
It's some stim analog of eutylone, but no one will say which one.  HIGHLY likely it's just more garbage like most analogs in that category.  There's also DU and a few others.  This has happened before when other things have been banned in the past, and suddenly there were new things with ridiculous code names.  Sometimes the code names were just ways to sell the overstock they had of the recently banned chemical.  I can understand wanting to get around whatever laws, but its a moronic way to try and sell something because hardly anyone is going to even buy it, which is the case with every once of the vendors here who are selling it.   Even if someone buys it and likes it most people in the RC scene wont take it more than once if they don't have at least SOME idea of how neurotoxic or cardiotoxic or mutagenic it can be.  Dumb all around but there's so much of that in the rc scene.   I mean BJC is generally considered the most trustworthy vendor from china, but he's still selling the fxe with 8% unknown stimulant and wont tell anyone what it is.  Could go on forever about all the wild stuff like that from almost every lab/vendor.  My personal opinion would be to avoid it and ignore it for the sake of harm reduction, at least until its true composition is revealed.  But that's me.  

They switched to "EU" "BU" and "DU" after their market research studies showed poor sentiment response for "Totally Not A Duffel-bag of Last Years A-d2pv."

We kid about this stuff, but it seems really reckless and unprofessional to refuse to identify the substances they're selling. Misrepresented (or un-identified) drugs are a great way to kill people :(

Sure, you never REALLY know what you're getting from any vendor until you test it...but selling a bag of rocks as just "a stimulant?" C'mon. Security-through-obscurity "code names" protect no-one.

Honestly I'd never do business with a vendor like this, period. I have to wonder how they stay in business...

Omg that a-d2pv is getting sold as everything.  So fucked up.  Just saw on drugsdata someone sent them what was sold to them as 3-h0-pcp and it was just a-d$pv.  There was a batch of that 1v-l$d last year on blotter that tested positive for a-d$pv.  Fxchemlab was selling a diclaz blotter that someone here sent off for testing and it was just BMDP, yet another shitty cath.   Dumping those crappy caths no one wants everywhere as anything.  I even think its trash that rare is still trying to sell that 2-fa that is 20% unknown contaminant they couldn't remove.  I mean it's cool they let people know, but maybe just take the L and try another batch.

Yea first i saw DU but I saw it less often then BU. The naming of most stuff was already misleading for most stuff (e.i. disso's). This just makes it that much worst imo.

Right on. I'm guessing some fl@kk@ synth went horribly wrong and left wholesalers with tons of this crap. (I'm only half-kidding!)

I had heard about the diclaz blotters, but not about the 1V or 3-ho! The 3-ho change is a great example of potentially getting someone killed. The blotter stuff is just baffling...I doubt you could get a threshold dose to stick to a blotter.

@k33tr01  Curious what disso names you find misleading?  I don't think i've seen one that didn't match a known substance who's structure could be looked at and theorized about. 

@k33tr01  Curious what disso names you find misleading?  I don't think i've seen one that didn't match a known substance who's structure could be looked at and theorized about. 
I'm no chemist so I can only say the ones that have conflicting/multiple names. dck for example. 2-Phenyl-2-(methylamino)cyclohexanone is the chemical structure. sometimes its called o-pcm, dxe,dck. theres also HXE the stim and HXE the disso.

  Dck makes sense cuz ketamine is 2-chlorophenyl-2-methylaminocyclohexanone so calling it DESchloro-ketamine basically just means ketamine without the chlorine.   Similar for hxe, changing the m for an h, cuz replacing the meo in the molecule with a ho.  I've never heard of hxe the stimulant.  Do you mean hex?   But yes i will agree the RC scene is filled with shady vendors doing shady things.   Especially when vendors try and call a chem something that will make it flashy, like your example of calling dck, which makes sense, dxe just becuase mxe was popular and they're trying to trick folks.   They did that with MXP trying to make it sound like mxe, and even billed it as a perfect replacement even though its in a completely different class of dissos.  Comparing things to mxe will be an endless advertising thing with dissos.  At least with hxe it makes sense as far as the molecule.   They mine as well rebrand o-pce as OXE. 

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Help needed!! New to ketamine. I’ve been using racemic K (Aranda MX brand)…can’t find isomer and am ignorant to the code names. I’ve only been using it for 3 months but have started having ket bladder symptoms. A bit freaked but wow, it’s psychologically addictive stuff. It SEEMS physically addictive as well, but that might just be mental dependence? I was hoping to find the more therapeutic isomer used in clinics to treat depression/PTSD. ANY tips??? Info on side effects?? Really needing some help here. 
I’ve also tried finding pure MDMA locally. I keep finding crap cut with stimulants. Is the research chem availability pretty dry??? Not finding much that looks legit. My vendor is the BEST but I really want to try the Isomer before trying to taper off completely. Currently using at least 60-100mgs per day! Would be beyond thankful for ANY advice!!!! 

Are there even any cathinones worth a shit on the market these day’s? Aphp was the last half decent one I had. 

I too am very interested in finding the s polymer ketamine 
Is S-polymer ketamine when you just jam the whole plastic baggie up your nose? ;)

(Now that I'm done being a smartass, let me try and be helpful.)

S(+) isomer ketamine is by far the most common for u/g sale. Just about everyone has it, including at least one vendor on the member forums.

