If you check their forum, or perhaps even the item description I'm not sure, you'll find the Hi~dro is dihi~dro. I think this is why it gets such bad feedback, which is what I said several pages back so I won't blame you for missing it. Those who have commented on the co~dean seem to think it's pretty good.
As for the Alps, everyone agrees the quality is reflected in the price. That part has been repeated, as H-man says,
ad nauseum. /default_wink.png I'm not kicking your can, but it's pretty much true with most everything in life. Same with TTM. Those with a low tolerance are okay with the unmarked footballs, for me one Al~zam and I'm ready for a nap. I've never personally tried anything else on the bz list but the tranqui~pam, which is mild to say the least. Hope that helps my friend.
Al zams are good you say. I have only tried mylan. But both pax and betapam seem to be top not in the valory department