I have a decent track record with these folks 4/4, good communication, tracking and lately discount shipping to make up for their "donation" charge. I did encounter the same issue dawhizzer had concerning the little white tabs they call alps, they are zolps, good for sleep though, On the other hand, Digial's experience about the cheapest alps being substituted with the more expensive footballs has been the same for me with all 4 orders. As far as the tiny white tabs, I understand the risk every time I order from an IOP and considering the great quality of the other items I received, it's a wash. Their customer service rocks, my most recent order charged to my CC then, 4 days later another pending charge appeared for even more dinero! I contacted them and they immediately corrected the error, it was a data entry issue. The charge never went through and they were extremely apologetic for the error. I suggest using Prepaid CC with them so you do not encounter the same problem, unless of course your are able to speak Spanish /default_unsure.png