What's up Mac? Haven't seen you around for a while. Everything cool?
I've had a similiar experience with another vendor from this board. They ship from the UK mostly, but they process their payments through China. As soon as the Chinese tranx appeared my card it got shut down. I had to call to reactivate it, and okay the "flagged" Chinese transaction.
I remember, it was funny. I talked to the vendor on the phone and they said something to the affect of, don't tell them your buying pharmacuutakills. At least it seemed funny at the time. Had to be there I guess.
Anyway, they bank never got wind of the pharm tranx and so the purchase went through. Maybe this element of secrecy is important to maintaining an active credit card?
It sounds like it wasn't exactly that simple for you though.
Hey,I registered a couple hrs. ago on Top 10 Meds....still showing Customer Authorization Pending so I can't see the meds they carry.
Do they have cyclobenza's, zolpidem, val's, vic's/lorcet, fior's?
Given all the positive feedback + the fact I'm dangerously low on my benzo's & others, no thanx to Hawaii's Dr.'s, I look forward to ordering from TTM asap.
Question re. payment: a few yrs. ago I'd ordered fior's from a vendor who was supposedly in the U.S. I'd ordered from them many times before.
But, this time, my bank at the time rejected the charge. After going to the bank, speaking to the manager & a 3 way call between the vendor, bank manger & myself, came to find out the fio's came from Malaysia....Hence, the bank rejection. I got around it by getting a prepaid M/C which later became a problem when the vendor only took VISA /default_angry.png ~~~
Has anyone else had this problem?
What payment types does TTM take? Has anyone in the U.S. had the charge rejected due to the fact it is meds from over seas? If so, what is the best way to pay for meds ordered from TTM from the U.S.
ALOHA /default_cool.png
I've had a similiar experience with another vendor from this board. They ship from the UK mostly, but they process their payments through China. As soon as the Chinese tranx appeared my card it got shut down. I had to call to reactivate it, and okay the "flagged" Chinese transaction.
I remember, it was funny. I talked to the vendor on the phone and they said something to the affect of, don't tell them your buying pharmacuutakills. At least it seemed funny at the time. Had to be there I guess.
Anyway, they bank never got wind of the pharm tranx and so the purchase went through. Maybe this element of secrecy is important to maintaining an active credit card?
It sounds like it wasn't exactly that simple for you though.
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