Here is my take on the situation for people that don't want to backtrack and read the entire thread:this thread is really confusing me, there's positive reviews but its in the black list does anyone wish to fill me in on why this is?
i remember they were scamin a while bak but by the sounds of things there bak up and running
Yeah I'm glad they came through in the end because it was my first time having a package taken and it was very stressful. And considering I suffer from severe anxiety, that didn't make it any better. I was completely paranoid at the time, but alls good that ends well.Hi guys, I'm back and about to coat myself in my remaining football supply I'm so fucking stressed out, but before
Dkaramazov, Hey that was cool of them to do extras. You are one of the few folks I've heard to have one seized and I've always (fearfully) wondered what it would be like if it happened to me. So glad to hear they made it up to you. These guys are getting a tad "greyer" as the weeks roll by.
I'm placing an on Friday after I get paid. Just doing the usual but will of course keep y'all posted.
Good vibes to everyone.
Digi. FX does deliver on Saturday, just these folks don't mark Saturday delivery. Try going to the carrier site and instead of picking US, pick the origin country and enter your TN. Long shot, but ya never know. Some things don't travel at the speed of light on upload to USA but may be in the carrier system down there. DON'T get your hopes up on that but worth a shot. Your doorbell will ring tomorrow with the right thing. Have faith bro. S-Alright so no package today and still no working tracking number.
I do have faith today that it will show tomorrow. (does anyone know if fedex delivers on saturdays?)
I am going to hang in there until around 7 o clock tonight to see if the tracking works, if it doesnt then it is probably just a faulty tracking and nothing to worry about.
However if it doesnt show tomorrow I think I should start to become a little worried just because they have not replied to numerous emails I have sent them, it has been almost a week, the tracking isnt working and obviously my package will not have shown.
Until then I am just going to get through this and hope some sign of light shows like a whole hearted email back from them or that my tracking starts to work.
Did anyone else receive anything today (wed)
MY biggest beef is I wish they had some set dates of the week that they shipped so you would know before hand regardless of having a tracking or not, but some people are receiving on modays, some on tuesdays and thursdays and for me it was on a wed.
This is a big wake up call though, my next goal is to get a TON of backups and airtight seal them likle S- told me I should do. No one should go through this kind of pain and paranoia. I just need to gather a ton of funds and say to myself "you need this sealed and locked away" and I can always refer back to this thread to see what I exactly went through as a harsh reminder.
/default_sad.png But 2 out of 3 ain't bad. S-I'm saying this to remind myself as much as I'm reminding Digial, that in fairness to Palmira they do say expect in 5-7 days. Sometimes we get spoiled and see it practically the next day, and sometimes we sweat the full 7 or even a couple more (not including when they completely split for holy holidays, I'm referring to their "normal' routine.) Digial, didn't you order on the 9th?
I just place my order for the Z's and A's and I'm pissed because I forgot to throw in some D's. Oh well...
Now I have that Meatloaf song in my head!/default_sad.png But 2 out of 3 ain't bad. S-
Now I have that Meatloaf song in my head!