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Exactly someone needs to say it if it happens. Its been 7 weeks. And Im not not considering scam untill I get a Seizure letter. I would let it slide if it were 1 or 2 orders. 3 order simply does not get lost.
Did you follow the TN and see where it ended? A yes or no is best on the forum, don't give a location.

I want to place an order with TTMO but I haven't used them in a few months.. I actually haven't placed any orders since about Christmas with Palmira and the infamous overnight packages... sigh /default_sad.png .. Anyway, from what I gather TTMO is still the best bet for the product I'm interested in, however I seem to remember having trouble getting the charge to go through on both my Greendot Prepaid Visa and my Paypower Prepaid Visa... both of which are supposed to be able to make overseas transactions. As I recall I ended up giving my girlfriend at the time money to put into her bank account and we just used her bank card, but unfortunately that isn't an option at this point and I currently do not have one... Who here has experience ordering from TTMO with a prepaid card and what card do you use? Also, how do you go about authorizing the transaction to make sure it doesn't get bounced back? I would like to place my order Monday to get it into transit as I have let myself get dangerously low on my anxiety meds, yet again.. If anyone could help, your time is much appreciated. Thanks Guys!!!

I want to place an order with TTMO but I haven't used them in a few months.. I actually haven't placed any orders since about Christmas with Palmira and the infamous overnight packages... sigh /default_sad.png .. Anyway, from what I gather TTMO is still the best bet for the product I'm interested in, however I seem to remember having trouble getting the charge to go through on both my Greendot Prepaid Visa and my Paypower Prepaid Visa... both of which are supposed to be able to make overseas transactions. As I recall I ended up giving my girlfriend at the time money to put into her bank account and we just used her bank card, but unfortunately that isn't an option at this point and I currently do not have one... Who here has experience ordering from TTMO with a prepaid card and what card do you use? Also, how do you go about authorizing the transaction to make sure it doesn't get bounced back? I would like to place my order Monday to get it into transit as I have let myself get dangerously low on my anxiety meds, yet again.. If anyone could help, your time is much appreciated. Thanks Guys!!!
To use a Greendot Visa for international purchases you have to register with Green dot and they send you a card with your name on it and then it should work fine. Thats what I had to do for TTM and now it goes through everytime.

I've dealt with TopTenMeds since 2011 and the demise of the other IOP in South Africa MM (Midnight Moon), which unfortunately tanked. But this IOP is good from South Africa. Out of roughly 30 orders (give or take) and over 60 packages, I thought I lost one during mid July (while the site domain name changed). But I just got it!!! =) Regardless I only got one of my two packages, I was still fairly content, just concerned. The only thing I may have reservations about this site is their quality. The delivery may be risky too depending on where you live. It isn't the company's fault, but obviously mail can be stolen and the only insurance is to pay a huge extra amount, which to be honest is not worth it. If you are a person that doesn't like your order (packages) divided, then you may want to try elsewhere. The pain meds are perhaps a little shady, butt the cod 60mg is good (try a sample pack if skeptical). For some reason, I like the betapam versus the blistered Pax 5mg much better and they are slightly cheaper, but they're definitely weaker than any traditional 5mg from your local pharm. Still such a good bargain in bulk. The other benzos (e.g. roche vals are obviously better and equal in potency with local pharms, but far more expensive). Just be cautious what you buy as quality and pricing varies greatly in this IOP. Among my favorite IOPs and been using dozens since early 2007.

Delivery : 9.5 / 10

Delivery time : 9 / 10

Ordering convenience : 10 / 10

Packaging : 8.5 / 10

Pricing : 7 / 10

Quality : 5 / 10 (depends, but on average)

Overall : 8.5 / 10

Hope this helps people.

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I know, I was confused by that too, I was thinking he must mean 12 of July.
Sorry about that young, I should have clarified, I read this entire thread to decide whether to buy, and I read about those lost orders. I'm just anxious is all, because I want to make a second order lol. 

That's alright, I was aware what you intentionally meant. Yes a month of waiting is a long time and it may show up but it isn't an ideal time frame when so many others are getting very fast deliveries. I hope it's just a one time occurrence. I don't know what the customer sales team is like but you might ask for free shipping after explaining your situation and saying you want to remain a customer.



Finally got OK'd for TT. As some of you know, after my move to the U.S. string of islands in the Pacific, it's been impossible to get even one of the med's I've been on & need for fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, lumbar radiculitis, chronic migraines, PTSD, etc. Countless visits to docs, inc. the only "Pain Management" docs on the island, whose idea of PM is dangerously taking me off all meds cold turkey.

