can anyone speak on the quality of the generic ativan? the generic pax valium was excellent so i would assume the other generics would be at least decent...
*group hug*Good job showing some self control during the argument guys, it could have become much worse and personal.
In the early 70's "bennies" probably referred to benzedrine - an amphetamine. I don't think benzos were in widespread use then, if at all... for downers it was all barbituates.Oh my goodness, what a fool! I just read about a guy who pitched a no hitter for the San Diego Padres in the early 70's on acid and to straighten him out he ate Bennies. How would that straighten you out?
For our British friends a 'No Hitter' is extremely rare in baseball.
Ive got there Equanil its good /default_smile.png its was my first time trying it, and I havent tried soma yet tho Im looking forward to it.Has anyone tried their meprobamate? Is it actually meprobamate or really just soma?