Keep us posted mrsjones.
I had requested a refund last week. I got the standard reply of "look for more information next week". Late last night she replied with a "still waiting" response. I am also two weeks out on my order (putting it at mid-December) so you give me some hope that I may see something end of the week or first of next.
I hate to see the 3.5 years of trust with A go by the wayside, but for my own sanity's sake, it seems I need to branch out. Contacted a few places yesterday, will see how the new kids work out. Yes, Super Storm SY!
Lastly, I'm with you on all of this, bluesman - I really could have used my letter before the gathering of the clans and the whole onslaught of the Holidays, it's why I took the measures I did and ordered when I did. Thankfully I have a few back pocket ways to get through, but only a few and it will only last me so long. I'm learning what I can, at least this forum is here so I haven't been going completely nuts thinking I was on a (not-so) special list or something!!
Happy New Year's Eve, All!