Alert to all Vendors

Any vendor and client using Protonmail needs to pay attention. This might look juvenile, but as CNC5 said, there are victims here that are hardworking and didn’t deserve this.
Now we have a third vendor whose email was copied and was able to scam another member out of a lot, more than the 3 of CNC5’s clients together.
A general warning will be posted, but if I were a vendor I would be reminding all of my clients to be careful that they are only communicating with you.
A 1000% to everything you just said! I've warned ⚠️ all of mine!
Hey everyone,
Doctor Faustus here, Some days back I received an email from a member of DBG having private note in it. As soon as I opened the private note, proton asked me to put my credentials again, after putting, all my proton access was in hands of that hacker. ow, I'm compensating all my clients who got scammed.
He is sending links to all my clients which demands their credentials as well.
Please do not open any link (ie Snote) coming to your mail as I don't want you guys to face issues, Especially Vendors here on DBG.


Dr. Faustus
Wish I could have gotten that opportunity 3/4 months back. Still having to hunt down new source for 🧊 because of ruined vendor/client relationship . Not even sure to reach back out at this point.
Wish I could have gotten that opportunity 3/4 months back. Still having to hunt down new source for 🧊 because of ruined vendor/client relationship . Not even sure to reach back out at this point.

As far as we know [as of yesterday], Dr Faustus is unofficially no longer with us — for the time being, anyway

Perhaps, triple check with @AnnaSofia @Gracie5 or @Admin ☑️✅☑️
This among 2-3 other reasons is why we have phased out proton mail... It has never been safe, complied with all subpoenas by governments (giving what info they can, not subject matter contents at least!) and we have noticed many phishing and certain oddities. No go for us anymore.

Delta Chat by Email is what we use. Decentralized, end to end encrypted, open source of course and peer reviewed. Life is good again.
That’s fantastic news 💯

It’s always worrisome when we lose vendors for XYZ reasons 🙏🏽
Absolutely, and I think we are doing well now. I can only think of one who hasn’t been reviewed in some time.
Good to see you @UFOtofu. I’m glad you’re back and hope you’re enjoying the holiday season.
This among 2-3 other reasons is why we have phased out proton mail... It has never been safe, complied with all subpoenas by governments (giving what info they can, not subject matter contents at least!) and we have noticed many phishing and certain oddities. No go for us anymore.

Delta Chat by Email is what we use. Decentralized, end to end encrypted, open source of course and peer reviewed. Life is good again.
I downloaded delta chat, sorry if I’m this a stupid question but it’s an app right that’s says decentralized emailing? but idk how to contact you. Didn’t see it on your review page or anywhere else. And I can’t DM you because I’m not a VIP or member whose donated yet. I plan to soon but gotta be conscious of my money and what I spend it on right now.
I downloaded delta chat, sorry if I’m this a stupid question but it’s an app right that’s says decentralized emailing? but idk how to contact you. Didn’t see it on your review page or anywhere else. And I can’t DM you because I’m not a VIP or member who’s donated yet. I plan to soon but gotta be conscious of my money and what I spend it on right now.
Hint: Check the menu.

There is now a fricking, virgin-smelling 👨🏻‍💻🧑🏼‍💻👩🏽‍💻 — that is emailing my past & current DBG customers (under a fake, COWARDLY pseudo-name … per DiY)

- DiYZZZFaxtory
- DIYZZZZFacrory


PLEASE 🚫 : Whatever blackmails or fake news they may offer — our true email will always be on page #1 of our DBG forum page.

And if they are asking for money for a bulk buy of narcotics — 99.9% that ain’t us 👨🏻‍⚕️🧑🏻‍⚕️👩🏻‍⚕️

Thank you to @Admin , every vendor & every member for your support thus far.

We wouldn’t be here (NONE OF US) — without one another supporting one another.

* Stay warm
** Stay positive
*** Stay together

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. rockychoc @ rockychoc: I don't really assault people lol
  2. rockychoc @ rockychoc: *just a funny joke
  3. xenxra @ xenxra: 😲❗
  4. rockychoc @ rockychoc: It’s my jingle bell rock.
  5. rockychoc @ rockychoc: I have started carrying a piece of stone with me to throw at people who sing Christmas songs before Thanksgiving.
  6. UFOtofu @ UFOtofu: Happy Friday folks!
  7. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Hey bros
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: when it rains, it pours
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @Bizz you can probably start buying now, pullback is overextended
  10. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: Pharmacis Gallo de la noche'
  11. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: Sounds like t.j. @CalFresh. Where my zebra painted donkey
  12. CnC5 @ CnC5: Happy Holidaze DBG FAM I hope yall have a great & prosperous NEW YEAR!
  13. Professor_ @ Professor_: Thanks Robotanical hve a great day too
  14. Robotanical @ Robotanical: Morning, professor. Have a great day, y'all
  15. Professor_ @ Professor_: Good Morning:)
  16. CalFresh @ CalFresh: grip on her broom. that's hot!
  17. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Holidays rush brothers and sisters!
  18. Gleezy @ Gleezy: *Have
  19. Gleezy @ Gleezy: Gm DB gee fam gave a great week!!!
  20. L @ Layne_Cobain: Have a nice day good people; Take her easy 😌