Three smaller orders in the last week, due to stock issues. All shipped day of payment::
Order 04/06/15
TN 04/06/15
Received 04/07/15
Order 04/10/15
TN 04/10/15
Received 04/11/15
Order 04/13/15
TN 04/13/15
Received 04/14/15
A+++ V 48|12 and K9 Tic Tacs
A+++ V 48|12 Tic Tacs
A+++ 60MG Oki Pokies
I sent a 'retainer' and sit back and wait for the drought to go away.............. I am really glad I found this vendor and will stick with it til it drops - if you know what I mean? I personally think orders with multiple vendors is the way to go, regardless of customer service and I only considered a retainer as I missed stock, literally, between emails. That sucked too hard to repeat.
Alex has also upgraded shipping on repeated purchases and that does not suck (tell that to my wallet!). I am done for a bit, but encourage patience and tell the man what you need, he'll keep an eye out and I cannot say I have had success reserving anything, but when paid, things fly. First Paid, First Served, which is not unreasonable?
Good luck all!