Just a brief update to let all interested parties know that I've been in contact with Antonio today, and his plans are unchanged with regard to taking care of all of his customers with outstanding paid orders. Should you be one of these customers, please do not post questions regarding specific shipping plans / dates in open forum, as I will only speak to that privately. What I can say is that the plan is unchanged from yesterday, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to PM me and I will do my best to answer them. To the best of my understanding, however, Antonio has been proactive in communicating with his customers, so I don't anticipate there being any unanswered questions per se.
Also, I told Antonio that I would pass along his planned change with regard to the shipment of orders going forward, which is that he will only be shipping on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays effective immediately.
Rest assured that this policy is being implemented by Antonio due to what he strongly believes to be in the best interests of his customers, given all of the information available to him at this time. Please do not post questions regarding the reasoning behind this decision, as I'm not at liberty to discuss his reasoning. Should he feel it necessary to communicate his reasoning to his customers, he can certainly choose to do so himself via email.
Finally, I would also ask that the reasoning behind this decision not be speculated upon nor debated in open forum for the safety and security of all concerned.
I appreciate your cooperation & understanding, and a Merry Christmas to all.