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Heard back from A.  Mine should go out for tonight...said it would be confirmed later on.  Lots of explanations and forgiveness asked (sorta) for the situation.  Assured all would return to "normal" next week.

I have a 3+ year relationship with this vendor... I'm willing to see how it goes, but my faith has gotten a good rattling!  Certainly have branched out as a result!

Thanks for all the input everyone, it's been nice to know I've not been alone through this crap!

I'll report when/if I receive and if it was correct or not.

Happy New Year!
  I heard from her today, 1st time since 12/18. At 3:58 pm asked if I got my letter. I didn't. I didn't see her note and answer till an hour later. Guess that means not going out tonight and have heard nothing else. Guess she'll see it Thrusday, maybe it will come Friday. So much for FIFO. Happy %43kg New Year.

I am glad that some are receiving but I am still waiting /default_sad.png A said she would send Thursday or Friday. I emailed her back asking to please send Thursday. It's been more than 2 weeks for me!

Lucy, I am unfulfilled as of today from an order placed Dec 16.  Last email from A indicated it shouldn't be any later than today.  WTH!  I'm so DONE with empty promises...

Please don't ANYONE send anything else to these folks (ANY of them!) until we see what Jewy has to say at the end of the shipping day tomorrow.  He's drawn a perfectly reasonable line in the sand for these folks... from the few of us that have actually been posting (and yes, I'm bad about just ordering and receiving and only checking the board when I am suspicious or have troubles - going to be MUCH more proactive from that standpoint moving forward, but I digress) this contingency has many $$$$ - $$$$$ in their hands that has gone unaccounted for.  That's just theft in my book, plain and simple.  I don't give a crap about the email I received that was almost pointed at making me feel that this was somewhat my fault as well.  BS I say.  I've been honest and loyal to this vendor for years now and yes, it may have been stupid on my part, but I thought I had built a relationship with A that had honesty as a foundation.  I guess the email that put me at partial fault was somewhat accurate in that I did put my faith in something that isn't Amazon or whatever, but hell, I've always been honest.  I could have taken ANY of all of this if ever, once there had been a return in loyalty and honesty offered in the communications I've received.  I kept falling for each of those emails, believing what they said until more and more peeps here were obviously in my same boat AND the fault somehow got put in my court, with NO honest explanation of why I was still waiting and in the pain I've been in.

I don't speak much about the reasons I use these vendors; it really doesn't matter that I need their services for my own mental stability and for operating my day-to-day obligations to the best of my abilities.  The fact of the matter i a) I did my homeowrk, /default_cool.png a system of trust was established, c) I have done everything asked of me, under every single instance of dealing with this contingency and d) what has resulted has been nothing less than total disregard for me or my business with them through lies and put-offs.

I understand the situation we are in - I sure didn't like an email asking me to confirm that the situation is what it is (without going into anything more specific) and I damn sure don't like standing around with my junk in my hand asking, "thank you sir, may I please have another"!  

PLEASE, for the love of all that is good in this world, DON"T send one more iota of business to this set of people until they make us ALL whole.  And do it before end of business tomorrow!

Okay, rant over.   /default_ohmy.png

That was supposed to be a "b" with a ")" after it in there, I inadvertantly put in a smiley where I meant to list a set of actions.

Sorry for the rant, folks, but I'm just downright angry at this point.  And disappointed.

Some people have received, yes, but don't let that fool you.  Make sure you ask how long they waited on that receipt!  Also, I love that the email promising today at the latest included a very bright and firm, "of course you will receive FREE one day turnaround" - WTH, I PAID for that and I'm now on day 17!!!

Again, I'll conclude my rant now  /default_wink.png  just hoping people will pay attention and use this Board to offer alternatives!

tri thank you for your updates. I have no idea what to do anymore. This helps me decide. Sorry for your frustration. Ask for a refund, maybe you'll get one. Some do.

I'm w/ tri_gal Dec 16th I have yet to receive but from a  different vendor. If at all possable hold any orders until we all have been made whole. Or else this shit could happen again & again IMO. Opiated-

That was supposed to be a "b" with a ")" after it in there, I inadvertantly put in a smiley where I meant to list a set of actions.

Sorry for the rant, folks, but I'm just downright angry at this point.  And disappointed.

