photo proof please. We have many return customers for our NA partners' bromazolam. So we don't know what's wrong. We need some proof if you want us to ask them if something changed with their product.
It doesn't really matter if you believe me, I'm not posting this for a refund or replacement so I don't stand to gain anything by lying, I'll post the proof if anyone really wants me to but I'm just doing what this topic was created for, letting potential customers know my experience with a vendor
I don't think you guys are lying about carrying br0mazolam, I'm saying I think there was a mix up and I was sent a c@thinone stimulant by mistake, and in this line of work, especially if you're offering high strength 0pioids, that's the type of mistake that really shouldn't be happening
I don't think you guys are lying about carrying br0mazolam, I'm saying I think there was a mix up and I was sent a c@thinone stimulant by mistake, and in this line of work, especially if you're offering high strength 0pioids, that's the type of mistake that really shouldn't be happening

again, we do not taking responsibility of what sent by our partners. But I agree with you, in general. Even though, we didn't hear almost any complains from product that sent by our partners in the north America. exclude of several customers that mentioned that they never received their order, mostly...
Over two months of waiting, got the runaround every time I emailed them. Now they’re saying I’m SOL and they will not reship anything or do any partial refunds.

The messed up part is I placed two seperate orders and they chose to ship them together, which I did not want them to do.

I question if they shipped at all. I’ve never not gotten a LL when an item like this was seized.

I DO NOT recommend this company. They are very rude and entirely unwilling to help.

Might as well burn your money instead.
I don't think you guys are lying about carrying br0mazolam, I'm saying I think there was a mix up and I was sent a c@thinone stimulant by mistake, and in this line of work, especially if you're offering high strength 0pioids, that's the type of mistake that really shouldn't be happening
I would be interested in the c@thinone of you can get a general idea of what it is?
I've has pretty good experiences ordering in the US to us section. Maybe I'm just lucky or it depends on whay products you ordered. The shipping is slow for some things, stims mostly but the hemofarm product they have always comes quickly for me.
Still waiting on tracking for reship #3 (second order was never shipped, first item ordered was out of stock). Been over a week since last communication
Thank you friend, keep us updated please.

Hmm, so today is 11/18, exactly 7 days after you posted this reply, and I haven't received anything from either your US shipper (from whom I placed one order, for a bit allegedly real mephedrone) but especially from your Canadian partners. I made sure to put in my order notes that I have literally 100% success rate ordering across the border, have had powder h3ro!n sent from Canada many times. So that is all just to say that if would I ordered from them doesn't arrive, which was obviously the more expensive and valuable part of the order, particularly with regards to op!oids that seem very rare around these parts, then frankly I'm just going to come right out and say they never sent it. I don't know if they turned into junkies themselves and are playing games with you guys/the the folks running the show in China, but I will say with certitude that if the packs don't arrive from Canada to the US which sees thousands if not millions of mail items come across the border each and every day, then they just weren't sent out in the first place. And that makes the whole "no refund/ reship" policy smell super fucking fishy-- because where is the oversight and accountability for these people, who ARE in fact part of your company; you collect money and advertise drugs on their behalf. I even inquired awhile ago on the company email address when I saw some curious information on my "prior orders" page within your website, and they clarified it was internal communication. So I took that to mean that shit was actually moving, great news! But I placed my order on Nov. 3rd, and two weeks is an awful long time for any piece of mail to arrive from Canada

Now, on the one hand if they are just sending the most basic postal ground, and are in fuckin the most desolate part of Saskatchewan or some frozen northern fishing village that requires a float plane to get to, and they only pick the mail sacks up twice a month, well ok then. That makes sense. And would also explain why I don't see any packages show up on informed delivery, since it would be a basic letter. But that doesn't seem right to me. And I don't know why they wouldn't put it in a small box anyway, assuming it's in an envelope. It's just more secure that way.

I spent almost a grand on this initial order because I've always heard good things about you guys, that you were reliable, honest, and had pure and rare products in many different categories. It's just a shame your China office doesn't ship any of these powerful op1ates like Magical Mountain etc because at least then I think your customers would have more faith ordering at this point. And hey, if it shows up in a basic ass envelope with a ton of "Royal Canadian Post" stamps all over it, I'll be the first one here to say I was premature. But it's been over two weeks since my order was marked completed, and it just should not take that long to arrive from Canada to where I am in the western US. Let alone whatever happened to the order I placed from WITHIN the US... So if you wanna double check for me bro, I'd definitely appreciate it.

