
Well how about this--I placed an order in late July, wanting to take advantage of the sale. I waited a couple days, never got my payment innstructions (yes, I checked my junk folder). Seemed very strange since back in the day the payment instruction e-mail was almost instantaneous. But i saw someone else on here who didn't get their payment instructions right away, so i waited a couple days. Still no e-mail, so i used their contact form to tell them I had yet to receive my payment instructions. Never heard a word from them. Not one. So now they don't want my $$? What gives? It is so irritating. i really wanted to give it another go with these guys while that good sale was on, but now I am thinking maybe I got lucky. i mean, if they can't even tell me how to pay them, how can I expect them to get my product to me? What a shame, was good while it lasted. i haven't completely given up, but almost. would rather try one of the other sites that offers gadors, but looks like some bad reviews for Sigh. What to do, what to do...?

Dont send clubalp a single cent!!!! I tried to contact them very politely and they sent me payment info for orders I have pending as if I'm gonna send them cash when they don't deliver or reply to very reasonable questions. I'm telling you till we hear from them or we start to receive I would consider sending them $$ would be as good as throwing it in the garbage! Check Amber out....

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That may sound a bit harsh but when you contact them and the only reply you get is send your $$ here it gets discouraging, I'm gonna say that their reading the emails they are receiving and just not answering any questions? Come on clubalp we're all waiting on you in one way or another. It's not even the fact that I haven't started to get parts of my orders yet, but the last good review they had on here was from me every post after that was either people getting LL's or not getting anything. I saw back in the beginning of July there was some members that were waiting on orders what ever happened with them? If you guys are reading this please let us know if anyone has received anything ordered from July? If I knew that this was gonna happen I would of taken my business elsewhere. Still hoping to come home and find a package from them, giving them the benefit of the doubt they do have 2 more weeks before they hit the reship date...

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Dont send clubalp a single cent!!!! I tried to contact them very politely and they sent me payment info for orders I have pending as if I'm gonna send them cash when they don't deliver or reply to very reasonable questions. I'm telling you till we hear from them or we start to receive I would consider sending them $$ would be as good as throwing it in the garbage! Check Amber out....
Same thing with me . Canceled pending orders and got payment instructions .. No response on missing may order.

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What a shame...such a potentially great source going downhill so fast like that :(

Received a responce last night from the site. Also received part 3 of my order today. Shipping took a while... 17 days. Usually it takes 8-10 days. Maybe the olympics? Maybe weather? Not a single piece of my order was broken in all 3 shipments. I guess just be patient if you have not received. Took about 6 weeks all in all from date of payment to receive in total.

I hope they come through for everyone else waiting also. No doubt a week feels like a month when im waiting....

Got a response today promising my order. Said they would even take a picture of the item before they mail it out. I think these guys are trying to make good. I'm not sending them another dime for now but I have some hope. They probably are losing business because of whatever is effecting their shipments. They were quite nice and very accomodating. Lets have faith i dong think these guys are trying to ruin their own business. Will keep y'all posted.

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Yeah, they finally sent a reply to me today too. The response I got said that they experience delays every so often due to the postal systems / customs in both countries and that it usually takes a few weeks to correct. They were actually very polite and told me that if I don't receive my order by this Friday to contact them and they will reship, hopefully on this Friday or Saturday, even though I doubt I'm gonna get all 3 packages from my order by Friday. I still have not received any packages or any LL's wich seems odd because if it is customs on either side I think that we would have received an LL, not that I want one! I've been using IOP's for 10 years and luckily never received one (knoc on wood) & dont want to either! It almost seems like they never even shipped but idk? It seems that sticking together worked this time, so far! Sounds like most members recieved repllies to emails that were sent and it's a step in the rite direction from where we were now we have to start to receive our orders! Im still not going to send them any $$ untill I receive and I would advise other members to do the same & if your not waiting to receive wait untill multiple members start to receive and comment with positive feed back before you complete any new orders, they seem like a legit vendor plus they have been around for a while but still better safe than sorry that's how I look at it. I will say that in their response they sounded like they wanted to fix the problem idk why it took them so long to reply but all I can do now is wait and see if they are gonna reship my order on Friday unless by some odd chance all three packages from my order get here in two days which I doubt but, If Cookieman did just receive a package that's good news but I'm waiting for all 3 of mine and its also been around same amount of time since they shipped or sent me the shipping conformation for my order and I haven't gotten anything from them , not that I doubt what they posted. I just don't think im gonna get any of my order in 2 days never mind all of it. It's nice that they are going to reship, it just sucks that I have been waiting since this time last month and now I have to start the waiting game all over again & who knows if it will show up this time but that's the chance you take when you use IOP's.. I guess for now we can only hope that they worked out what ever issues they had and the shipment / delivery times will go back to the normal 7-10 days? We'll see, I really hope that they do return to normal they have always been a great vendor! THANKS CLUBALP FOR RESPONDING TO YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS!!! Extending the sale for another month would be a great way to make up to all of the members that didn't take advantage of the sale / order due to the bad reviews... JMO...

