am i depressed or am i going through a new addiction?

so let me say 

yesterday and today i went to a new place, some girls are friendly and nice and know when not to hustle you and than again theres those that hustle you immediately as soon as you walk in the door. LOL i feel like sayin "i dont care about your DCF and 2 children you cannot see and how broke everyone is and no one is tipping you" <-- that right there makes me not want to tip you when all i want is a moment of STFU and let me order my first drink before i even decide to turn my head to the stage for a glance, 

such a hostile environment all these girls are in competition with each other to milk that one dude, that they couldn't get. Its like working in Sales, you want to be the top earner, but these girls are like they dig deep into your pockets and wont go til you walk away or GIVE THEM A SOLID NO! 

but i still go anyway :/ and i dont feel bad giving most of these girls decent tips, jst get offended by the quick hustling girls... 

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so let me say 

yesterday and today i went to a new place, some girls are friendly and nice and know when not to hustle you and than again theres those that hustle you immediately as soon as you walk in the door. LOL i feel like sayin "i dont care about your DCF and 2 children you cannot see and how broke everyone is and no one is tipping you" <-- that right there makes me not want to tip you when all i want is a moment of STFU and let me order my first drink before i even decide to turn my head to the stage for a glance, 

such a hostile environment all these girls are in competition with each other to milk that one dude, that they couldn't get. Its like working in Sales, you want to be the top earner, but these girls are like they dig deep into your pockets and wont go til you walk away or GIVE THEM A SOLID NO! 

but i still go anyway :/ and i dont feel bad giving most of these girls decent tips, jst get offended by the quick hustling girls... 
before I go on my internet sabatical, I was curious about you. Glad to see you back. You seem like a coplex dude. Like many, I would imagine .your post above is interesting

. On the one hand, I think I understand your frustration. And see you recognize the environment forwhat it is, so surely I imagine that you also see the hustle point of view as well before you walk in there.

I can see the " hustle" girls point of view as well. I think you just have a love hate relationship with your new addiction. No judgment, just saying, as I have a very addictive personality my self and have had the similar love hate thing with many of my own addictions. However, can't say I had a love hate thing with pretty girls,  even if I was being " hustled", that's all love, everyone has to earn a buck in our society. Even when got out of music biz (which turns immediately into a "hustle " the moment you start to experience any sort of success, to where you have managers,agents ) and transferred into corporate America,  that a "hustle " too,, I  need their money,  they need my services. Our entire society is structured on "hustle " as we are all slaves to the almighty dollar. But that's just my point of view and not really what I responded for. I  responded cause you seem to really be struggling within yourself  about this whole thing. And I can relate to that , and am actually trying to show I care. I  would say that yes, you do have an addiction to these places,  but I have addictions too. So I can relate and honestly want you to know that you do not walk in darkness alone. 

and now I will atempt to bring a smile to your face

 your post reminds me of a former band mate of mine who could just never get along with these girls. I know there  are several occasions where he almost got us thrown  of several  of these establishments. But through the alcohol and drug haze  I only remember a couple. Because they are funny. Once in a while I still tease him about it. So iwill share roadstory  and hope it makes you chuckle.

it wasn't that he was in appriappriate with his hands , just attitude mixed with to much booze but ive done a million  dumb things when drunk too  , and very recently did somethig so stupid, and terrible and i havent had a drink in like 2  and 1/2 years. I know drifting, just saying im no judge , or the  second coming of Christ, quite the opposite. .anyway

He was the lead vocalist (this detail adds the humor). So  we're touring around upstate new York   with a night off and  some  time to  kill. 

we find this establishment   it's kinda empty,  but in this particular county, a totally nude, no alcohol deal, 20 bucks to the doormen takes care of the booze since the ride is fully stocked and we can go in and out all night as needed  

so I remember a stage at end, add theres four of us front row no patrons seemed interested in being so close to the show. So we all line our bills out for each each girl, who would come out for one song only.And the stage was long , and the four of us  were well spaced out. So if the irl ingered to long at one end of stage  when the song finished, e would quickly run down the other end and grab the bills