After going over TT's inventory & what I need, I would really appreciate your knowledge & advise as I've never ordered from an IOP & TT before: 

1. Is it safer to order one lg. order or 2-3 small orders separately?

2. AnxietyVali's: I've read so many posts about their quality, PAX is good, bad, weak........any input on the Pax 10mg 90 tab vs. Betapam ~ Can't afford the blue non-gen Val  /default_sad.png

3. Sleep: Amb#en 10 mg ~ Difference b'tween Adco-Zolpidem vs Ivedal???

4. Migraine: Fior works! TT says they have Fio but it's St/lpane which has a completely different make up. Fio is butalbital/APAP/caffeine while Stilpane is  

     meprobamate/paracetamol/codeine/caffeine ~~~ I'm far from a pharmacologist but these don't seem remotely alike. The only time I can use codeine is 

     cough med.

5. Muscle relaxers: 20 mg Flex/cyclobenz works for me before sleep but they don't have them. Took soma long time ago & was so out of it for quite awhile, no thanx /default_blink.png . After reading about the muscle relaxers they do have, I have no idea where to begin. They have baclof*n,robox/n,norf#e* ~ Any opinions & input about what they have closest to the Flex that works for me would be great!

6. Pain: Was on Vic's, then L@rc*t, then N@rc's ~ All work great. Never taken Tram, don't have a clue about it or how much to order to cut my pain vs the hydro's I've been on. TTM has Tram's & I've have seen many posts of ppl on them. Plx let me know the difference & how much Tram would be as equal as possible to the hydro I've been on (have had to take 3 10/325 n@rc's for any relief).   

Really appreciate everyone's help with this. Really sucks in my new location that no docs, esp. "pain management" docs won't prescribe even 1 of these meds...going off of them cold turkey seems far more dangerous then at least weening off. They should go work at a rehab or 12 step....gggrrrhhhh. The term "Health Care" is such a joke & major oxymoron now.

Thanx again everyone!!! 

ALOHA  /default_cool.png


Finally got OK'd for TT. As some of you know, after my move to the U.S. string of islands in the Pacific, it's been impossible to get even one of the med's I've been on & need for fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, lumbar radiculitis, chronic migraines, PTSD, etc. Countless visits to docs, inc. the only "Pain Management" docs on the island, whose idea of PM is dangerously taking me off all meds cold turkey.

After going over TT's inventory & what I need, I would really appreciate your knowledge & advise as I've never ordered from an IOP & TT before: 

1. Is it safer to order one lg. order or 2-3 small orders separately?

2. AnxietyVali's: I've read so many posts about their quality, PAX is good, bad, weak........any input on the Pax 10mg 90 tab vs. Betapam ~ Can't afford the blue non-gen Val  /default_sad.png

3. Sleep: Amb#en 10 mg ~ Difference b'tween Adco-Zolpidem vs Ivedal???

4. Migraine: Fior works! TT says they have Fio but it's St/lpane which has a completely different make up. Fio is butalbital/APAP/caffeine while Stilpane is  

     meprobamate/paracetamol/codeine/caffeine ~~~ I'm far from a pharmacologist but these don't seem remotely alike. The only time I can use codeine is 

     cough med.

5. Muscle relaxers: 20 mg Flex/cyclobenz works for me before sleep but they don't have them. Took soma long time ago & was so out of it for quite awhile, no thanx /default_blink.png . After reading about the muscle relaxers they do have, I have no idea where to begin. They have baclof*n,robox/n,norf#e* ~ Any opinions & input about what they have closest to the Flex that works for me would be great!

6. Pain: Was on Vic's, then L@rc*t, then N@rc's ~ All work great. Never taken Tram, don't have a clue about it or how much to order to cut my pain vs the hydro's I've been on. TTM has Tram's & I've have seen many posts of ppl on them. Plx let me know the difference & how much Tram would be as equal as possible to the hydro I've been on (have had to take 3 10/325 n@rc's for any relief).   

Really appreciate everyone's help with this. Really sucks in my new location that no docs, esp. "pain management" docs won't prescribe even 1 of these meds...going off of them cold turkey seems far more dangerous then at least weening off. They should go work at a rehab or 12 step....gggrrrhhhh. The term "Health Care" is such a joke & major oxymoron now.

Thanx again everyone!!! 

ALOHA  /default_cool.png
From what ive read everyone keep saying the pax is great. Im still waiting on my pax.  The adco alzam and rivotril are great.

Dont go for the codeine they have a little shady side effects.

Sorry for not having more info.

Great revieew Peth. I'm still missing my July 11th, out of 10 orders 1 letter isn't bad. As for insurance, I'm not buying it any more as They still haven't re-shipped the July 11th. Been working on that since end of 4th week as per their protocol. It was very in expensive item, but principal of the point. Opiated-


Finally got OK'd for TT. As some of you know, after my move to the U.S. string of islands in the Pacific, it's been impossible to get even one of the med's I've been on & need for fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, lumbar radiculitis, chronic migraines, PTSD, etc. Countless visits to docs, inc. the only "Pain Management" docs on the island, whose idea of PM is dangerously taking me off all meds cold turkey.

