Alex (Formerly

Crud.  Thanks for sharing, was just going for that.  Sorry you are dealing with that.
The only time I go bunks was when I asked for a sample of atefittytrees.  I didn't take them myself, but they did seem to cheer up DH (which was all I wanted lol, so something was in them--tram, codee?).  I did tell Alex that the sample was fake just so he knew that there was an issue w. his stock, but that there was no need to "make it up" since it was a sample anyway.

My latest order:  

4/17: Ordered 40 of my usual (m3dones) bef. cutoff w. Sat shipping

4/17 later: Despite Sat. shipping, but it went out for Mon.  Luckily I didn't desperately need it for the wknd., but what if I had???

4/20: Arrived first thing.  As always, all good.

I was a bit concerned about the delivery mix-up, but I trust Alex will make it ok.  Alex is still #1 in my book /default_smile.png  

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Alex didn't seem surprised that I had received fakes. The disappointing part was that I had specifically asked for zero 853s..and I got all fake 853s. 

Please keep in mind that this order was actually a make up order from te previous one, which was 80% fake. 

Also keep in mind that I paid almost full price for this make up order.  

Man this sucks big time.  No resolution yet from Alex. Will post if and when I get one. 

Re my above post, I have been back and forth a few times with Alex and he is aware of all the recent 'mistakes', but he feels the current lot of 853's are kosher. he also stated that out of a large, undisclosed number of orders everyday, these matters will be taken careof, but as hehas used different suppliers to satisfy all his customers, there have been some lapses.

Take it for what it is worth, but I have had a couple of small issues and he has taken care of them with shipping upgrades. I do not order the pills in question, but with the current shortages and someone obviously dumping large numbers of fakes in the marketplace, I would switch up to something different? I have seen some comments of requesting the 5/325 version as they appear fine and may be less attractive to the counterfeiters, therefore more likely to be effective and genuine? 

As to the dilly matter above, he would not comment as he is working on a resolution and was pissed about the post's which he said were unfair. That is all I know and I am sharing it as it was told to me by the man himself. For all I know it was a 300 lbs Chimp with superior typing skills, but it is all I got.

I am aware people are displeased with prices, but from my perspective, little has changed in the last two years and this is not Amazon!

Mods: Sorry if this post is off rule, but I stated I would update if I heard anything. I will not be embarrassed if the post is removed and again, all; take it for what it is worth and in many peoples experience this is the most reliable and affable vendor out there and I hope it stays that way!

I think there are more problems with the board and all the changes, personally...........

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He can be pissed all he wants.  There was nothing unfair about my post.

I'm far from one-sided in my feedback on A, just like I am with any other vendor.  There have been plenty of times when everyone has gone satisfactorily, and I've acknowledge those and gave him very positive reviews for those.

However,  there's a lot of my $ on the line, as well as that of our fellow board members.  It'd be a disservice to myself and the community to try and polish the proverbial turd when things are bad. 

I've put up w/ a lot from A lately, but keep getting sucked back in b/c frankly, I like the guy.  However, I'm not going to protect him through neither dishonesty nor nondisclosure. 

If that's unfair, so be it.  It's not my intent, but if that's how people want to view it......tough shit.

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@DCP, I feel you man, I am just stating what he told me and I would be up in arms if I were you too.

I hope you get it all sorted out!

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, I should probably comment on the quality of the Dillys in question.

"Useless garbage" seems appropriate.  Normally, 8mg has me feeling good for hours on end.  However, 2 of the 4mg that I got today didn't do anything.  2 more? nothing.  Over the course of the 12 hours since they arrived.....15 down the hatch and nothing.  Not as in "weak", "maybe old", etc......nothing.

I alerted A to this issue, so before I get blasted for being so "unfair" again, know that a big part of my email to him about the piss-poor quality of the product had to do with letting him know that HE got ripped off as well.  His vendor is driving the price through the roof on A, and now the customer is feeling the squeeze......but no one benefits.  Hopefully he realizes that I'm not trying to blast him or his service, but help him.  If he keeps overpaying for shitty product, and in tern overcharging for shitty product, he goes broke and we lose a vendor.....a lose-lose for everyone. 

5 hours since that email and still no reply.  I'll continue to update.

I haven't had his dillies in probably a month. (That sounds sooo perverted. Ugh!)  Anyway the 4s then were very legit. But then again, I don't care for the 20% BA orally so I'm tempted to abuse them. Timing seems to be everything with them. 1st thing in the am on an empty stomach is best with these IMO.

Ordered 4/21 pre cutoff 

Received 15 minutes ago 4/22

8 fitty threees 

all good. Don't have a tester, but looks, feels, tastes, works, etc fine with me.

Thanks A!!!

I haven't had his dillies in probably a month. (That sounds sooo perverted. Ugh!)  Anyway the 4s then were very legit. But then again, I don't care for the 20% BA orally so I'm tempted to abuse them. Timing seems to be everything with them. 1st thing in the am on an empty stomach is best with these IMO.
​Yea, I understand the metabolic factors (nerd note, my masters is in ExPhys).  That said, I also know how my body responds to different medicines.  Like I mentioned earlier, 8mg would normally have me feeling great for hours on end.  If it were a metabolic issue, I could see potency seeming compromised, but this wasn't the case.  In all seriousness, with the effect that 8mg has on me, 30mg should have dropped me. 

Again, it's not as if I "only kinda felt it".....there was NOTHING. 

I alerted A to this, but I have a feeling he thinks I'm pissy about the price issue, and complaining in hopes of getting some freebies out of it. 