Name is S. R. Order number is 13540, from 11/3/24. Thanks man
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I ordered from this vendor before. What I wanted was listed us to us, and in stock. After I placed my order I was contacted , and they said that what I wanted wasn't in stock. They offered a replacement rc, and I declined and said I would like a refund because I don't research those rcs. They did refund me, and the whole process took about 10 days. From when I ordered, to when I was refunded. So my review is a neutral review. Not a positive review, and not negative review. I did get refunded and was refunded rather quick. Send them a message/email to make sure that what you want is really in stock. I can't complain too much. They were quick to respond (1-2 days), and quick to refund me. That's my experience with them.
I guess what i read here over and over again is OP constantly reminding folks that they don't take responsibility for (the majority of) products that they are selling, flat out.

With that said, proceed with major caution guys! They are telling you flat out what they do and don't take responsibility for!

Granted, IMO, your listing products on your website, your taking our members money, and decline responsibility when things turn into chaos and dissaray.

Fair enough, but if that so is the case, it is your responsibility allow dialogue from your partners to the end customer, you know, the ones even doing the business!!

You can only claim deniability up to a point where you've paved an avenue for a remedy through source to buyer given they have their own dialogue and work it out... when your unwilling to disclose your shipping partners when things go awry....sorry man, but its my humble opinion you most definitely ARE RESPONSIBLE for those missing orders.

Stay safe dbg family. This isn't a blast to this vendor either as I know they have many years of solid history and do not need to prove themselves as they have earned their right in our community...My 2 cents.
Well even for their china packs which they claim responsibility for (China -> USA tracked) its been over 2 months without a tracking #
Well even for their china packs which they claim responsibility for (China -> USA tracked) its been over 2 months without a tracking #
we sent you the new tracking, friend. We are sorry about it. We had a bad luck with you order. We took the loose.
Hmm, so today is 11/18, exactly 7 days after you posted this reply, and I haven't received anything from either your US shipper (from whom I placed one order, for a bit allegedly real mephedrone) but especially from your Canadian partners. I made sure to put in my order notes that I have literally 100% success rate ordering across the border, have had powder h3ro!n sent from Canada many times. So that is all just to say that if would I ordered from them doesn't arrive, which was obviously the more expensive and valuable part of the order, particularly with regards to op!oids that seem very rare around these parts, then frankly I'm just going to come right out and say they never sent it. I don't know if they turned into junkies themselves and are playing games with you guys/the the folks running the show in China, but I will say with certitude that if the packs don't arrive from Canada to the US which sees thousands if not millions of mail items come across the border each and every day, then they just weren't sent out in the first place. And that makes the whole "no refund/ reship" policy smell super fucking fishy-- because where is the oversight and accountability for these people, who ARE in fact part of your company; you collect money and advertise drugs on their behalf. I even inquired awhile ago on the company email address when I saw some curious information on my "prior orders" page within your website, and they clarified it was internal communication. So I took that to mean that shit was actually moving, great news! But I placed my order on Nov. 3rd, and two weeks is an awful long time for any piece of mail to arrive from Canada

Now, on the one hand if they are just sending the most basic postal ground, and are in fuckin the most desolate part of Saskatchewan or some frozen northern fishing village that requires a float plane to get to, and they only pick the mail sacks up twice a month, well ok then. That makes sense. And would also explain why I don't see any packages show up on informed delivery, since it would be a basic letter. But that doesn't seem right to me. And I don't know why they wouldn't put it in a small box anyway, assuming it's in an envelope. It's just more secure that way.

I spent almost a grand on this initial order because I've always heard good things about you guys, that you were reliable, honest, and had pure and rare products in many different categories. It's just a shame your China office doesn't ship any of these powerful op1ates like Magical Mountain etc because at least then I think your customers would have more faith ordering at this point. And hey, if it shows up in a basic ass envelope with a ton of "Royal Canadian Post" stamps all over it, I'll be the first one here to say I was premature. But it's been over two weeks since my order was marked completed, and it just should not take that long to arrive from Canada to where I am in the western US. Let alone whatever happened to the order I placed from WITHIN the US... So if you wanna double check for me bro, I'd definitely appreciate it.

