Me neither.Did they change their address or something? www.top10medsonline.com isn't working for me.
Me neither.Did they change their address or something? www.top10medsonline.com isn't working for me.
Their T3's work great for my sciatica. I try not to take very often thus my tolerance if quite low. I can even take half and sit/work for hours without the normal pain issues. Sorry but not sure what "shady" means here.From what ive read everyone keep saying the pax is great. Im still waiting on my pax. The adco alzam and rivotril are great.
Dont go for the codeine they have a little shady side effects.
Sorry for not having more info.
What Heisenberg said.Their T3's work great for my sciatica. I try not to take very often thus my tolerance if quite low. I can even take half and sit/work for hours without the normal pain issues. Sorry but not sure what "shady" means here.
Thank you, Opiated. I really appreciate the kind words. Go figure, the package I gave up for lost was marked July 11th, so there is hope still? I never had this situation before for a couple years (maybe like an order coming 7 days late ... in total 3 weeks time which is still faster than some average IOPs I've dealt with. But as you know things can change on a dime. I was happy the order came to complete everything for delivery sake, but I was skeptical about the benzo I tried, loramet 2mg ... I don't think their sample was worth it. Took all ten eggs and felt nothing, but could have been my tolerance? Live and learn I guess. Weird how everyone praises PAX 5 or 10mg ... I think betapam are pretty weak too, but I feel something after taking several, and the price is very fair. This is my assessment blistered or not. I also know lactose far exceeds the medicine for the betapam. Cheers m8!Great revieew Peth. I'm still missing my July 11th, out of 10 orders 1 letter isn't bad. As for insurance, I'm not buying it any more as They still haven't re-shipped the July 11th. Been working on that since end of 4th week as per their protocol. It was very in expensive item, but principal of the point. Opiated-
Do you know you import rules in your country?i am a little confused about a product off ttm and would appreciate you opinion greatly!
back in early june, i ordered r1t@ from them and it never arrived. mid july i thought oh well, probably lost, when i got a letter from customs, saying they need to evaluate the content. i was freaking out, only hope i had left was that it was a very small order and the police here in german capital has a lot to do. anyways, today the package came, everything has been opend and closed again by customs. now what do you think it means? either, the product is fake and customs found that out for me or the customs are just stupid, which is at the same time likely and unlikely, because there was the medical paper which explained exactly which product was the content of the package. now, the product was shipped as a letter without signature, so it doesnt make sense for police to see if i accept, bc i dont have to. what is your guess?
If you are from germany you might take a look at it again. You are a part of the EEA countries (European Economic Area)nope, in my country its not even legal to import one single pill of aspirin. and the med i ordered is not a prescription but an even stronger controlled med. so definitely not legal. not to get it here, not to get it from europe, and absolutely not to get it from south africa. thats why i am so confused.
but after my first little panic wave i counted and there is not one pill missing.which means they didnt test it in a laboratory, unless ttm put one more in the bag. now i think that i just got really lucky and either they didnt care or they messed up and accidentaly sent it back. usually anything illegal they find the least they have to do is destroy it. weird.
nope, in my country its not even legal to import one single pill of aspirin. and the med i ordered is not a prescription but an even stronger controlled med. so definitely not legal. not to get it here, not to get it from europe, and absolutely not to get it from south africa. thats why i am so confused.
but after my first little panic wave i counted and there is not one pill missing.which means they didnt test it in a laboratory, unless ttm put one more in the bag. now i think that i just got really lucky and either they didnt care or they messed up and accidentaly sent it back. usually anything illegal they find the least they have to do is destroy it. weird.
My last order seemed to be opened and closed again too whit a imprint from customs. Im from Germany too. I was a little confused but stoped thinking about...i am a little confused about a product off ttm and would appreciate you opinion greatly!
back in early june, i ordered r1t@ from them and it never arrived. mid july i thought oh well, probably lost, when i got a letter from customs, saying they need to evaluate the content. i was freaking out, only hope i had left was that it was a very small order and the police here in german capital has a lot to do. anyways, today the package came, everything has been opend and closed again by customs. now what do you think it means? either, the product is fake and customs found that out for me or the customs are just stupid, which is at the same time likely and unlikely, because there was the medical paper which explained exactly which product was the content of the package. now, the product was shipped as a letter without signature, so it doesnt make sense for police to see if i accept, bc i dont have to. what is your guess?
@dag175 (NO REAL DISCUSSION ??)Is there a new website? The original I have always ordered from has been down for a couple days now is this usual? I've seen a few mention it but no real discussion about it