Paxton-Pharma --- a gift for you guys.


V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member
Dec 28, 2014

thread on a other forum about them...

Here is they're thread

We would like to keep customer service at the high quality that we are known for. We need to make sure that protocol is being followed.

If you just have questions about product or ordering information, please contact me via email ( and you will get a timely response.

If you have your order ready to go, you can send it to

We are trying to keep response times as fast as they have always been. If the ordering email is getting clogged up with questions, it is slowing down response time for actual orders. Questions will only be answered if they are sent to the correct contact.

Thank you all for your continued support!

The Paxton Team


This vendor is just outstanding. They only sell human grade supps, and are not the cheapest brand, yet, im my, and many other's opinions, they are THE BEST. They are also "SY" status, which is absolutley remarkable for the prices looking at it from this angle. I love this place, i can't say enough about paxton. Read about them on IMF, i sent the link.
This one here is a true gift, guys. PAX is second to none overall. Highest of qualities i have found.

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Ehh hmmmm... @BennyDiazapine ... I will let you get away with your "you boys..." statement this time since I'm new....:) Nice to meet you boys... Am I the only chica in this topic area of the forum? 

Thanks for the reviews and info... I'm looking forward to checking them out!!! 

no ur not alone in the roid area, i posted in it but for other personal reason /default_smile.png im a chica lol

Lol and I'm here laughing because I knew @MuscledSheHulk would be kicking some ass somewhere. Sorry it had to be you @BennyDiazipine. Thanks for the contributions to this section Benny, we appreciate it.

@sadminion.....woot woot....yay!!!  We have a lot to talk about! 

@2earls, I wouldn't let someone get away with leaving my beautiful muscles out of a discussion just because they are "hot and huge" instead of "f**k*n hooge bro"!!!  Lol

hahahha gosh there are so many women on this forum and my typing does NOT discriminate... I'm a ladies man and would rather be talking to ya guys then the dudes anyhow /default_wink.png

By the way, don't think i discriminate. I have 3 girls i train on a regular basis. They use Anadrol/Var/Winny/Clen (sometimes t3/t4) on a regular basis. Also had a client on an EQ/lose dose Test Prop/Nandrolone run.

I'm no discriminator here gal's.

----end of post. Anyone care to keep reading,


The Tren-A almost made me want to kill a guy (not literally...i think)? at the casino last night after showing him my id (where im a VIP high limit player for years at this casino in my hometown by the way) and despite having 4 forms of ID and my 4th tier rank players card, they tried to deny me! I demanded to speak to the head casino manager, and they brought me the floor manager.. I told him he wasn't the head casino manager and he (well there were.. THEY) argued with me, tellin me its their call and that saying 3x over he was the head manager, and i needed to shut up and let them speak and to "shut the hell up and let us speak, stop talking" or get out...then told me my ID wasn't me and to leave. I told them to go fuck themselves somewhere in that dispute and then i played my Ace card at the end they weren't expecting..

I just replied, "if youre the floor manager, then what happened to Mr. Patel?" He's a very close friend of't know that? I can call him myself, just hang on"..They handed me my ID back as fast as a baseball pitch and changed their tone from lucifer to an angel and said "were incredibly......sorry for the misunderstanding...We just have to watch our asses here. I normally would have obliged and wnt on my way, but still spurted out "your lucky you motherfuckers are inside this casino or outside it you'd really learn what watching your ass meant. By the way, i'm reporting you. My dad and i are family with your boss. I'd look for another job if i were you....and next time, you probably shouldn't talk over me, eh?"

Went on my way, and got a phone call this morning with apologies to the 10th degree from the family leverage we have that runs the casino who we didn't go out of our way to report/find him while at the casino, just left a voicemail on his phone. He called me this morning around 10am and asked what i would like to be done to rectify the situation. I told him to not worry about it, and i would get greater satisfaction every week i go back i will hopefully get the satisfaction of smiling and winking and walking through without the fricken hassle when i see those pricks...