Some people have received, yes, but don't let that fool you.  Make sure you ask how long they waited on that receipt!  Also, I love that the email promising today at the latest included a very bright and firm, "of course you will receive FREE one day turnaround" - WTH, I PAID for that and I'm now on day 17!!!

Again, I'll conclude my rant now  /default_wink.png  just hoping people will pay attention and use this Board to offer alternatives!
  I won't go off on a rant but I ordered same day as you, Got 1 email 12days later in the afternoon asking if letter came and to let her know. Being she seems to only have a 20minute window when she's online, I responded an hour later on the 28th and haven't heard anything yet. Oh Well, now I'm in a position to worry, for real. My bad, but know of no other way to get to the Alps without waiting weeks. I put my faith in A due to a long past and just knew what was out of her control and thought I knew she handle it when she could. Not the 1st time I bet on the wrong horse but this could have the most serious side effects.

Actually, I appreciate the rant TG. Shows me that someone really understands the point I had tried unsuccessfully to make.

The simple truth is this. Nothing will ever change unless people refuse to continue doing business with vendors that treat them this way. While difficult, the two alternatives now are to switch to Dee H Sea from overseas for those needing PK's, or to source from domestic vendors, more of whom I'm working to bring to the board.

Unfortunately, whether they will admit to it or not. The majority of people will choose to forget all of this and resume sending money to this group once something arrives, and maybe even before. Blindly following the perceived path of least resistance will rule the day, and the majority will choose to be sheep. All I have left to say is that those who choose to be sheep should remember that sheep blindly follow the one in front of them, right into the slaughter house.

I choose to not be a sheep, even if that means making difficult personal choices and making long overdue changes.

Actually, I appreciate the rant TG. Shows me that someone really understands the point I had tried unsuccessfully to make.

The simple truth is this. Nothing will ever change unless people refuse to continue doing business with vendors that treat them this way. While difficult, the two alternatives now are to switch to Dee H Sea from overseas for those needing PK's, or to source from domestic vendors, more of whom I'm working to bring to the board.

Unfortunately, whether they will admit to it or not. The majority of people will choose to forget all of this and resume sending money to this group once something arrives, and maybe even before. Blindly following the perceived path of least resistance will rule the day, and the majority will choose to be sheep. All I have left to say is that those who choose to be sheep should remember that sheep blindly follow the one in front of them, right into the slaughter house.

I choose to not be a sheep, even if that means making difficult personal choices and making long overdue changes.
Your point was successfully made to all but a chosen few.... sheep, lemmings. however you wish to categorize them... and oddly enough, they are the ones putting this place at risk.  They say you can't fix stupid.... but I reckon you can ban stupid maybe?


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Refund was taken off the table as of last week, headbanger.  I would have accepted a refund as an HONEST answer to this crap - that they simply can't deliver right now.  

I choose not to be a sheep as well, Jewy!  I hope others see the rant for what it was meant to be:  a plea for others to use the resources on here to go elsewhere until this contingency makes us all whole and displays any need for newfound loyalty OR we are able to secure different vendors to take their place.

Dee H Sea does work just fine for those of us that need the pk's - I can say that for a fact, out of actual experience.  The waiting is a bit of a pain, but from reading the SL boards, I could have placed an order there and already been made whole!  I would have saved myself quite a bundle and a hell of a lot of headaches.  Well, that's one place I've gone back to...I'm following other's leads and their advice in trying to secure something more "immediate".

We're no dummies (HAHAHA just read your reply, DGSB), we got here and found what we needed.  Be resourceful once again and do what is right.  Don't blindly follow these crooks (that's all I can call them right now, until they make this right, if they do) and give them the business they do NOT deserve right now.  

Actually, I appreciate the rant TG. Shows me that someone really understands the point I had tried unsuccessfully to make.

The simple truth is this. Nothing will ever change unless people refuse to continue doing business with vendors that treat them this way. While difficult, the two alternatives now are to switch to Dee H Sea from overseas for those needing PK's, or to source from domestic vendors, more of whom I'm working to bring to the board.

