
It’s interesting that it’s available now. It used to be more common,
Then it disappeared. Has anyone HPLC tested these new batches?

My cynical self first thinks it’s just cut or shitty 4F-mph sold as its little brother
I only use this chem through a nasal spray solution w a mix of moisturizing saline, distilled water, and a anti-bact. lol, it is way stronger to me than any f4 synth or old school Tmp powder. More euphoric too. I don't know why I never tried oral shit. I had no idea it was so bad that way that is extremely strange. Problem is even the nasal spray gets harsh eventually and with out a nasal spray? Yikes. Ouch, I'm talking about 4-me-Tmp crystal though, light yellow
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I only use this chem through a nasal spray solution w a mix of moisturizing saline, distilled water, and a anti-bact. lol, it is way stronger to me than any f4 synth or old school Tmp powder. More euphoric too. I don't know why I never tried oral shit. I had no idea it was so bad that way that is extremely strange. Problem is even the nasal spray gets harsh eventually and with out a nasal spray? Yikes. Ouch, I'm talking about 4-me-Tmp crystal though, light yellow
Good idea with the nasal solution. The major downside is the harshness on the nose, especially if not in a very fine powder. Crystaline chunks burn like a Mofo. It is strange that the tmp is so much more useful nasal than oral. I guess similar to regular rits, lower bioavailability. Also akin to rit, duration is quite short. But on the other hand i def dont get the same side effects as 4F. My last experience was while in minor benz WDs so i am assuming that really amped up any anxiety. But i was strong and resisted the urge to pop one, if just to calm my nerves. Ive never developed a bad benzo habit but its like walking a knifes edge. Ive known too many people on high dose benzos, coming off is almost impossible. Opiate WDs aint got shit on benz. Luckily i quite opiates long before these new zenes came into the scene. Scary shit to me. It was bad enough years ago when it was just fent popping up randomly, granted it was still easy to get the real deal. It seems the FDA and other 3 letter orgs have pushed people to these crazy analouges. Sad. I didnt see anyone die from OD irl until the pill crackdown in the mid to late 2000s. At least you knew what you were getting.

i digress. Will def try nasal solution for tmp. Save my nasal cavities some grief...
Weird - like an hour before PHX suggested it, I bought nasal spray from CVS for this purpose and will prep it today (mix in in to the pre-made spray). It needs to be 100mg/ml to be convenient, so fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞
Weird - like an hour before PHX suggested it, I bought nasal spray from CVS for this purpose and will prep it today (mix in in to the pre-made spray). It needs to be 100mg/ml to be convenient, so fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞
Is it completely soluble at room temp? Half a year ago I tried making a nasal spray with some 4f and couldn't get it all to dissolve, very disappointed
Is it completely soluble at room temp? Half a year ago I tried making a nasal spray with some 4f and couldn't get it all to dissolve, very disappointed

I'll go more for the 4Me, but thanks for the tip! I have a LOT of the 4f left and need to do something with it... maybe not a spray, though.
Has anyone tried IV as the ROA? I know the parent compound is amazing IV
I just wanted to add that the newer variety of 4metmp crystals is shit compared to what was released as 4metmp originally as powder. Ime almost feel like different mags.
I just wanted to add that the newer variety of 4metmp crystals is shit compared to what was released as 4metmp originally as powder. Ime almost feel like different mags.
Feel you bro, I took 200mgs at once and had only mild stimulation
IN seems to have more of an effect than oral research. Big difference actually which is odd. 150mgs orally doesnt do much, but 70-100mgs insufflated gave decent stimulation
IN seems to have more of an effect than oral research. Big difference actually which is odd. 150mgs orally doesnt do much, but 70-100mgs insufflated gave decent stimulation
This is exactly what my research told me. IN analyzation woulx yield quite positive results, as low as 40 to 50 mg would register on lab equiptment. 120+ mg analyzed in the oral machine gave limited results. ROA makes a huge difference with tmp
This is exactly what my research told me. IN analyzation woulx yield quite positive results, as low as 40 to 50 mg would register on lab equiptment. 120+ mg analyzed in the oral machine gave limited results. ROA makes a huge difference with tmp
The older, white powdery/small crystal batch(es) sold a year or two ago were so much better in this regard. You could dose it orally, IN, IR, etc and get amazing effects every way.