Logically though, even if his product has traditionally been legit, it's not hard to see how this could happen.  He said he'd been having trouble getting the product and was only carrying it at the expensive price so it'd still be available to his customers.  It's very plausible that his supplier knew this, and not only provided him the product at an exorbitant price, but provided BS product.  Simply taking advantage of a desperate vendor. 

I thought I was doing him a favor so he A.)would be mindful of potentially wasting his own money and B.)would be prepared for bad feedback by other customers.  Instead, I got a pissed off reply about how I was the only person that has EVER questioned the quality of the product.

Not long ago, A was getting nothing but gold stars from me.  Hell, even when he was making all the mistakes in trying to make right my past orders, I could tell he was at least making an honest effort and just not being as careful or attentive as he needed to.  Now, however, I'm really questioning whether he's worth sticking with. 

Bud, the 853s I got recently from Alex was of the same bath I received months ago from an old vendor named Alex Mustang from saversrx.  The reason I know is I still have a batch from him. They Extremely acidic/bitter when in the mouth.  It is not a subtle taste, it is a strong taste. The pills are also relatively crumbly and chalky. 

Like I stated before my last order for. Alex I only received 9 legit pills out of 30. The legit pills were easily identified as they were glossy, the imprint was much crisper and they were hard to break. The other ones in same batch were chalky and easy to break with little gloss to them.  

I have even offered to mail back the ones he just shipped me but no response yet.  I am afraid he has written me off. I am not a big customer so it will not be a big loss for him if he drops me. 

If he decides to do me right I will let this forum know. The ironic thing is I made two orders last month. One was from a vendor that was recently blacklisted (21meds) and the other from Alex due to his sterling reputation here. 21meds sent legit product and Alex sent mostly bunk meds. 

hi all I have an inquiry. I know that sometimes WU acts up and gives out incorrect info. But this afternoon after I sent a WU to A for my package it was picked up and processed right away as usual. Then I got an email about an hour ago saying that they money never arrived. What's going on here? Does this happen if the receiver gets blocked?

The same thing happened to my transfer.  A said I need to change the receiver name because the other one is not working.  This was surprising since he gave me the original name less than a day ago.

The same thing happened to my transfer.  A said I need to change the receiver name because the other one is not working.  This was surprising since he gave me the original name less than a day ago.
Iguana, when you check WU. Com does it say funds have been picked up? Cause that's what it says for me. This makes me very very nervous. I love A and he sent out before the issue was resolved but what happens now? What happens if I take my receipt to WU and ask for a refund on the original transfer and they say "it says right here the funds have been picked up already." I've had to do this one other time with him with MG, but that's when I was stupid and used a personal CC on their website to do it. It Sid the money was picked up and everything. WU has never done this to me before and I just hope nothing is awry in SY land

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that also happens occasionally with MG as well.  no idea why it happens, but any vendor is going to fight about it with you.  Alex will probably do the right thing in the end but most of the other vendors (like L and his crew) will just ignore ya.

Also you guys realllyy need to stop ordering the wats.  Just.. really, c'mon.  I know you NEED something but 9/10 of em are faux. /default_sad.png

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I still feel like I need a more detailed, comprehensive answer to my question? (Calling MC, HB, 2E, Peanut-- if he wants to play nice) What. Now.? It says the money was accepted and then taken by the receiver. Is there a glitch in the WU software where the receiver actually wasn't able to get the money but the website says they indeed picked it up OR (the MUCH MUCH less likely scenario), did A try to get a double payment (which makes ZERO sense cause he sent the letter to me sans the money in his hands knowing this conflict had arose). What exactly that conflict is, I have no idea.

How do I proceed do I call WU and ask if the receiver got the money or do leave it alone or do I go back to the WU and conspicuously ask for a refund of the transfer in which case I feel like they'll just say the money was received sir, it says it right here on the screen.

*meanwhile her/his facial expression is saying get the fu*k out of my store, I don't want to be here and you're annoying as hell asking all these questions and making me do more work than the standard money order*

ebladez, I assume you have emailed Alex and told him what you told us here?  I would not call WU or do anything until I hear back from Alex.  I know this is frustrating and it's hard to wait not knowing what's happening.  Also I would send A a copy of the WU receipt showing it had been picked up.

I have the pack in my hand so that isn't my concern, (A+ kl0ns and purple footb@11s) my concern is doing right by A to get him the money he is owed by me and making sure his receiver didn't lie to him and take off with the money or that LE didn't intervene and tie it up for any reason, very, very peculiar. Please report on your orders ASAP with A people as this has happened with 2 people now, let's get to the bottom of this as quickly and as diligently as possible as A is (in my and many other's opinion the best SY vendor and possible best overall vendor in my case. When you're his customer, you're family ---after making a few orders of course-- and establishing a connection. It also doesn't help that I speak in spanglish with him, which he gets a kick out of and it gives us a familial bond. He does right by everyone and makes things right.)


Seriously, no one knows.  As far as WU is concerned, the money was picked up.  The only thing you can do is just work with alex and see if he will either take the loss or you can compromise it with him.

The same thing happened to my transfer.  A said I need to change the receiver name because the other one is not working.  This was surprising since he gave me the original name less than a day ago.
Iguana, when you check WU. Com does it say funds have been picked up? Cause that's what it says for me. This makes me very very nervous. I love A and he sent out before the issue was resolved but what happens now? What happens if I take my receipt to WU and ask for a refund on the original transfer and they say "it says right here the funds have been picked up already." I've had to do this one other time with him with MG, but that's when I was stupid and used a personal CC on their website to do it. It Sid the money was picked up and everything. WU has never done this to me before and I just hope nothing is awry in SY land
​My WU transfer was picked up today, but it was under the new receiver name - not the original one he said did not work.  I was able to change the name before it was picked up.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for