Unfortunately, whether they will admit to it or not. The majority of people will choose to forget all of this and resume sending money to this group once something arrives, and maybe even before. Blindly following the perceived path of least resistance will rule the day, and the majority will choose to be sheep. All I have left to say is that those who choose to be sheep should remember that sheep blindly follow the one in front of them, right into the slaughter house.

I choose to not be a sheep, even if that means making difficult personal choices and making long overdue changes.
  I'm with you Jewy. reminds me of my younger days when we would ride to Harlem with older brothers to see who would rip them off for a 1/2 load this week. But they kept going back to give everyone a chance to rip them off. Batting 333 is great in baeball but it wasn't so good in they're game.

   I stayed away from these type of vendors since DB days, more than a decade ago. Moved, lost Doc, and after many sucessful years got Love Letters from my 2 best. guess I got lazy, but If I get out of this jam that's it. You guys can "slap the white off of me" if I post in this section again after I give final results. I actually did better just now from an old guy 1/2 the country away. But still in a jam.

  Jewy, I read a lot of threads and I know you do a lot more, but I never had to read certain topics, so I'll come right out and ask you, what's the quickest way to the Alps, without changing planes. Expedia sucks, would appreciate you pointing me to the right place to find quick trips to the Alps. Happy New Year..

  I'm with you Jewy. reminds me of my younger days when we would ride to Harlem with older brothers to see who would rip them off for a 1/2 load this week. But they kept going back to give everyone a chance to rip them off. Batting 333 is great in baeball but it wasn't so good in they're game.

   I stayed away from these type of vendors since DB days, more than a decade ago. Moved, lost Doc, and after many sucessful years got Love Letters from my 2 best. guess I got lazy, but If I get out of this jam that's it. You guys can "slap the white off of me" if I post in this section again after I give final results. I actually did better just now from an old guy 1/2 the country away. But still in a jam.

  Jewy, I read a lot of threads and I know you do a lot more, but I never had to read certain topics, so I'll come right out and ask you, what's the quickest way to the Alps, without changing planes. Expedia sucks, would appreciate you pointing me to the right place to find quick trips to the Alps. Happy New Year..
Honestly, I prefer to travel via Air Max to the Alps, but that's at least a 7 - 10 day trip, generally speaking. Heisenberg may have some suggestions, but what I can say is that if you're interested in paying a visit to the Alps, and are interested in the shortest route available, you might want to keep an eye on the email section today.

Actually, I appreciate the rant TG. Shows me that someone really understands the point I had tried unsuccessfully to make.

The simple truth is this. Nothing will ever change unless people refuse to continue doing business with vendors that treat them this way. While difficult, the two alternatives now are to switch to Dee H Sea from overseas for those needing PK's, or to source from domestic vendors, more of whom I'm working to bring to the board.

Unfortunately, whether they will admit to it or not. The majority of people will choose to forget all of this and resume sending money to this group once something arrives, and maybe even before. Blindly following the perceived path of least resistance will rule the day, and the majority will choose to be sheep. All I have left to say is that those who choose to be sheep should remember that sheep blindly follow the one in front of them, right into the slaughter house.

I choose to not be a sheep, even if that means making difficult personal choices and making long overdue changes.
 You be bad ass, certainly not baaa an ass. Thank for all you do Jewy.

Honestly, I prefer to travel via Air Max to the Alps, but that's at least a 7 - 10 day trip, generally speaking. Heisenberg may have some suggestions, but what I can say is that if you're interested in paying a visit to the Alps, and are interested in the shortest route available, you might want to keep an eye on the email section today.
Jewry, if this isn't remedied soon I'm going to need to take a tram ride. But not sure if that will take me on an international journey of if I will be state bound. Just know I'm horrible with directions, so if you could point me in the right place to read up on the trams available I'd be grateful

Jewry, if this isn't remedied soon I'm going to need to take a tram ride. But not sure if that will take me on an international journey of if I will be state bound. Just know I'm horrible with directions, so if you could point me in the right place to read up on the trams available I'd be grateful
Sorry.. Meant Jewy :(

Jewry, if this isn't remedied soon I'm going to need to take a tram ride. But not sure if that will take me on an international journey of if I will be state bound. Just know I'm horrible with directions, so if you could point me in the right place to read up on the trams available I'd be grateful
Those are everywhere.  International, email, or even US section would be good places to start looking.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!