Name is S. R. Order number is 13540, from 11/3/24. Thanks man
friend, shipping from Canada it's out of guarantee. And it's takes time. be patient. 7 days... common. :/

But you didn't receive the 4-MMC? you suppose to receive it already.
I guess what i read here over and over again is OP constantly reminding folks that they don't take responsibility for (the majority of) products that they are selling, flat out.

With that said, proceed with major caution guys! They are telling you flat out what they do and don't take responsibility for!

Granted, IMO, your listing products on your website, your taking our members money, and decline responsibility when things turn into chaos and dissaray.

Fair enough, but if that so is the case, it is your responsibility allow dialogue from your partners to the end customer, you know, the ones even doing the business!!

You can only claim deniability up to a point where you've paved an avenue for a remedy through source to buyer given they have their own dialogue and work it out... when your unwilling to disclose your shipping partners when things go awry....sorry man, but its my humble opinion you most definitely ARE RESPONSIBLE for those missing orders.

Stay safe dbg family. This isn't a blast to this vendor either as I know they have many years of solid history and do not need to prove themselves as they have earned their right in our community...My 2 cents.

We are mentioned clearly that we can't take responsibility about what sold by our partners. Most orders from our partners are getting great reviews on their products. If we getting many bad reviews, we are stopping using the specific partner. So your review blaming us is not fair. We are very honest and clear.
friend, shipping from Canada it's out of guarantee. And it's takes time. be patient. 7 days... common. :/

But you didn't receive the 4-MMC? you suppose to receive it already.
No, nothing from the US. And I mean, it is not 7 days we are talking about, of course I don't expect things that fast. I placed the order for everything on the 3rd, and waited exactly two weeks without receiving anything before I made a post here.

I had been very respectful and transparent on here about my faith in TGC as a company. I still have faith that you guys are going to come through with my order, but I want to state again that the whole "no reships from Canada" thing is what in America we would call a "copout,” basically a poor excuse for something that you still bear some responsibility for. You can't accept money and advertise a huge percentage of certain product categories for a person/ persons, and then claim they are a separate entity that should not have the same kind of guarantees as the rest of the operation. That just sounds crazy, and deeply dishonest, especially when the reality is orders from Canada should be FLYING across the border with speed and assurance, since they aren't a source country, are a neighbor, NAFTA, blah blah blah. It just doesn't make sense other than the reasons I listed in my last post. And when you don't use shipping that provides customers with any tracking abilities, it's just a matter of "trust us, bro!",? Naw man, that is scammer behavior, and I just refuse to believe that you guys are scamming. Not when TGC has such an established, positive record in this scene. But I can't account for what else is happening.

I want to state very clearly, as long as the people printing my shipping address on each package (the one from Canada and the one from the US) then the following is an absolutely true statement:

BOTH PACKAGES/ ENVELOPES SHOULD ARRIVE/ HAVE ARRIVED WITH ABSOLUTELY NO DELAY OR HOLD UP, within the past 2 weeks from when I placed my order on November 3rd..

I just can't accept that I've been buying stuff online for many years, (since at least late 2011 when I was first a buyer on Silk Road and eventually a moderately successful vendor there with this same account name,) both RC but especially lots of normal, very controlled street stuff, you know, the kind of chemicals they train dogs on specifically, that they expect to see when searching for drugs in the post? And I have never had a packaged seized. Not once, never received a "love letter," even after ordering multi- ounce shipments of the most beautiful ⲙDⲙⲁ I've ever seen straight from the NL, or multi- gram amounts of ⲏⲉⲅⲟⲓⲛ from Canada, or various forms of ⲣsⲩcⲏⲉdelic from Canada, or jugs of Gϧⲃ from Canada, or half kilo amounts of stero!ds, schedule1 analogs (that since became listed there on their own), ⲃⲉⲛⲍⲟs of all sorts of control all from China..... I could go on.

