and it is sitting there. If anybody has any help please let me know. I selected the BCH option because it had less fees. I should’ve known better and went to old route. If there’s somebody that would prefer to PM me I am all game! I’ve had a really crappy go of it lately and I just need a damn break.

OK any bitcoin experts I need a big help. Sent BCH and receiver says they cannot obtain. Upon my reading it only takes a few steps for a receiver to obtain the BC H. It seems to be locked in block chain but it is there and it does show successful and it does show the proper Addy. At this point in time I have completely redone but I would prefer to have my BCH back absolutely I would be in tears if I can get my BCH back. I don’t want to overwhelm the vendor and explain how they can get it but there is a way that they can get it and it is sitting there. If anybody has any help please let me know. I selected the BCH option because it had less fees. I should’ve known better and went to old route. If there’s somebody that would prefer to PM me I am all game! I’ve had a really crappy go of it lately and I just need a damn break.
If the vendor offers a particular payment method, it's up to them to be able to know how it works well enough to receive the payment. You shouldn't have to explain their own payment method to them. If they didn't know how to receive BCH, they shouldn't have told people to pay that way.

I would say email @2earls and/or consider posting in that vendor's thread. They have no business doing this to you. Feels super-scammy to me.

Good luck!

@Deepnorth  i'm sorry that's happening.  what do you mean by "locked in blockchain"?  And what do you mean you "selected the bch option"?  Did the vendor tell you to pay in Bitcoin Cash or did the vendor tell you to pay in Bitcoin and you paid in Bitcoin Cash instead?  If its the former then yes the blockchain doesn't lie (again, not sure what "locked in blockchain" means).  If its the latter there is no way for the vendor to get that money.  Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are two different cryptos on two different blockchains, they don't work together at all.  All the new wallets use a different address format for Bitcoin Cash preventing the problem of people accidentally sending BCH instead of BTC or vice versa.  But if you are using a legacy wallet that problem persists.   Sorry for my confusion

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Hey guys not the vendor fault . 100% mine. I read where it was faster ya da ya da . Bit the counts sent to addy, not flags, nothing saying” hey heads up” be cautious. It flipped the addy ( which was done in real time) I could not see it. Sooooooooooo then I look in block chain and I’m like wtf. That’s not the addy BUT if you look at outgoing data it assisting a “cashapp number and if you drill down some more there is the addy. So I read up and watch 5 good hours of tutorials and yes the receiver can get. The simply issue the corresponding cashapp number it assigned with the super squirrel passcode/ word chain they gave to create. I think it seems too complex for them and it’s my fault. So now...... I’m trying to find a trusted miner or company to pay to claw it back. I can see the whole transaction and it shows unclaimed in one section. I am just not savvy enough. However looking at the info lots of people do it by accident (class action lawsuit apparently out there so it will not allow you to pass go). All that being said the Techie”s say it can be got. Anyone know any of these trusted companies that help you with problems for some coin? 😥 it would mean a lot to have it back. 

I am so sorry this happened to you.  If the vendor doesn't want to try to get Btc Cash or doesn't know how, then I believe it will sit there until claimed.   Here are some solutions you may have already tried and a company namethat can help you get it back possibly?  It looks like you have to create a Bitcoin Cash wallet so that it can be received back.  I hope this helps.  I know you sent Bitcoin Cash to a Bitcoin wallet so it is opposite of this, but still below may work.  Who knows.  This thread is also 3 years old and a lot has changed since then.  Let us know if you tried this and I will delete it if it's no longer good info.

Just to avoid confusion, this is copy and pasted from a reddit.  It's no one on here.  The large question is not from me, but started the thread that had some answers for @Deepnorth

I accidentally Sent Bitcoin to a Bitcoin Cash address. Is this lost forever or is there a way to retrieve it?


It was about $500 worth. I feel like an idiot!

Thanks in Advance Bit Bros!



81% Upvoted



level 2



1 point·3 years ago


If he sent to a Bitcoin Cash address he was using a Cash wallet..

level 1



2 points·3 years ago


Different chains, but same wallets and passwords

level 2



1 point·3 years ago


different wallet software, same wallet.dat files

level 1



2 points·3 years ago


Guys.. Did the same thing! But mailed and they sent me Gary aka The Saviour to answer.. And this was his message:

"Hi there,

Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) are two entirely separate cryptocurrencies and they operate on two entirely separate blockchains. This means that Bitcoin (BTC) sent to an address on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain will never appear nor be present on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. In this instance you seem to have sent a Bitcoin (BTC) transaction to an address in your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallet. Note that in the wallet you will have both a Bitcoin (BTC) and a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallet created by default.

You can do the following to retrieve your BTC from your BCH wallet:

  1. Press home in bottom left
  2. Press the + sign on the right of "Bitcoin Core Wallets"
  3. Press "New personal wallet". Enter a name for the wallet, for example "BTC recovery wallet"
  4. Ensure that the selected coin is BTC.
  5. Show advanced options
  6. Change “Random” to “Specify Recovery Phrase”
  7. Type your BCH wallet's recovery phrase (you can get it from Settings > [Name of your BCH wallet] > Backup)
  8. Make sure "Single address wallet” is turned OFF. You don't need to change the derivation path.
  9. Create wallet. If you get an error “Error creating wallet: Key already associated with an existing wallet”, continue to step 10 and select your existing BTC wallets instead of the newly created "recovery wallet" then follow the rest of the steps.
  10. If no error is shown go to Settings > [BTC recovery wallet] > More Options > Wallet Addresses
  11. Tap 'Unused Addresses' at least 20 times / until you get an "Empty addresses limit reached" message
  12. Tap 'Scan addresses for funds'
  13. Your Bitcoin (BTC) will now appear in your BTC recovery or existing BTC wallet.

Again although you can manage both Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallets in your wallet app you must not send BTC to a BCH address and vice-versa.



Finally got my BTC in my BTC wallet! All hail Gary!

level 1



2 points·2 years ago


I had the same problem: I transferred BTC to my Nano Ledger S BCH address.

I googled and found and opened a support case. They asked me for some details and then returned my funds.

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I am sure going to try! Thank you, I will do it when I can ultra quiet down my mind. This crypto just blows me away😊! I understand why it being recommended. I will post if I have luck!

@Deepnorth, I promise you once you get the hang of it and you find the bitcoin company and the wallet that suits you and is reliable, it is easy.  Send me a PM if you want to know my favorites.  I truly hope that thread I copied helps you.  

@HandsleyI sure appreciate the help but it did not seem to work. Again I’m still new at this game and I may have to chalk that one up. Although I still prefer it to anything else that’s out there right now I think people can forget the typical relays. They are just getting way too much into peoples business. Peace...

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!