Guess who knocked on my door this morning. I got a reship. Good, yet very unexpected news. Bad news: the reship STILL HAS THOSE BLOODY MYSTERY PILLS IN IT! I wrote a detailed email asking Maria to fix this mess, basically. I don't even care about getting some money back. I just want my old football friends. I also know my nosey carrier is DYING to know what's going on. Had I known they were sending more out, I'd have given a different address.
Today is insanely stressful, so I MAY try a full mystery pill, though now that I think about, I won't. I have to go in to work tomorrow (I usually work from home), and if I have some weird "result" from these oddball things, I don't want to come in looking like road kill.
One take away from this debacle is that they do seem to be shipping on the slower side. But again, we were being pretty spoiled there for a while. Try not to panic until after 10 days have gone by.