I can tell you with TT you will get what you pay for. There is a top, middle, bottom choice of manufacturers on most their meds for you to choose. Skimp and you'll be sorry. I've learned at DBG to investigate manufacturers - you can easily find reviews on internet about these drug manufacturers and opinions.
Then there's the individual factor, where some people respond to fillers, binding, whatever and different brands work better with their receptors - some of them just NO NO DON'T BUY! That's for you for find out.
Re: benz I don't dance with V myself, I prefer different letter of alphabet. So can't help you there. Sorry.
Regarding question on muscle relaxers. You said the Flex are too sedating for you (I'm wondering what dose they started you out on since I have max dose prescribed 3x/day and can't sleep.......) When I first started on them I could tell they might be sedating for some people, because I felt a little relaxed.
Back low-fen - I also have had scripts for it but just doesn't work for my muscle spasms.
I give B's to my grown son occ cuz he gets terrible spasms in his neck (you can feel the knots).
They work great for him and he says don't sedate him at all. He doesn't take anything much so low tolerance and doctors have also told me B is less sedating of the major skeletal muscle relaxers.
Ck for yourself, but I've never heard of anyone having a bad side effect to just B taken alone. I won't say there might be forbidden combinations of meds you should investigate before trying but believe it could be
what you are wanting.
Ul tram / Tra mad0l might help your pain. Some people tell me that they work. I was already on stronger meds and didn't help me.
Read side effects on these! - after I started taking this, I didn't sleep AT ALL, not 5 min, for 3 days. Finally (duh) I looked up SE and less than 1% experience sleeplessness with this med - That's Me. <1% chance
TT is a great vendor and I would definitely recommend them to you. Might want to start with small orders.
BTW - TT will only accept an order from you every 10 days, no sooner - so get what you might want or want to try.......otherwise wait 10 days, plus shipping time.