I'm not bullshitting you, quite the opposite I have put a bunch of faith in you, and you/ the main folks in the company have all my personal identification/ address information, so you can tell I'm not some prior disgruntled purchaser who is here to stir up more trouble. Shit, once I saw some very exciting offerings like the magical mountain especially, and "real" 4mmc, and Methylmethaqualone, and whatever is in Grapealicious but it indeed sounded all kinds of " -licious" based on the reviews... well I immediately placed an order based solely on what I knew about your excellent reputation, and with the intent to also cool down the temperature in this thread towards you guys. Because as a former vendor myself I know all about scam buyers, people who try to straight extort you (I had to have Mr. Ulbrict himself deal with someone who had threatened to have somehow hacked the site and obtained prior sales records, threatened to release buyer addresses etc to LEO, if I didn't give them some weekly percentage of BTC. I otherwise ignored them.), and just people who get high and forget stuff about their orders, don't follow the LONG established rules of using their real name/ address, or whine about discrepancies in order weight. I totally understand how challenging it can be, and yet in return for the hassle, the reward is a massive, untaxed income stream that at least for me at the time I was doing it 15 years ago or so, was so far above an average, normal legitimate job that it shocked me when I got my first bank statement post- Grand Opening of my vendor store. Haha, I immediately tried to get all my friends to fly with me to Vegas (they thought I was insane, since obviously nobody knew) where I also made a decent amount playing poker and then bought some stupid shit like a $700 Mont Blanc platinum writing pen, or a $400/ hr escort. Actually that last one was damn worth it.)

All of this rambling, repetitive posting to say, these orders should have arrived by now. I can think of no legitimate reason why they have not arrived unmolested by the post office or ⲒⲆⲱ ⲉⲛfⲟⲅⲥⲉⲙⲉπⲧ almost 20 days after ordering. I've had many orders from Asia arrive substantially faster than that. And sure, bad luck can happen to the best of us, but I mean, c'mon now. That just doesn't happen unless your Maple Syrup boofing, Moose fucking amigos up north are literally hours or days away from a raid, and have had a tail for weeks following their drops and collecting their outbound shipments as evidence. In which case, my sincere condolences. But we all know that isn't what is happening here. Only other things I can think of are they haven't shipped it yet, or they improperly addressed my pack. Because I can see my address on my account page and I input it perfectly.

I just want what I paid for. I don't want a refund or anything like that, I want my doⲣⲉ. And as I said before if it happened to appear in my postal box this afternoon the first thing I'd do before even taking a damn hit would be coming on here to set the record straight. I have always believed you guys to be honest and reliable, I never would have made an $800+ (now more like, $1200 with BTC prices exploding? Hah) order if I felt otherwise. I strongly encourage you to share this post with the whole of your company, translate as appropriate, because I'm afraid that if my orders do not arrive, and there is zero recourse or explanation for that happening like a love letter or battering ran thru my doorframe, or admission they fumbled the address formatting/ numbers, then there can be no other explanation, in the face of my long and varied ordering history over the course of years from across the border, zero instances of seizures, and the complaints of individuals on here (and almost certainly elsewhere, since I only recently learned about this forum and I've been in the game longer than some of these youngsters have been alive, and now that's a sobering thought), and sadly that explanation would have to be selective scamming on the part of at least SOME members of your organization. I don't want to believe that based on your good name in this game, and me placing MY FAITH and money on my trust in aTGC's honesty. But I can't think of any other reasonable explanation.

So please, just tell me either where my prior orders are/ when I might expect them (privately on here is ok for this, or my email account) or explain how we might resolve the fact they are missing with a reship. Actually putting me in contact with the folks responsible for shipping out of Canada might also be helpful. And you'll notice I'm focusing on the part of the order that was coming internationally, since it was the most expensive part and the most desirable, but it's even more bizarre that the 4MMC hasn't arrived from within the US. That has no excuse at this point. I hope to God you guys send with tracking and just withhold it most of the time for opsec reasons, it would have been unthinkable for me to do that when I was a vendor. It's our only evidence that you are upholding your end of the bargain. And rather flimsy evidence at that, but still. Better than nothing.

Thank you so much once again for your assistance with this, and with all due respect to both you, and your partners in China and particularly in Canada and the US. I eagerly await the time I can post "hey guys! TGC is 100% legit, order without hesitation, etc etc" because that's what I believed over two weeks ago when placing my order, even with seeing some disgruntled people on this site. It's just that you seem to offer what nobody else offers, and on an econ 101 level that's a very powerful position to be in, market-wise. Don't screw that up :)
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No, nothing from the US. And I mean, it is not 7 days we are talking about, of course I don't expect things that fast. I placed the order for everything on the 3rd, and waited exactly two weeks without receiving anything before I made a post here.