This current lemon-cleaner-scented, garbage POOPOO batch needs to go in the trash, and the chemists in China need to take another look at WTF they did wrong on this batch compared to the past. Not just the customers, but the Suppliers should be demanding better synths going forward if this is what CN is going to be pumping out en-mass instead of 4F-MpeeH.

BJC, LongFlourish, and all the other vendors buying from them should rethink it, and should be asking why the quality is so drastically worse than what was provided just a year prior. It’s truly disappointing because it used to be such a good, versatile chem. I just think the current purity has to be below 60% considering an amount of 150mg previously would have me WIRED for 5 hours straight, with heavy paranoia and euphoria.
The older, white powdery/small crystal batch(es) sold a year or two ago were so much better in this regard. You could dose it orally, IN, IR, etc and get amazing effects every way.

This current lemon-cleaner-scented, garbage POOPOO batch needs to go in the trash, and the chemists in China need to take another look at WTF they did wrong on this batch compared to the past. Not just the customers, but the Suppliers should be demanding better synths going forward if this is what CN is going to be pumping out en-mass instead of 4F-MpeeH.

BJC, LongFlourish, and all the other vendors buying from them should rethink it, and should be asking why the quality is so drastically worse than what was provided just a year prior. It’s truly disappointing because it used to be such a good, versatile chem. I just think the current purity has to be below 60% considering an amount of 150mg previously would have me WIRED for 5 hours straight, with heavy paranoia and euphoria.
Wish I could've researched the older batches. This current batch has my machine functioning contently with 100mgs IN, but other ROAs are not the best. Should be as you said, ALL ROAs should work great. Hopefully there will be better batches/more analogues out there to help substitute this because I'm intrigued.
Four efff used to be my main research encapsulated & in. Now with the lemon scent I've found putting it through a screen and making it a fine pow helps with the caps...still not what it used to be but trying to make the best of it
Four efff used to be my main research encapsulated & in. Now with the lemon scent I've found putting it through a screen and making it a fine pow helps with the caps...still not what it used to be but trying to make the best of it
I tried acetone washing 5g of finely ground 4-metmp. The resulting loss was less than 9%. Some of the smell was washed off, but still very much prevalent. It was definitely a cleaner looking white crystal by the end, so some impurity seems to have been washed off.

However the effects really weren't that much better. Part of me wonders if the tmp is actually the citric acid version of the salt as opposed to HCl as it’s been sold as.

Unfortunately I don’t have the means to test this theory. But I’d be interested to hear others thoughts. What did the pcyp citric acid rc smell and look like, for anyone who’s tried it?
I tried acetone washing 5g of finely ground 4-metmp. The resulting loss was less than 9%. Some of the smell was washed off, but still very much prevalent. It was definitely a cleaner looking white crystal by the end, so some impurity seems to have been washed off.

However the effects really weren't that much better. Part of me wonders if the tmp is actually the citric acid version of the salt as opposed to HCl as it’s been sold as.

