A few pages up will tell the story in detail but in a broad spectrum what I have gathered is they were emailing people offering us to us shipping via w/u and then scamming people. Correct me if I am wrong but that is what I read.
The other big issue is they are selling 2 mg alps and giving you zolps instead.
Other than that from everyone I have spoken to including myself they have received promptly with overnight fedex except on a few occasions such as a customs battle in Canada.
Bottom line this is a blacklist section and it is here for a reason but its really up to you what you want to do with your money just if you do decide to order DO NOT USE WU or any kind of money gram. Everyone who has said positive things has used ONLY C/C
I for one just placed a HUGE bulk order a few hours ago and I asked if they could ship it tomorrow and provide a fedex tracking.
It has been said they only ship on tuesdays and thursdays but after my last order roughly a week ago they shipped it on a Wed. so anything is possible.
I'll keep you guys posted.
I think the whole grey list idea someone brought up would be a great addition especially for a place like this to earn its cred back. With deals like they have its almost unholy to see them in the blacklist, such a shame, they could have made billions if they didnt do those few stupid things.
To each his own.