After speaking with this vendor's owner last night, he has asked that I allow the thread to remain in the general email section through the weekend for the benefit of any remaining quality "non-VIP" members who have not yet requested a menu. However, please note that ALL new customers from DBG are being properly vetted by their security staff as a result of the issues I mentioned yesterday. Some very odd, modestly disturbing emails have been received from low and / or no post count "members" of DBG, and some other irregular issues have come to light on their end that had never been an issue prior to their introduction here.
In any event, this is NOT anything alarming by any means, but is the reason that some of you may be experiencing modest delays in receiving confirmation of requested orders. Don't worry, no one will be peeking in anyone's windows or running background checks, LOL, but there are certain commonly accepted vetting practices in the industry that they typically do not employ as a matter of routine course, but that they've chosen to implement in light of what's transpired since their introduction here. Kelly has assured me that she will be back in touch with anyone and everyone who has emailed her requesting an order today, and for anyone who has already initiated an order and made payment, those orders will be going out as promised, albeit with a minimal 24 - 48 hour hold due to these heightened security protocols. This is for the safety and protection of all of the valued, great members of DBG who have expressed an interest in joining Midtown's ranks, as well as for that of Midtown themselves. Everyone will receive a personalized email to this affect today, but Kelly and their owner asked that I share this information here on the board.
Finally, as indicated yesterday, Midtown will become a VIP only vendor as of Sunday night, although anyone who has already been "white listed" will remain able to conduct business with them. Thanks for your support of, and interest in, Midtown. They're truly unique, and have been great friends for many years. While I'm sorry that their DBG experiment didn't turn out quite like they had hoped (in terms of the general membership anyway), I'm happy to have offered those of you who are true professionals and great friends the opportunity to make their acquaintance.