Unfortunately I don’t have the means to test this theory. But I’d be interested to hear others thoughts. What did the pcyp citric acid rc smell and look like, for anyone who’s tried it?
Identical I actually just got the new 4metmp and thought my vendor accidentally sent me citric acid pycp. Literal identical scent abd appearance. I’m so confused, it even looks smells and vapes and tastes the same and I thought 4metmp wasn’t vapable? I’m thinking it just be the citric acid nit hcl or there’s a mess up somewhere and my vendor is not the guy that messes things like that up it had to be the lap or it’s simply the citric acid not hcl
Identical I actually just got the new 4metmp and thought my vendor accidentally sent me citric acid pycp. Literal identical scent abd appearance. I’m so confused, it even looks smells and vapes and tastes the same and I thought 4metmp wasn’t vapable? I’m thinking it just be the citric acid nit hcl or there’s a mess up somewhere and my vendor is not the guy that messes things like that up it had to be the lap or it’s simply the citric acid not hcl
100% on the money. My conspiratorial guess would be that some suppliers the top of the food chain is trying to get rid of their shit pyro/cathinone stock under the name of this 4-me-tmp. 4-me should not be vapable, at least not easily. All the crap pyros and caths aren’t active until at least 75mg+ which seems to align with this one too.

My common sense tells me that it’s likely just an absolutely shit synth or citric acid variant. I don’t think vendors themselves are lying, I just haven’t seen any evidence of it being tested before being sold.

Either way, I would throw in $$ to get this stuff professionally tested. I have 10g that is collecting dust because I just hate the stuff. It may be worth it given the fact I just rec’d a message elsewhere stating that a user got the white powder version, and it was just as potent/amazing as previous batches. So the other synth version is still out there, apparently.
100% on the money. My conspiratorial guess would be that some suppliers the top of the food chain is trying to get rid of their shit pyro/cathinone stock under the name of this 4-me-tmp. 4-me should not be vapable, at least not easily. All the crap pyros and caths aren’t active until at least 75mg+ which seems to align with this one too.

My common sense tells me that it’s likely just an absolutely shit synth or citric acid variant. I don’t think vendors themselves are lying, I just haven’t seen any evidence of it being tested before being sold.

Either way, I would throw in $$ to get this stuff professionally tested. I have 10g that is collecting dust because I just hate the stuff. It may be worth it given the fact I just rec’d a message elsewhere stating that a user got the white powder version, and it was just as potent/amazing as previous batches. So the other synth version is still out there, apparently.
on it I’ve already sent it to formal lab analysisand had a former coworker take it into the lab fir preliminary results, but I I suspect that this is 100% what the result is going to be. Again, this is not the fault of the vendors, This is the from higher up the chain so we should not take it out on our vendors. please everybody remember that they our victims just as we are and likely lost a hell of a lot more money than we did
on it I’ve already sent it to formal lab analysisand had a former coworker take it into the lab fir preliminary results, but I I suspect that this is 100% what the result is going to be. Again, this is not the fault of the vendors, This is the from higher up the chain so we should not take it out on our vendors. please everybody remember that they our victims just as we are and likely lost a hell of a lot more money than we did
Thank you for taking the lead and getting that sent out to be tested so quickly! Please let me know if I can help chip in for test fees or shipping. I’d be happy to help. And please do let us/me know what results are reported once you get them back!

Out of curiosity did you send it to one of the commonly used testing services, stateside? i know most do qualitative, but a couple others do quantitative as well.

Also I agree with your sentiment that regardless of results, this shouldn’t be a witch hunt of vendors. If anything it will hopefully be a lesson to vendors (AND customers) that testing their materials themselves, or requiring a valid COA for said materials is really of paramount importance. I know there’s a few good, honest vendors on here that do that now, especially when it comes to things like presses of the 0pi variety. I’d like to see more vendors/customers follow suit instead of blindly believing the labeling on every product claiming to be “99.98% pure XYZ”.

100% on the money. My conspiratorial guess would be that some suppliers the top of the food chain is trying to get rid of their shit pyro/cathinone stock under the name of this 4-me-tmp. 4-me should not be vapable, at least not easily. All the crap pyros and caths aren’t active until at least 75mg+ which seems to align with this one too.

My common sense tells me that it’s likely just an absolutely shit synth or citric acid variant. I don’t think vendors themselves are lying, I just haven’t seen any evidence of it being tested before being sold.

