I dont believe anyone has said they have that email yet. I believe what was said is when the intended email is made it will be given to a few people to use fof emergencies only and if by chance you had that email, not to post it on an open forum.Hi Guys,
So I just reached out to Alex about all this talk about a back up email which is a very smart idea that all vendors should take part in not he stated he is working on one so he has a backup just in case something would happen like with the R situation but has not yet gotten one so just keep this in mind as I have heard talk of Ppl saying they have his back up email which he does not have yet so just a heads up.
Thanks for your feedback on the white wat-sun purkkkss. Im awaiting my shipment as we speakNp.I agree, those purple percs are awesome but he's out of stock at the moment. Wont be getting them in til next week sometime. This batch of white rnd wats are damn good tho so you wont be disappointed if you decide not to wait for the purps.
Hmm yea that would be a no brainer but I could have swore a seen a few Ppl talking about it like they had it and I know for a fact that they would not as he does not have one and it would only be given to a hand full of Ppl if that and only very close trusted customers as it should be.I dont believe anyone has said they have that email yet. I believe what was said is when the intended email is made it will be given to a few people to use fof emergencies only and if by chance you had that email, not to post it on an open forum.
The TN is usually sent a bit later than that. 10-12 his time.Just placed first order, o/n ship a little steep but better than paying for o/n and getting absolutely nothing via R! I tried generic footballs, I know they're not the best but hoping they're at least fresh. Was told TN usually sent around 7 or 8. Fingers crossed. Asked specifically about any delays on the o/n and he said nada!
The one thing with Alex is that he normally ships the same day payment is made if you made the cut off time, so you will be getting what you paid for,[SIZE=13.63636302948px] overnight delivery. Some place may have cheaper shipping price but those usually turn into 2 or 3 days so in a way you get what you pay for. Actually he charges what most other do so, his prices are more "normal".[/SIZE]Just placed first order, o/n ship a little steep but better than paying for o/n and getting absolutely nothing via R! I tried generic footballs, I know they're not the best but hoping they're at least fresh. Was told TN usually sent around 7 or 8. Fingers crossed. Asked specifically about any delays on the o/n and he said nada!
You can also sign up for notification alerts from the shippers. I nearly always know the stautus several hours before he sends the TN. In fact, I told him not to even worry about sending it to me.Yea, for me it means stay up late because it will come in like 12-2 Am central. When you get comfortable it
will come you will just check it when you wake up later. Lol
Knowing it's coming makes me wake up more often also. Lol
what time did they arrive at your location? I am expecting some tomaroJust an update to let everyone know that A took good care of me and the dubya neintreetoo's were totally on point. Also came an hour early.
I am fairly new too. A will email u back don't worry, he tooks some time to get back to me but once he did then he was very fast. GOod luckHello all- Just wanted to introduce myself as the new "newbie" /default_tongue.png This is all new to me so I don't want to over step any bounds /default_huh.png I have been schooling myself on this site for the last 2 days and hopin to learn the ropes. I did mail A (read every post) inquiring about a list and hope I went about it in the right way. Any further advice would be great! Thank you....
I got a similar hiccup in a recent transactions but I actually want to post a question to the forum here and 21mds - and that is that I've been ordering years now and only in the LAST TWO orders have these two vendors had receiver issues (only one has yet to be resolved, so not a big deal but still)[...]
Unfortunately there was a small hiccup similar to the last one. It was a quantity issue, albeit smaller than the last time. In basic algebraic terms, I ordered X and received X-1. I emailed A and am sure he'll respond soon.
While I shouldn't feel bad, because I'm the customer and I didn't receive exactly what was ordered, I still get somewhat anxious bringing up such an issue to a vendor. I don't want him to view me as a "difficult customer" and start thinking that I'm not being honest with him. [...]
Go to their website.chrisdl805 said:How do you go about doing that for the carrier A uses. Feel free to pm me. Thanks
They came at 9:35 and I let it sit outside for about 20mins. Hope this helps.what time did they arrive at your location? I am expecting some tomaro