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I agree that they're trying to make good on orders; they're just running into what seems like a lot of hurdles and I think customs is really looking out for any incoming stuff from the country they operate out of. I'm 2 out of 3 from April and as far as I can tell from the bizarre communication back and forth, they are still reshipping 3 of 3. I don't hold out much hope, but I'll tell you one thing--if that elusive 3rd package ever does show, I'm gonna do a friggin dance in the street. I'm telling you...if this place found a more discrete shipping method and took some form of payment besides WU/MG, I'd probably buy 300 every couple of months.

Well i been waiting on this package since may so, I'm obviously happy to get a response but don't order till we get our packages! Last chance club alp!

Well i been waiting on this package since may so, I'm obviously happy to get a response but don't order till we get our packages! Last chance club alp!
I'm afraid this is is their last chance as far as I am concerned, unless they change something, nobody will get their order. My reship was sent out on July 24th and I am still waiting...

I hate to be blunt.. But maybe nobody is receiving because as many of us senior members have posted, everyone is getting way too loose with details. Most of this shit should be discussed by PM only. You can be sure that LE as well as the IOP's read this forum and when too much info is divulged usually the IOP takes the money, runs, and opens up under a new name. 9 times out of 10 this is done to ensure the safety of our members and the vendor, however IMHO if I ran a business and had to register and build a new site and restructure everything because a few people couldn't keep their mouth shut about sensitive info I'd probably keep their money too. Having a new site built from scratch isn't an easy or cheap thing to do. It costs lots of money and lots of customers because at that point the IOP in question has to start from scratch. I made it a point to let other forum members know what was going on but I suppose my posts might have been overlooked and drowned out by all the complaints about things not arriving from an IOP who has been spotty lately at best. Anyway, I hope this post doesn't rub anyone the wrong way but honestly, if you like an IOP and you want them to stick around keep your posts simple. It's been said a million times by a million senior members who aren't saying this shit just to hear ourselves talk. Notice that 90% of the people who are still using this vendor have 40 posts or under... There are no longer any seniors who are falling for it and maybe the rookies around here should read the thread and take a hint.. I'm sorry to be so harsh but come on guys, there have been multiple reports of 2 out of 3 parcels arriving with no LL for the third going back months and yet people are still willing to send their money for 2/3rd's of what they pay for. Obviously this IOP is going down hill quick and hopefully somebody who reads this post will save some hard earned money and a lot of frustration. Or you can just keep on sending your money and keep hearing we told you so..

As I suggested I think we need to keep communicating our experiences to help newbies and protect each other. I do not think we should be ordering hopefully this iop will see the result and either adjust or fold. I truly have had great success but nobody is suggesting sending more money when I'm still waiting on a ship from may. I did receive an email I felt was sincere with a promise to make good. I truly hope this happens for all who are waiting. To those who are not waiting then I suggest waiting with us

So my email promising to make good....Well i never got a follow up...I notice the site is down and i cannot send email to their usual email address. They contacted me from a different email address....So I've asked again to confirm via that other email address....

Pretty much giving up on this IOP.

Any news from anyone else?

I got a reply from my email about reshipping my package, they apologized and thanked ne for understanding then their site is gone and I check on here and their black listed... I just hope I get my order!!! boardpa if you can pm ne their other email address I would appreciate it... Thanks in advance!

supposedly reshipped my 3rd missing package from the special they had going on. placed order in late may...reshipped on july 19th and still have not seen anything.

still even receiving emails about their special that supposedly ended in july.

sounds like a scam to me.