Long story short...This tren-A is turning my non existing temper into a 1/4" firecracker fuse. I need to watch myself on this compounded cycle /default_ohmy.png

Ooooh.  Better take a check up from the neck up!  

Ive  been competing for five years and have an amaza-balls trainer who has made me his personal project.  I competed in 2013 at 135 and end of last year was 185. I started a hard labor job in January and lost twenty pounds absent from the gym... Then,  injured my knees, so I'm 168 now... You don't realize the stuff is really doing that much until you lose twenty pounds in two months. 

So, I'm back in the gym and I'm starting another cycle this week after being off for a month (talk about depression and mental withdrawal... Whew). 

I'm pretty modest so I don't usually talk about what I'm on.  I think bodybuilders get a bad wrap already because of the steroids, and being a woman doesn't make them think any less... So I try to show humility and hope I can change some people's minds about the sport and PED.  But, I love tren although I'm not sure how much it really affects my rage... I'm ? edgy anyway... But in a nice southern belle kind of way.  ?

I do like to brag on my trainer because I love him so much... He is a pro in LA and is about 5'7, and weighs 275. Lol.  I love it.

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oooh.  Better take a check up from the neck up!  

Ive  been competing for five years and have an amaza-balls trainer who has made me his personal project.  I competed in 2013 at 135 and end of last year was 185. I started a hard labor job in January and lost twenty pounds absent from the gym... Then,  injured my knees, so I'm 168 now... You don't realize the stuff is really doing that much until you lose twenty pounds in two months. 

So, I'm back in the gym and I'm starting another cycle this week after being off for a month (talk about depression and mental withdrawal... Whew). 

I'm pretty modest so I don't usually talk about what I'm on.  I think bodybuilders get a bad wrap already because of the steroids, and being a woman doesn't make them think any less... So I try to show humility and hope I can change some people's minds about the sport and PED.  But, I love tren although I'm not sure how much it really affects my rage... I'm ? edgy anyway... But in a nice southern belle kind of way.  ?

I do like to brag on my trainer because I love him so much... He is a pro in LA and is about 5'7, and weighs 275. Lol.  I love it.
 I think, good for you! Of all the available things from forum to forum, this is one of the few that actually helps someone's self-esteem besides diet pills. I've never been a huge fan of women who have huge huge arms and huge huge thighs and barely any breasts because their chest muscles have basically taken any subcutaneous tissue and just completely made them look ripped! But that's just another thing that is basically brainwashed into your head from a young age with regards to how women should appear and what women are supposed to look like. When I was younger I was never never never never happy with my body. It seems as though I would eat a whole lot and get kind of chubby but then I would end up taking a huge huge stretch upwards and from what I remember, I was 5 feet 10 inches tall in fifth grade. Right now I am nearly 6 feet tall. I weighed myself the other day and I had been avoiding eating a whole lot just not intentionally, but out of worry for my mom who was fighting cancer and I was down to 135 pounds. Now that, to me is ugly. I would rather look like the biggest brawniest weightlifting mama in the world than look as emaciated as I did last month. Happily, I am up to 140 pounds now. I also smoke cigarettes, so I envy you because I cannot imagine a life where I could run up a flight of stairs without getting a stitch in my side or without ending up being out of air once I reach the top. I do think you girls look great when you are all tanned. it makes all your muscles stand out. I would like to learn more about how you got into it actually, & I have started following you on the forum if that's alright with you. It's very interesting to me.I have questions, of course. Which you can wait until you are able to private message if you would like, before answering them. Or, simply not answer them at all if you don't feel inclined to. I have heard that the extra testosterone increases a woman's libido like rocket fuel. Is this true? Are you running around town and breaking mens pelvises? Lol I'm only kidding, kind of.I was in the Army and at one point in my life was very very healthy and very very strong. I mostly strived for a long lean muscle, as that's what my preference was, but I'm always interested in learning new things about people and what motivates boyfriend occasionally looks for @lprAz and substances like that on weight lifting sites. Or bodybuilding forums which rate and distinguish between good and bad vendors. If we stumble across any that we are able to make a legitimate order from 4 what I mentioned before, once your post count is up, I will let you know how it goes. I think your name is hysterical. Every time I read it it makes me want to pee my you just need an awesome avatar so people can see just how Brawny you are, girl! And if you don't mind, if anybody gets tough with me I'm going to start dropping your name. Lol