I had been very respectful and transparent on here about my faith in TGC as a company. I still have faith that you guys are going to come through with my order, but I want to state again that the whole "no reships from Canada" thing is what in America we would call a "copout,” basically a poor excuse for something that you still bear some responsibility for. You can't accept money and advertise a huge percentage of certain product categories for a person/ persons, and then claim they are a separate entity that should not have the same kind of guarantees as the rest of the operation. That just sounds crazy, and deeply dishonest, especially when the reality is orders from Canada should be FLYING across the border with speed and assurance, since they aren't a source country, are a neighbor, NAFTA, blah blah blah. It just doesn't make sense other than the reasons I listed in my last post. And when you don't use shipping that provides customers with any tracking abilities, it's just a matter of "trust us, bro!",? Naw man, that is scammer behavior, and I just refuse to believe that you guys are scamming. Not when TGC has such an established, positive record in this scene. But I can't account for what else is happening.

I want to state very clearly, as long as the people printing my shipping address on each package (the one from Canada and the one from the US) then the following is an absolutely true statement:

BOTH PACKAGES/ ENVELOPES SHOULD ARRIVE/ HAVE ARRIVED WITH ABSOLUTELY NO DELAY OR HOLD UP, within the past 2 weeks from when I placed my order on November 3rd..

I just can't accept that I've been buying stuff online for many years, (since at least late 2011 when I was first a buyer on Silk Road and eventually a moderately successful vendor there with this same account name,) both RC but especially lots of normal, very controlled street stuff, you know, the kind of chemicals they train dogs on specifically, that they expect to see when searching for drugs in the post? And I have never had a packaged seized. Not once, never received a "love letter," even after ordering multi- ounce shipments of the most beautiful ⲙDⲙⲁ I've ever seen straight from the NL, or multi- gram amounts of ⲏⲉⲅⲟⲓⲛ from Canada, or various forms of ⲣsⲩcⲏⲉdelic from Canada, or jugs of Gϧⲃ from Canada, or half kilo amounts of stero!ds, schedule1 analogs (that since became listed there on their own), ⲃⲉⲛⲍⲟs of all sorts of control all from China..... I could go on.

I'm not bullshitting you, quite the opposite I have put a bunch of faith in you, and you/ the main folks in the company have all my personal identification/ address information, so you can tell I'm not some prior disgruntled purchaser who is here to stir up more trouble. Shit, once I saw some very exciting offerings like the magical mountain especially, and "real" 4mmc, and Methylmethaqualone, and whatever is in Grapealicious but it indeed sounded all kinds of " -licious" based on the reviews... well I immediately placed an order based solely on what I knew about your excellent reputation, and with the intent to also cool down the temperature in this thread towards you guys. Because as a former vendor myself I know all about scam buyers, people who try to straight extort you (I had to have Mr. Ulbrict himself deal with someone who had threatened to have somehow hacked the site and obtained prior sales records, threatened to release buyer addresses etc to LEO, if I didn't give them some weekly percentage of BTC. I otherwise ignored them.), and just people who get high and forget stuff about their orders, don't follow the LONG established rules of using their real name/ address, or whine about discrepancies in order weight. I totally understand how challenging it can be, and yet in return for the hassle, the reward is a massive, untaxed income stream that at least for me at the time I was doing it 15 years ago or so, was so far above an average, normal legitimate job that it shocked me when I got my first bank statement post- Grand Opening of my vendor store. Haha, I immediately tried to get all my friends to fly with me to Vegas (they thought I was insane, since obviously nobody knew) where I also made a decent amount playing poker and then bought some stupid shit like a $700 Mont Blanc platinum writing pen, or a $400/ hr escort. Actually that last one was damn worth it.)

All of this rambling, repetitive posting to say, these orders should have arrived by now. I can think of no legitimate reason why they have not arrived unmolested by the post office or ⲒⲆⲱ ⲉⲛfⲟⲅⲥⲉⲙⲉπⲧ almost 20 days after ordering. I've had many orders from Asia arrive substantially faster than that. And sure, bad luck can happen to the best of us, but I mean, c'mon now. That just doesn't happen unless your Maple Syrup boofing, Moose fucking amigos up north are literally hours or days away from a raid, and have had a tail for weeks following their drops and collecting their outbound shipments as evidence. In which case, my sincere condolences. But we all know that isn't what is happening here. Only other things I can think of are they haven't shipped it yet, or they improperly addressed my pack. Because I can see my address on my account page and I input it perfectly.