I was at on end, add  girls  would  enter  from one side or  another,  so this  would  either work for  me  or  against  me,  depending on how you view the world. Personally I  didn't give  a shit  I was having fun either way. Next closest patron was our singer. After a while,  the  most stunning blonde  I've ever seen comes out from the far end of the stage with nothing on but thigh high red leather boots. Gorgeous, perfection of the female form. I  didn't know the song she was was dancing too. But prayed it was a long one. Alas it was not  and our rhythm section got all of her attention. Song ends, singer goes "man fuck this " and removes his cash from the stage  before I could finish saying "yo T wtf?" this beauty comes running down the stage and starts laying into  him. I'll never forget the vision of a drop dead totally nude woman putting my boy  in his place,  with him saying "I didn't get anything from you, blah, blah blah ". My  drunken, love struck ass felt obligated to defend  her  honor,  so I  said "excuse me  miss,  but I have to say that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I don't know this douche sitting next to me, but if you would like,  I  will beat him til the cash comes out " she's like no sweetie that's ok. But I'll se you later. A bouncer then came up  and suggested that T steps away from the stage or gets physically removed,  so we all move back, to a table,  and Blondie  never comes over cause  I'm sitting with him and the other guys. Next night do a show,  and although I'm not the singer we all had mikes. So during the set in front of a few hundred peeps,  I  say" this next one is a new rocker, but t (I say  his full name ) and point at him  really wrote some really personal introspective lyrics about his suppressed  fears of women as much as he loves them,  he is so afraid. When I first heard his lyrics I was moved and so proud of him for withing  from his  heart. I hope you like it." And then since my guitar started it, I just tore into and he just sang it and glared at me the whole time while the rest of us laughed are assess of. Lol. Of course it had nothing to to with that. I don't even remember the song it was but  just saw a opportunity to reach the mic in between songs before he introduced it. Boy he was fuming,  but a few females felt for his sensitive artistic nature so he ended up having some fun. Places where open late back then. We went to a totally different girlie bar after the show and hung back at a table . At some point some smoking hot nubian princesses comes over and starts crawling all over uus.she stops when she gets to him looks at him and  goes "uh uh,  boy,  you ain't getting any  pu $!y action from me,  not you ". And storms off.  Omg, maybe you had to be there but it was freaking hilarious to the rest of  us. 

So  mrcoolguy, you take care and if you want to go to to a strip bar, just have a  good time,  if you're just lonely but like to just talk to pretty girls,  but want nothing phsycal,  and don't want to pay to see a beautiful woman naked ,go to a regular bar. Be granted you have that option, peronaly, if I walked into a regular bar it could potentially destroy my life cause I'm an alcoholic and have finally learned that if I pick up I don't put down until I loose consiousnes. 

If you want to see naked women but still just want to talk but want no physical contact, I don't know what to recommend, if funds weren't an issue,  I would just hire an escort,  and take her out for some drinks. I  know what it's like to be alone, have always had lots of plutotonic female friends but when I didnt  I would just go to a regular bar  usually someone would come over and talk. 

Man, just try to enjoy your life, the best way you can and stop judging your self so much. 

We get to go around only once they say and even if reincarnation exist. It will be awhile before you're old enough in your next life time to even get into a strip bar. 

Be happy that you're not shooting all your cash into your arm.

Peace,  be well. 


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@JB                , thanks for the support , yah it lonely and depressing not finding a girl to be with, and going to these clubs, some girls are nice and with good intentions but the ones i have problems with is the one's that bum rush you when you enter the door and you got yourself set-up for that one girl and you know she's near by some where but it always ends up when the hustler girl beats the nicer girl to me before i can locate her lol, cause atleast the nicer girls i can sit with and talk to and tip them out respectively , while the hustler girls will take your money and talk to you for 10 mins and leave, but i tip the hustler girls also to just beat it cause there annoying :/ with there problems about kids, and dcf and other crazy problems that i am like whoa ! am i safe here lol 

the lap dances i dont care for, i even told them whats the point of a dry hump lol, i also barely drink most of the time, and if i do it may be 2 modello's.... me and the bartenders have a thing where il pay for a sprite but for the HOUSE it looks like they are serving me liquor, cause the bartender know's that i could care less for drinking lol but sometimes buy a beer just to show the HOUSE BOSS i am not in here absorbing there A/C

i cant find any good girls at the beach/school/work/social life and have a conversation because i feel like there's something wrong with me and they know it , but thats all in my head finding flaws that i think would prevent me from approaching them, and therefore i goto these clubs cause i guess my flaws i think i may or may not have are of no issue inside.

Okay,  I think I get it more now you get frustrated during the times when the hustle girl gets you before the girls you know / like do. Or  you realize that the girls you know aren't working at all,  and then , you're stuck with the hustle girls all night. 

Personally, I have nothing against lap dances but at least you're saving  $ that way. Keep in mind that I haven't been in one of these places in about 15 years. 

Also with your last paragraph, I bet  you're spot on. Even though I'm unfamiliar with that website you mentioned,  I  bet,  " that all in your head " stuff is totally right. I am like that too and sometimes it has caused me a lot of problems and  cost me friends, when I  have responded to people coming from the misconception that was indeed all "in my head :, only to find out sometimes far too late what was in my head was completely wrong. 