@sociopathicbombshell,  you mean,  am I running around town breaking men's penis'?  Only if they get fresh.... Which I really wouldn't mind, but that goes into the relationship discussion.  

And, I'm the girl you described... Flat chest and all!!!  O. M. G.... My 16 year old daughter makes fun of my little training bra!!!  I have a 42 inch chest and a negative A cup size... Lol.  I can't believe I just said that.  Oh well.  Thank goodness my pecs POP! 

I think a little something off the steroid vendor site could help you out... That stuff works!!!  If anything, it makes you feel motivated to do any kind of EXER-CISM.  ?

I have not ordered or heard from them.  I'm hesitant as I honestly love my product and hate the change.  It's like starting a new anti-depressant... You don't know until weeks later. They do have something on there i might try, but don't want to be the lab rat.  Give it a go!!! 

They're legit. I linked you guys to IMF, which if you know anything about sources, its DBG to steroids. They're the best. A 10 minute search on the Pax Family and you will realize its like talking about your favorite item on DBG. It's legit.

 I don't post around for fun, and the mods know this. I wouldn't post SHIT unless it wasnt just legit, but about the BEST you can get in that whole industry.


If you want to use an IOP then use my other source listed, they have every brand you could possibly want, basically. I just posted an "SY" HG source (pax) that....i doubt many of you guys have on hand.

I'll be checking back in once someone orders and thanks me for this.../default_smile.png

just realize you have to register first hun... No mod/admin approval necessary. Just sign up and there ya are.

PS our little secret.... Theres a part of the forum that lists about 100 vendors, basically everyone ive ever heard of, and it takes you to their thread, basically the same way its done on here. Pax is just A1 status. Trust Benny, i promise /default_smile.png   I personally love NAPS as well, the prices can't be better and quality since they have....every brand basically, and at the lowest youll find it. I just hate waiting 10-20 days on the gear!

Yeah that is definitely a drawback, but we are also not talking about the meds that are listed on the other part of this website, so these I consider to be something that someone would want to plan far ahead for. So in that sense, it's probably not too bad of a wait. heck I probably wait 10 days on my stuff sometimes. My guy will wait until the last minute and then something always goes wrong, you know? So that's not too bad of a wait for me.

Yeah, just consider PAX like the best SY (hum grade) you can possibly get within a day or two..

Naps, you're paying literally WAY cheap....bottom dollar, and you'll find yourself damn hard pressed to find something they don't offer. sometimes its hard to navigate how much they even offer, ive looked for a half hour for something and it wasn't there, typed it in the search bar (duh?) and its right there...They're list is seriously just ridiculously so wide....

They have an awesome thing at naps too... Every week, everyone on the site votes on whatever out of thousands and thousands of products offered, and it tallies the votes throughout the week, and whatever vote gets the highest that product is 50% off the next week. I'm the type that acts likea poor man scouting that shit every week, waiting on some good hg brand test or tren, or some GP test for $21 when it's half off and order 20x of those bad boys /default_smile.png

NAPS use to offer EMS, but it was the last time i checked no longer available. I am unsure as to if that option will be back in. All products have unbiased reviews on site, and most products will have as many as 10-100+. Really Naps has saved me so much money, esp when i scout the 50% weekly deals lol.

One thing i wanted to ask about paxton is the first day you posted this topic, i pulled it up and i may be dreaming, but i could have sworn they had ket*mine on there, but i looked again and is not there.  Maybe I'm thinking about another site but i really thought it was here... Have you ever seen it or am I imagining it? 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for