Finally got OK'd for TT. As some of you know, after my move to the U.S. string of islands in the Pacific, it's been impossible to get even one of the med's I've been on & need for fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, lumbar radiculitis, chronic migraines, PTSD, etc. Countless visits to docs, inc. the only "Pain Management" docs on the island, whose idea of PM is dangerously taking me off all meds cold turkey.
After going over TT's inventory & what I need, I would really appreciate your knowledge & advise as I've never ordered from an IOP & TT before:
1. Is it safer to order one lg. order or 2-3 small orders separately?
2. Anxiety: Vali's: I've read so many posts about their quality, PAX is good, bad, weak........any input on the Pax 10mg 90 tab vs. Betapam ~ Can't afford the blue non-gen Val /default_sad.png
3. Sleep: Amb#en 10 mg ~ Difference b'tween Adco-Zolpidem vs Ivedal???
4. Migraine: Fior works! TT says they have Fio but it's St/lpane which has a completely different make up. Fio is butalbital/APAP/caffeine while Stilpane is
meprobamate/paracetamol/codeine/caffeine ~~~ I'm far from a pharmacologist but these don't seem remotely alike. The only time I can use codeine is
cough med.
5. Muscle relaxers: 20 mg Flex/cyclobenz works for me before sleep but they don't have them. Took soma long time ago & was so out of it for quite awhile, no thanx /default_blink.png . After reading about the muscle relaxers they do have, I have no idea where to begin. They have baclof*n,robox/n,norf#e* ~ Any opinions & input about what they have closest to the Flex that works for me would be great!
6. Pain: Was on Vic's, then L@rc*t, then N@rc's ~ All work great. Never taken Tram, don't have a clue about it or how much to order to cut my pain vs the hydro's I've been on. TTM has Tram's & I've have seen many posts of ppl on them. Plx let me know the difference & how much Tram would be as equal as possible to the hydro I've been on (have had to take 3 10/325 n@rc's for any relief).
Really appreciate everyone's help with this. Really sucks in my new location that no docs, esp. "pain management" docs won't prescribe even 1 of these meds...going off of them cold turkey seems far more dangerous then at least weening off. They should go work at a rehab or 12 step....gggrrrhhhh. The term "Health Care" is such a joke & major oxymoron now.
Thanx again everyone!!!
ALOHA /default_cool.png