R(-) isomer ketamine, I don't think anyone sells. It's not really desirable by itself, BUT it contributes the most to anti-depressant effects.

Racemic ketamine (S+/R-, a mix of the two entantiomers) is less potent mg for mg than S(+), but the addition of the R(-) makes it feel noticeably different, and increases the anti-depressant effects of K. Again, at least one member vendor carries racemic K.

(this poor thread has been thoroughly hijacked :)

@Jam1976 The more therapeutic isomer for depression _is_ the racemic you're currently getting :)


I manage to see the actual hexagonal structure for BU and it happens to have the magic attachment at the front as does many of the Empathogens but breaks up from the main hexagonal ring. Probably just altered and be honest it does resemble Dimethocaine....I took allot last night and it does work well enough for cheap price as basic stimulant ,,,but have to be very careful not to over load on it --it does attack the heart pretty hard. I truly think it's an SNRI ---! It does effect the body and takes about 30 minutes to go into work on the brain and probably ones body. Again in order to keep the rush coming gotta keep bumping just like Cocaine. Probably effects same sites in the brain but not as intense. Synthacaine 

OK OK I have few bumps right now of this BU IN me ahhhhh it's definitely NOT AN EMPATHOGEN but hey it's pretty much a mild Cocaine rush ----definitely no question gives shit load of energy ..;....Nothing ever will compare to one RC God made 4 MEC and had I know that Communist Govt China would cease production of old RCs I would have had C-130 with MIG fighters armed fly it right here.( Yes that damned good ).Imagine if PUTIN just went off and dictated to WASHINGTON DC bastards with time limit or launch all SS-18s on USA to allow all RCs and Meth asap? Oh and all WEED NOW-TOO ! ------Don't worry Biden would be trying to grope little girls in white house. Pathetic excuse for leader!   I would do it because the magic of BK-MDMA and best chem was 4 MEC ...wow Chinese really made that one good( perfect). But this BU I found out fast it is same structure as Dimethocaine and it is stimulant but not a Empathogen...But for cost beats cocaine and last hell of allot longer. I am pretty angered other countries get good RCs and creeps in Capital dictated like some foolish Dictators because of stupid Bath Salts long ago. RCs were not even in that crap back then...same idiots who push electric cars thinking it will happen...? 

SO to all you I guess this OLD RAVER guinea pigged for you all ...LMAO well last night hit it hard and I can tell you be careful IF YOU HAVE WEAK HEART ""seriously"" it does push it hard ---probably how it is designed ,,But yes it will definitely keep you very awake for sure.SO this BU is pretty much Synthacaine and definitely a stimulant --Not anything to Rave about but not too bad. Probably 3x as strong as pharmacuetical Adderall. but it pushes the heart beat reminds me of old  Butylone.. Oh one other thing it seems to dehydrate you allot too. Yes it really does bring on Tachycardia so if you suffer problems with weak heart I absolutely would stand clear ....!  I can tell you you will feel it in the brain as it does what it does...but be I am going much lighter and it is real! 

Sorry but WHO IN GOD"S NAME would say any Politician or past politician give any RAT' S ASS about peoples health safety or lives? They think they are doing population benefits with more and more laws to dictate. This is deeply personal as it's like taking happiness purposely away for their satisfaction. I don't ; care if they old they are FORCE MONGERS and guess what LOOK UP RENDELSHAM AIR FORCE BASE 1980 higher power handed military serious message  and DISSAPPEARENCE of 2 jet fighters in 1962 Intercepted UFOS in Michigan at Nuclear reactors but that never went mainstream  --that is who we need as leaders --advanced intelligent life forms not creeps for agendas. Only reason they will NEVER EVER confiscate arms is not Second Amendment but total CIVIL WAR and unrest that would ensue. I hear so much of what UK  is like and we do have more freedoms because we had original leaders who saw England ! Ok I'm ranting but  feel like sheeple as few CREEPS have power and power few years ago to rule so ,many with their desires.  Well maybe they will engineer super feel good Chem in the future and caring Leader will command them to help the people ? hey call it NUKE ahh ROBO COP movie.    

Compliments of the esteemed Borax :) It's a cath stim like a combo of 3mmc and NEP.

"BU" is 1-(benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)-2-(cyclohexylamino)propan-1-one or 3,4-Methylenedioxy-α-Cyclohexylaminopropiophenone.

Cayman Chems has a reference sample, see PDF screenshot.

Apparently this surfaced on Dopek a few weeks ago:
'More simply, this is MDMC with N-Cyclohexl. My lab contact confirmed it.  Its effects are similar to the mixture of 3mmc and NEP, but the feeling of euphoria is completely different. Effective even in small doses, long-lasting, I recommend.'


Definitely NOT old good chems hands down on that one. For what it does they should literally throw you samples of 50 grams or more. Not worth doing this allot for sure. Don't really know if causes any real stimulation but absolutely not empathogen or enactogen what so ever. Hell old Methylone would definitely do that about 75% to 85 % of what real Molly did back in the day, but now my guess and just speculation here some of the Chinese manage to salvage massive amounts of junk they never promoted back in the day because it would have instantly Failed against the real good ones. What I want to know IS WHO or what SITE STILL HAS THE GOOD ONES>>>>>? Forget China that would be firing squad automatic I assume. Got to be in Europe or somewhere? Let me know please...want the good old ones asap!🤩😛

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?