Well, thank you Swill, that's nice of you to say. As for your situation with the damaged products and no insurance, I can't speak to this issue from personal experience, as I'm not a TTM customer. However, from my recollection of their website disclosures, as well as their insurance program (which was intriguing to me), my instincts tell me that the prospects of obtaining a reshipment or other form of financial compensation are not very good. Given that they have gone to the trouble of designing and offering an insurance program in the first place, and what I remember to be a very clear and concise no reship policy without insurance, the prospects don't seem very positive. Regardless, it would certainly seem worth contacting them about to see if there are any options available to you. Just be courteous and professional about the matter, and the worst that could happen is they tell you that they have a no reship policy that you agreed to in their terms of service, if in fact that's their current policy.
Anyway, we have a great many TTM customers here on DBG, so maybe someone with first hand knowledge of TTM and their policies on such matters will chime in with further guidance. Hope that helps, at least a little.....