johnnog said:
got a reply off them finally,thanks to jewy if it was down to you 'greasing the wheels' for me,much appreciated..
btw,whats with the EZ bluesman?wasnt being disrespectfull to anybody i was saying i was dissapointed that i hadnt had such a quick reply like others,if you could see the state i am in at the mo you might understand,i cant sit in front of a monitor for too long without pain worsening.
Well two things since you asked. First, No you weren't disrespectful; It's not about that. I been there with the screaming pain and anxiety and wds, so just breathe. The AMC I mentioned was a faster solution if in immediate need.
Second, I was excoriated on this thread by a few forum members for asking that same question, under the same set of circumstances.. If you read back, you'll see it. I thought I would spare you that by stepping in with some encouragement to be patient, lest the thread once again fill up with rushes to judgement. I didn't want to see it happen again...that's all. All is forgiven by me.
Out of my love & respect for Jewy, I was going to just let it die, but since you the middle of making an order and its accompanying questions my email account blew up. Turns out that there was a mix-up on her end, her email as well, which she explained & apologized for in a lovely note not too, too much later.
I see your state and raise you one. /default_happy.png I'm hoping and praying for you. So ez does it, my brother, you're not alone. I'm often in agony myself...hope that's good enough. /default_smile.png
BTW the mail account was Y****...Things are not always as they appear.