Either way, I would throw in $$ to get this stuff professionally tested. I have 10g that is collecting dust because I just hate the stuff. It may be worth it given the fact I just rec’d a message elsewhere stating that a user got the white powder version, and it was just as potent/amazing as previous batches. So the other synth version is still out there, apparently.

Thank you for taking the lead and getting that sent out to be tested so quickly! Please let me know if I can help chip in for test fees or shipping. I’d be happy to help. And please do let us/me know what results are reported once you get them back!

Out of curiosity did you send it to one of the commonly used testing services, stateside? i know most do qualitative, but a couple others do quantitative as well.

Also I agree with your sentiment that regardless of results, this shouldn’t be a witch hunt of vendors. If anything it will hopefully be a lesson to vendors (AND customers) that testing their materials themselves, or requiring a valid COA for said materials is really of paramount importance. I know there’s a few good, honest vendors on here that do that now, especially when it comes to things like presses of the 0pi variety. I’d like to see more vendors/customers follow suit instead of blindly believing the labeling on every product claiming to be “99.98% pure XYZ”.

I sent a sample to an international lab and brought another into a lab I’m affiliated with in the US (I’m a biochemist). Though I can’t preform all required testing without risking my job obviously so any results i get should be considered possible preliminary results and no final conclusions made until the full results are in from formal testing. To my knowledge there’s no anonymous US testing lab anymore, the only one that used to exist I thought stopped testing last year? If there’s a new domestic lab let me know and I’ll send in there as well.
Thank you for taking the lead and getting that sent out to be tested so quickly! Please let me know if I can help chip in for test fees or shipping. I’d be happy to help. And please do let us/me know what results are reported once you get them back!

Out of curiosity did you send it to one of the commonly used testing services, stateside? i know most do qualitative, but a couple others do quantitative as well.

Also I agree with your sentiment that regardless of results, this shouldn’t be a witch hunt of vendors. If anything it will hopefully be a lesson to vendors (AND customers) that testing their materials themselves, or requiring a valid COA for said materials is really of paramount importance. I know there’s a few good, honest vendors on here that do that now, especially when it comes to things like presses of the 0pi variety. I’d like to see more vendors/customers follow suit instead of blindly believing the labeling on every product claiming to be “99.98% pure XYZ”.

Also the vendor I used is notorious for being one of the only vendors who immediately releases any mix ups or labeling issues and takes total ownership and responsibility (as a hint,,this is the vendor who released a psa about 5apb being passed off as 6apb and to date is still one of the few who corrected that error publicly and swiftly). I have a pretty long standing relationship with this vendor and have taken chems in to my lab on his request previously (example, he was concerned after reading reports on tilmetamine and requested that I bring it in before he put it on his menu , it ended up testing exactly as it should (it’s just a shitty chem) but it is exactly what it says it is) but he waited for those results before sending it out simply out of concern from reports he’d read from other vendors clients ). This particular chem is not one I can safely perform any kind of full testing on myself without raising red flags due to the class, so I needed to send it off to verify to protect myself. My vendor will absolutely put out a psa if I come back with contradictory results (as he has in the past) lHowever there’s far more vendors that care more about the money than the client who all have the same batch obviously, so i just recommend anyone with this new batch to reach out to your vendor with concerns (in a NON ACCUSATORY way, suggesting a possible mix up at the lab to make them aware, NOT to accuse your vendor.

The majority of US RC vendors don’t test simply because there’s no easy way to test for them and reagents aren’t reliable for novel chems. It’s not an excuse by any means, but i do understand that theres just not enough info out yet on a lot of these novel chems so there’s a lack of routes to testing them. ultimately a client should always assume responsibility to test their products and never rely on the word of anybody who puts that product in their hands.
Always remember that at the end of the day , the responsibility to test your product is always going to be primarily your own no matter where you got it or how you acquired it.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!