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I hate to be blunt.. But maybe nobody is receiving because as many of us senior members have posted, everyone is getting way too loose with details. Most of this shit should be discussed by PM only. You can be sure that LE as well as the IOP's read this forum and when too much info is divulged usually the IOP takes the money, runs, and opens up under a new name. 9 times out of 10 this is done to ensure the safety of our members and the vendor, however IMHO if I ran a business and had to register and build a new site and restructure everything because a few people couldn't keep their mouth shut about sensitive info I'd probably keep their money too. Having a new site built from scratch isn't an easy or cheap thing to do. It costs lots of money and lots of customers because at that point the IOP in question has to start from scratch. I made it a point to let other forum members know what was going on but I suppose my posts might have been overlooked and drowned out by all the complaints about things not arriving from an IOP who has been spotty lately at best. Anyway, I hope this post doesn't rub anyone the wrong way but honestly, if you like an IOP and you want them to stick around keep your posts simple. It's been said a million times by a million senior members who aren't saying this shit just to hear ourselves talk. Notice that 90% of the people who are still using this vendor have 40 posts or under... There are no longer any seniors who are falling for it and maybe the rookies around here should read the thread and take a hint.. I'm sorry to be so harsh but come on guys, there have been multiple reports of 2 out of 3 parcels arriving with no LL for the third going back months and yet people are still willing to send their money for 2/3rd's of what they pay for. Obviously this IOP is going down hill quick and hopefully somebody who reads this post will save some hard earned money and a lot of frustration. Or you can just keep on sending your money and keep hearing we told you so..

WOW!! site down huh?? Seems right after u spoke it that happened. Very true. IOPs operate under complete and ttl discreetness and misspell things on their site on purpose so th G00GLE BOTS dont catch anything. When ppl come on a thread saying exact packaging info exact tracking numbers and locations of packages... ect...ect... They dont feel they can rely on this board as it is not the only LEGIT board left. Come on folks we r grown and I KNOW FOR A FACT EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT KISS IS!!





What other board do you use? I'm a member at a few of them and this is by far the best board IMHO. If you could send me a pm with the address of another legit board, the other boards I've been on either push mostly all companies and or vendors from Pakistan, Buybulkmeds, Macromass, and Shaz. The other board that I'm a member at is just so confusing can't even find reviews for companies after hours of reading forums on that board not gonna mention any of the other boards names but since DB went down this has been the best board and the most close to DB, IMO. Like I said I have an open mind if there is another board out there that I don't know of I would appreciate it if another fellow member could pm the info

Also if clubalp really is gone and not just Shutting down to fix the website or catch up on all of the orders that they have to get out to their customers, they have to be opening another business because in all of the emails I received as well as everyone else that I know of the emails said that they have been around for 5 years and that they were not going anywhere, that their buisness is shipping and everyone that is waiting on their order will receive in time. If it's the same people that ran PCU like everyone is claiming I believe that we will all receive what we are waiting for in time. But in the case that their site dose not come back online and they switch to a different URL or decide to just operate through email, if any of the members have this info or end up receiving it I would greatly appreciate it if you could pm me their new info. One of my friends was so gung hoe on placing an order I let him do it through my acct. and now that the site is down he has no way of giving the information to clubalp for the order wich may be a good thing, I told him I would put a post on here asking fellow members if they knew of any other ways to get in touch with them. IMO he should go back to WU and ask for his $$$ back. I warned him that I was waiting along with half of the board but it was his $ I tried to stop him. The funny thing is that it's like a blessing in disguise he sent them the $ the same day their site went down so now there is no way to even send the info to clubalp anyway that's $400 they are missing out on? IDK what the deal is with this IOP they went from great to having delivery problems to just disappearing??? Even if they were going to open a new site they would have to email their better/big order customers or rebuild a customer base and a reputation that goes back a half of a decade???like I said makes no sense!

Also if clubalp really is gone and not just Shutting down to fix the website or catch up on all of the orders that they have to get out to their customers, they have to be opening another business because in all of the emails I received as well as everyone else that I know of the emails said that they have been around for 5 years and that they were not going anywhere, that their buisness is shipping and everyone that is waiting on their order will receive in time. If it's the same people that ran PCU like everyone is claiming I believe that we will all receive what we are waiting for in time. But in the case that their site dose not come back online and they switch to a different URL or decide to just operate through email, if any of the members have this info or end up receiving it I would greatly appreciate it if you could pm me their new info. One of my friends was so gung hoe on placing an order I let him do it through my acct. and now that the site is down he has no way of giving the information to clubalp for the order wich may be a good thing, I told him I would put a post on here asking fellow members if they knew of any other ways to get in touch with them. IMO he should go back to WU and ask for his $$$ back. I warned him that I was waiting along with half of the board but it was his $ I tried to stop him. The funny thing is that it's like a blessing in disguise he sent them the $ the same day their site went down so now there is no way to even send the info to clubalp

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for