You remind me of younger version of myself,  smart,  but sometimes over thinks things,  analyzes them, sometimes with accuracy and other times, totally off base, especially when trying to figure out what another person may be thinking. Man, I  can't even tell you the hurt,  or frustration  that I have caused others,  when I have acted out on my "in my head stuff " with people I care about. 

I am only guessing that you are younger than me cause if I walked into a strip bar these days the only girls who would talk to me would likely be "hustle girls " lol, the days of these girls wanting to take me home with them or what ever have long  past. 

I was thinking about what I wrote about when I said, yeah,  go on keep going,  if it makes you happy. You seem like a  smart guy,  but I'll say watch out for one of these girls you like introducing you to another addiction that would be tougher to break,  if you catch my drift. In my case during those days, that wasn't possible because I was already deep into such  things. Not proud of that fact just saying. Also I have seen this happen to friends in the past . Well today is Friday, so I'm sure you have some fun times coming to you soon. 



@JB     , thank s for the support  yah it l onely and depressing not finding a girl to be with, and going to these clubs, some girls are nice and with good intentions but the ones i have problems with is the one's that bum rush you when you enter the door and you got yourself set-up for that one girl and you know she's near by some where but it always ends up when the hustler girl beats the nicer girl to me before i can locate her lol, cause atleast the nicer girls i can sit with and talk to and tip them out respectively , while the hustler girls will take your money and talk to you for 10 mins and leave, but i tip the hustler girls also to just beat it cause there annoying :/ with there problems about kids, and dcf and other crazy problems that i am like whoa ! am i safe here lol 

the lap dances i dont care for, i even told them whats the point of a dry hump lol, i also barely drink most of the time, and if i do it may be 2 modello's.... me and the bartenders have a thing where il pay for a sprite but for the HOUSE it looks like they are serving me liquor, cause the bartender know's that i could care less for drinking lol but sometimes buy a beer just to show the HOUSE BOSS i am not in here absorbing there A/C

i cant find any good girls at the beach/school/work/social life and have a conversation because i feel like there's something wrong with me and they know it , but thats all in my head finding flaws that i think would prevent me from approaching them, and therefore i goto these clubs cause i guess my flaws i think i may or may not have are of no issue inside.
The girls appreciate you just wanting to talk. I used to have to drink before work an hated that job. The girls are hateful to one another and Im a girls girl

 so...I felt lonely. 

but before anyone calls them hustlers...remember their legs were black and blue for weeks while they learned the pole. Our pole climbed right up two stories so you could be upstairs in the champagne room (where nothing sexual happens) and see us prepping to hopefully not fall and mangle our bodies. You have to buy outfits that cost 180 bucks and if a regular has bought you one, you have to run in 6inch heels to put those outfits on to make sure you go home with your 700$ after tipping the house out 60$ or less..depending on what time you come into work. You have to tip out less if you come in earlier because obviously prime time is when everyone wants to come in so they have to give you some sort of incentive for there to be actual girls working at 1 or 2 in the afternoon. The bartenders get $. The bouncers. .who are watching u as much as the clientele. And the DJ as well. Its a shit job. Ur symbiotic. 

it's a fit f****** a f****** fit. In other words, they are probably especially and exponentially so... More likely to give you their utmost attention and tell you more about their actual selves because you are not interested in making them perform tricks. there's a good chance you probably know those girls as well as any girl you might be courting on the outside of the club. Sorry for using the word courting, it just seemed right.

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I tried to use the word "hustlers" in quotes whenever applicable, trying to imply, i dont totally agree with the label, if that was directed at me.

Sorry to offend anyone.

Mr of luck man.

I tried to use the word "hustlers" in quotes whenever applicable, trying to imply, i dont totally agree with the label, if that was directed at me.

Sorry to offend anyone.

Mr of luck man.
that was totally not directed at you but just directed at anyone who thanks of them this way. You go in to an establishment where you are treated to one of the, if not the, oldest profession in the world. You get what you pay for. No one's getting hustled.and no John, I totally did not misunderstand your intention. Best of luck everyone!

I tried to use the word "hustlers" in quotes whenever applicable, trying to imply, i dont totally agree with the label, if that was directed at me.

Sorry to offend anyone.