I just want what I paid for. I don't want a refund or anything like that, I want my doⲣⲉ. And as I said before if it happened to appear in my postal box this afternoon the first thing I'd do before even taking a damn hit would be coming on here to set the record straight. I have always believed you guys to be honest and reliable, I never would have made an $800+ (now more like, $1200 with BTC prices exploding? Hah) order if I felt otherwise. I strongly encourage you to share this post with the whole of your company, translate as appropriate, because I'm afraid that if my orders do not arrive, and there is zero recourse or explanation for that happening like a love letter or battering ran thru my doorframe, or admission they fumbled the address formatting/ numbers, then there can be no other explanation, in the face of my long and varied ordering history over the course of years from across the border, zero instances of seizures, and the complaints of individuals on here (and almost certainly elsewhere, since I only recently learned about this forum and I've been in the game longer than some of these youngsters have been alive, and now that's a sobering thought), and sadly that explanation would have to be selective scamming on the part of at least SOME members of your organization. I don't want to believe that based on your good name in this game, and me placing MY FAITH and money on my trust in aTGC's honesty. But I can't think of any other reasonable explanation.

So please, just tell me either where my prior orders are/ when I might expect them (privately on here is ok for this, or my email account) or explain how we might resolve the fact they are missing with a reship. Actually putting me in contact with the folks responsible for shipping out of Canada might also be helpful. And you'll notice I'm focusing on the part of the order that was coming internationally, since it was the most expensive part and the most desirable, but it's even more bizarre that the 4MMC hasn't arrived from within the US. That has no excuse at this point. I hope to God you guys send with tracking and just withhold it most of the time for opsec reasons, it would have been unthinkable for me to do that when I was a vendor. It's our only evidence that you are upholding your end of the bargain. And rather flimsy evidence at that, but still. Better than nothing.

Thank you so much once again for your assistance with this, and with all due respect to both you, and your partners in China and particularly in Canada and the US. I eagerly await the time I can post "hey guys! TGC is 100% legit, order without hesitation, etc etc" because that's what I believed over two weeks ago when placing my order, even with seeing some disgruntled people on this site. It's just that you seem to offer what nobody else offers, and on an econ 101 level that's a very powerful position to be in, market-wise. Don't screw that up :)

Sorry, I won't going to read all of this. I will check about the 4mmc. The things from Canada are slow. And also Canada's post is striking now. So may takes even longer.
Sorry, I won't going to read all of this. I will check about the 4mmc. The things from Canada are slow. And also Canada's post is striking now. So may takes even longer.
I mean I don't blame you for not reading my rambling screed, but just fyi most of it was very complimentary and I was placing my continued trust in the idea that TGC was going to come through and live up to their reputation by ensuring that my shit gets delivered. But it was also establishing that the "no reships unless from China"
*occasional policy doesn't make sense when you are intimately wrapped up with your Canadian "partners," and without tracking numbers we all just have to take a massive leap of faith, which is honestly asking a lot in this world. As long as someone from your side can track shit then not handing them out to customers constantly I could understand. But in the case something is taking too long, well it's just nice to be able to put people's minds at ease, you know what I mean, buddy?
This may sound like an absurd idea, but with the *overwhelming* amount of customer criticism over something obviously either not working or causing major issues with your shipping partner, perhaps other strategies could be considered in the future?

I know this is major critical outside the box thinking, but boy, imagine the amount of hassle and headache that could be completely solved from *having tracking available on all of your packages, if not for customers at least for your own records and ability to know for sure where the hell all your merchandise is!
This may sound like an absurd idea, but with the *overwhelming* amount of customer criticism over something obviously either not working or causing major issues with your shipping partner, perhaps other strategies could be considered in the future?

I know this is major critical outside the box thinking, but boy, imagine the amount of hassle and headache that could be completely solved from *having tracking available on all of your packages, if not for customers at least for your own records and ability to know for sure where the hell all your merchandise is!

Most customers are happy. You just not hear about them 😉
It's obvious that the customer who are not happy, are releasing bad feedback. We are trying to do the best of our customers. and we have 5 figures number of customers.... so no, we are doing great. And most of the complains are by people who do not respect our terms. We can't guarante 100% successful shipping from Europe to the USA, for example. So what the point to complain if we mentioned it very clearly?

All the best :)
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for