i'm sure a HS kid with high dose (200mg or so) along with other CNS deppresants i don't see how it isn't possible.
i've noticed sometimes just reading 30-40 pages feels i get what i'm reading more than reading 100+ pages.
if i had access to whatever, this is what i would use if i wanted to increase alp. Mainly the rest of the gaba system. gabapenteniods, one drink, small dose barbs. baclofen is great, as poster above stated. the effects on gaba-b really make baclofen stand out to me. maybe tiny g at peak.
if i...
as shitty of a benzo it is, i miss bromaz. been substituting with deschloroetizolam . it does an adequate job.
was spoiled and spending more and more time reading, before the Library of Alexandria burned down. I'm stubborn and insist on binding the books myself instead of have middle step of...
today I IM'ed a whole 10mg/10ml vial. sort of felt it. i've never been able to feel anything from v@llum even high doses with no tolerance.
really feels like i just don't get the same intensity as others. Probably some retarded ass metabolic issue. i hoped that whatever it was that made the...
before the started selling the isolated 7oh it was very very hard to die of kratom OD. this stuff has potency WILL lead to ODs. I've relied on kratom for years with zero issues (except first time i tried 7oh and didnt understand how much i was taking with 80mg and blacked out and needed taken...
@SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!