Mr of luck man.
that was totally not directed at you but just directed at anyone who thanks of them this way. You go in to an establishment where you are treated to one of the, if not the, oldest profession in the world. You get what you pay for. No one's getting hustled.and no John, I totally did not misunderstand your intention. Best of luck everyone!
thank you for clarifying, much appeciated

@JB      , thank s for the support  yah it l onely and depressing not finding a girl to be with, and going to these clubs, some girls are nice and with good intentions but the ones i have problems with is the one's that bum rush you when you enter the door and you got yourself set-up for that one girl and you know she's near by some where but it always ends up when the hustler girl beats the nicer girl to me before i can locate her lol, cause atleast the nicer girls i can sit with and talk to and tip them out respectively , while the hustler girls will take your money and talk to you for 10 mins and leave, but i tip the hustler girls also to just beat it cause there annoying :/ with there problems about kids, and dcf and other crazy problems that i am like whoa ! am i safe here lol 

the lap dances i dont care for, i even told them whats the point of a dry hump lol, i also barely drink most of the time, and if i do it may be 2 modello's.... me and the bartenders have a thing where il pay for a sprite but for the HOUSE it looks like they are serving me liquor, cause the bartender know's that i could care less for drinking lol but sometimes buy a beer just to show the HOUSE BOSS i am not in here absorbing there A/C

i cant find any good girls at the beach/school/work/social life and have a conversation because i feel like there's something wrong with me and they know it , but thats all in my head finding flaws that i think would prevent me from approaching them, and therefore i goto these clubs cause i guess my flaws i think i may or may not have are of no issue inside.
The girls appreciate you just wanting to talk. I used to have to drink before work an hated that job. The girls are hateful to one another and Im a girls girl

 so...I felt lonely. 

but before anyone calls them hustlers...remember their legs were black and blue for weeks while they learned the pole. Our pole climbed right up two stories so you could be upstairs in the champagne room (where nothing sexual happens) and see us prepping to hopefully not fall and mangle our bodies. You have to buy outfits that cost 180 bucks and if a regular has bought you one, you have to run in 6inch heels to put those outfits on to make sure you go home with your 700$ after tipping the house out 60$ or less..depending on what time you come into work. You have to tip out less if you come in earlier because obviously prime time is when everyone wants to come in so they have to give you some sort of incentive for there to be actual girls working at 1 or 2 in the afternoon. The bartenders get $. The bouncers. .who are watching u as much as the clientele. And the DJ as well. Its a shit job. Ur symbiotic. 

it's a fit f****** a f****** fit. In other words, they are probably especially and exponentially so... More likely to give you their utmost attention and tell you more about their actual selves because you are not interested in making them perform tricks. there's a good chance you probably know those girls as well as any girl you might be courting on the outside of the club. Sorry for using the word courting, it just seemed right.
I guess to paraphrase all the madness that I have been writing... Is to say that you may be essentially as much of a release for them as they are for you. a bit of humanity in a room full of debauchery and depravity and axe bodyspray.

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@sociopathicbombshell,  aaah i hope your not thinking i am being disrespectful to you or if you took it that way, i am just giving you my pov, i got respect for these girls i don't hate, i never once said anything bad about there looks or skills.... I know there's allot of paying out to the club even on a bad day they go through, i was just saying for the money side of things, they get carried away with it, and i don't know if its sometimes the habit that makes them that way, 

yah i guess no ones perfect, because i see them as hustlers in there environment but i am no better in my own environment, we all got our own lil thing on the side....

maybe i should use all my pockets and divide my bills up, so that way i do not pull out a whop , i guess that's my fault to, im so used to having a whop in my pocket :/ and than unfolding it and counting, no wonder i been there target lol it all makes sense, dont bring a WHOP!@ they see that WHOP, they got laser eyes like me ! lol 

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why would someone followme? why am i being followed ?? narcs on the board?

im doomed i went all last week, now this girl is hitting me up for rides to work., i had to take some action, i am going into ghost mode, i cant get involved anymore , th i get the more information they know about me ..... i need a good stable normal smart decent working class girl, these girls after hearing all there problems , i thought i was fked up in the head....but gawd damn the shiznit i have heard.... whoa these girls unfortunately i wish there parents could of had the opportunities to raise there daughters right but 
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why would someone followme? why am i being followed ?? narcs on the board?
I guess this was meant for me I followed you because we both like to use Moda so it showed me if you posted something in his post.

I unfollowed you so you don't have to be nervous.


lol ooooooh Hak99 its cool polski broski /default_tongue.png 

@mrcoolguy you are a Rhino! That's a cool mascot for a cool guy.

@2earls thanks, 

strangely i haven't been back for the past 4 weeks i think that's progress lol  thanks to my friend Lucy

@2earls thanks, 

strangely i haven't been back for the past 4 weeks i think that's progress lol  thanks to my friend Lucy
if you're talking about Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, I can see how she would keep you out of those places.  :-) 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!