The flowers in my hair died years ago,last seen rotting in a dustbin..
guns aint legal to carry and conceal unless your a cop over here,though you can join a gun club and use shotguns supervised,clay pigeon shooting etc,got no desire to waste money doing that with a bunch of rich spoilt brats who make up the membership of most of those places,the sort of people who rule our country,if i have anything to hate its those uber millionaires with no grasp of reality that most of us live in,we are ruled by fucking sociopaths who will stop at nothing to achieve what they want,a whole load of people without money forced to move out of the city because its being bought up by rich fuckers,they don't want the poor spoiling the landscape so are making life as hard as they can for them,sky high rents,everything costs shitloads more so you can be in a job and handing most of your wage over to just exist,it won't be to long before some of us will be shipped out to camps where we will live and work well away from the money masters,a pox on all their houses,no empire has lasted for ever,somethings going to erupt at some point and it isn't going to be nice
I tell you what,after being mugged twice in one week a few years ago i was going around wishing i had one,i would have prob blasted those fuckers off the planet at the time,but i didn't,i went home,turned on the old playstation 1 and blasted my way through Duke Nuke em,that was the first game i manged to finish every level.
Now you see what has been achieved by this discussion started by another member,arguments and division,that's just what the elite want,they don't want the mass of people to connect and start to want something better than what we have ended up with,but it won't happen on a mass scale,its already happening in areas all over the place at grass roots levels,communities that actually speak with their neighbors and help one and other,we have a huge area of once waste land that local people have turned into a place to grow food,everyone on my little estate looks out for each other when we can,we have our own intranet network,i pay £3 a month for it,no line rental costs to big phone companies that let our rulers spy on us,people put on regular social nights where you can eat a good meal for a very low price,if my bikes bust i go to the bike club and get it fixed for basically nothing,we share what we don't need anymore with someone who needs it for free.There's lots of little communities springing up doing similar stuff,another world is possible,not some doped up fucked up hippy pipe dream-i won't live on my knees i'd rather die on my feet.
Excuse my language its English.