After going over TT's inventory & what I need, I would really appreciate your knowledge & advise as I've never ordered from an IOP & TT before: 

1. Is it safer to order one lg. order or 2-3 small orders separately?

2. AnxietyVali's: I've read so many posts about their quality, PAX is good, bad, weak........any input on the Pax 10mg 90 tab vs. Betapam ~ Can't afford the blue non-gen Val  /default_sad.png

3. Sleep: Amb#en 10 mg ~ Difference b'tween Adco-Zolpidem vs Ivedal???

4. Migraine: Fior works! TT says they have Fio but it's St/lpane which has a completely different make up. Fio is butalbital/APAP/caffeine while Stilpane is  

     meprobamate/paracetamol/codeine/caffeine ~~~ I'm far from a pharmacologist but these don't seem remotely alike. The only time I can use codeine is 

     cough med.

5. Muscle relaxers: 20 mg Flex/cyclobenz works for me before sleep but they don't have them. Took soma long time ago & was so out of it for quite awhile, no thanx /default_blink.png . After reading about the muscle relaxers they do have, I have no idea where to begin. They have baclof*n,robox/n,norf#e* ~ Any opinions & input about what they have closest to the Flex that works for me would be great!

6. Pain: Was on Vic's, then L@rc*t, then N@rc's ~ All work great. Never taken Tram, don't have a clue about it or how much to order to cut my pain vs the hydro's I've been on. TTM has Tram's & I've have seen many posts of ppl on them. Plx let me know the difference & how much Tram would be as equal as possible to the hydro I've been on (have had to take 3 10/325 n@rc's for any relief).   

Really appreciate everyone's help with this. Really sucks in my new location that no docs, esp. "pain management" docs won't prescribe even 1 of these meds...going off of them cold turkey seems far more dangerous then at least weening off. They should go work at a rehab or 12 step....gggrrrhhhh. The term "Health Care" is such a joke & major oxymoron now.

Thanx again everyone!!! 

ALOHA  /default_cool.png
Hi @Morgan1111,

I can just tell you what my experiences are so far:

By the numbers:

1. They split orders for you, so if you order something bulky you don't have to worry about a wooden skid arriving by your door  /default_smile.png .   If this is your first order, tho you may want to dip your toe in the water to see how long it takes, if there are any issues with delivery, etc, on a small order before investing big.   Most members report quick delivery to the US but I don't know about to the islands.

2. I took a good look at the non-generic Val's and ordered a sample.  They don't look like others I've seen and they aren't the best for me.   A lot of members seem to like the Bet@pams but I don't really feel them that much.   I love the P@x 10's!  So IMO, great choice.  Potent and consistent.

3. My personal experience is the Adco is better but not great.   Does the job, tho.   I didn't like the Iv3dal's but that's just me.

4. No opinion, sorry

5. No opinion, sorry

6. I personally don't have any experience with Trams.   They have C0d and other PK mixtures.   Be sure to read up on them on their site.  THere are warnings about their D!c0d product.   I can only suggest you do a sample pak of anything you think you want to try when it comes to pain to make sure you don't have adverse reactions.

Good luck!


Hi @Morgan1111,

I can just tell you what my experiences are so far:

By the numbers:

1. They split orders for you, so if you order something bulky you don't have to worry about a wooden skid arriving by your door  /default_smile.png .   If this is your first order, tho you may want to dip your toe in the water to see how long it takes, if there are any issues with delivery, etc, on a small order before investing big.   Most members report quick delivery to the US but I don't know about to the islands.

2. I took a good look at the non-generic Val's and ordered a sample.  They don't look like others I've seen and they aren't the best for me.   A lot of members seem to like the Bet@pams but I don't really feel them that much.   I love the P@x 10's!  So IMO, great choice.  Potent and consistent.

3. My personal experience is the Adco is better but not great.   Does the job, tho.   I didn't like the Iv3dal's but that's just me.

4. No opinion, sorry

5. No opinion, sorry

6. I personally don't have any experience with Trams.   They have C0d and other PK mixtures.   Be sure to read up on them on their site.  THere are warnings about their D!c0d product.   I can only suggest you do a sample pak of anything you think you want to try when it comes to pain to make sure you don't have adverse reactions.

Good luck!

HI Packrat ~ 

Thank you for taking the time & energy to give me such a detailed, all inclusive rundown on my laundry list. 

Very informative and much appreciated! 

Have a beautiful Sunday ~ 

ALOHA  /default_cool.png

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for