True dat!Every American should own a least one unregistered gun just in case the government tries to take guns away some day in the future
True dat!Every American should own a least one unregistered gun just in case the government tries to take guns away some day in the future
Here, here .....I have several unreg's. I'm in the BIG TX, so being the case for many of usEvery American should own a least one unregistered gun just in case the government tries to take guns away some day in the future
Really good info!A legal way to get an unregistered gun now is to buy an 80% complete lower receiver for an AR15 from gun shop. You can complete machine work yourself with a jig they sell or have it completed at machine shop that the gun shop recommend. I had mine completed at machine shop for $70. The rest of the parts can all be bought without background check or ID. The completed gun is legal to own but you can not sell
So sorry about your pops AJ. That's really a tough thing to go through for kids, even if they are grown up kids.I used to hate guns. Then went through a phase of loving them. Then my pops took his own life with one. Shit really got complicated then.
And now....like noname said, it just is. this is America. you have to accept personal responsibility to be an American. Love guns or hate guns, as gyre proves - it is much easier to judge from far, far away.
The day after the Aurora shooting, a man shot himself in the ass at our local movie theatre. I'm afraid that would be me. I feel safer not having not having one.Thank you, 2Earls. He was a really great dad.
Because the whole gun thing was overwhelming, and it's just me and another girl who rents a room out of my apartment, I decided to get a taser at the flea market. (they are legal in my state. everything is legal in my state. DBG would love all the guns and stuff here)...anyways I got this "Stun Gun."
Guess what? within two weeks - fucking tased my own self.
(also discovered that the electrical zap isnt like the ones the cops have, its not incapacitating. F-ing hurt tho!)
So I am certain id be one of those clowns who ends up on the news and has everyone in the netherlands laughing if i had a gun
He must have been Really butt hurt after that incident! /default_cool.pngThe day after the Aurora shooting, a man shot himself in the ass at our local movie theatre. I'm afraid that would be me. I feel safer not having not having one.
People kill people my friend. Not trying to use cliches however, if you could guarantee me that the bad guys are going to obey the law and not have guns then I too will give mine up but until then I will protect my family and home. It is that simple. Let us look at our neighbor in Mexico. Strict laws. For what? So the drug cartels could run the country! Come on man.WOW... Did I say that I'm laughing about school shootings? Nor sir. I said: We are laughing about those idiots telling everyone, AFTER school shootings, to gear up. We cannot understand that YOU cannot understand that guns kill people. My reaction is not ment to be sick. I think killing children is such and having guns is sick. Over here we don't have guns and, consequently, we DONT have any shootings...School shootings are no laughing matter. Any part of them. Your reaction is sick.
And based on the tone of your post, explaining "what the deal" is to you specifically seems like an impossible, thankless task. So I'll skip it, other than to say that the citizens of this great country do not tolerate tyranny, nor the threat there of; which comes at a price.
Tyranny? Seriously? What the hell are you talking about.
Yeah and it seems like their common argument is that this is the 21st century and there is no need for firearms. In their opinion everything can be handled by peace and love, and if not that then they can rely on their Big Brother to step in and restore the peace. I guess for Europeans they don't understand the need for America's 2nd Amendment, but that is because most of those countries never had to revolt from their governments. America gained its independence from England through force not negotiations. In England I assume the citizens there never dreamed of sticking it to their King or Queen, and so I don't believe they even know what true freedom really is. America was designed by the founding fathers to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. The constitution specifically says that if the government ever becomes tyrannical the people have the right (and the duty) to remove that government and replace with a better government. In Europe most of the countries were governed by Monarchs and sometimes dictators, so most of the people there don't have the spirit of independence and living in a government run by the people. People in the U.S. who support banning the 2nd amendment either work for the government or are naive in believing that the government can be trusted at all times to do what is best for the people. People who aren't from the U.S. shouldn't even comment on this issue since it's really none of their business. They should work on fixing up their own countries not criticizing the United States.@codean, that is correct. Somehow though some people from other nations just want to bash the U.S. I have no problem with criticism of our country however, on this matter they are simply wrong.
Were you guys also laughing when Anders Breivik killed 77 people in Norway in 2011? 69 of them were killed by gunfire. And what's up with that Pilot who recently intentionally crashed a passenger plane into a mountain that was going from Spain to Germany? Yeah I would say you got your fair share of oddballs there too.I don't wanna start a problematic thread here, but what the f*ck is up with you Americans and your guns. Seriously, what's the deal? Can someone explain?
Over here in the Netherlands we kee laughing about those guys on CNN after school shootings, telling everyone to get more guns and to arm teachers etc. That's so maniac! I think with regard to this topic, there is a GIGANTIC cultural gap between the USA and Europe.