Blue, when you have spent enough time with your new friends getting to know them, what number did you end up with and was your friends of good quality? PM me (if that is not a violation of the rules) if you are not comfortable sharing that with the group.
Hey jmorgan,
I got the V 3 6 ... along w/ profuse email apologies when I reminded Antonio he said he was sending the other; luckily, it doesn't matter to me but he knows it might matter quite a bit to some members.
is what you meant by number, right? As far as quantity, I got what everybody here always gets: never enough, LOL!
I am pleased; these look, smell, and (most important) after ingestion,
feel like the real deal. Clean & "fresh" looking; the imprint is crisp & uniform, even under magnification; the taste is right, color consistent all the way through. They
are hard to break, but that could be just me and my total lack of upper body strength /default_biggrin.png
Seriously, pain in my thumbs especially, and hands generally, is a main reason I'm interested in various pk; I
don't have much grip or dexterity. On the other hand (bu-dump
bump!) my tolerance is on the high side, so if something is bunk or under-powered, I'm all too aware of it. (Which is kinda too bad, when you think about it -- being susceptible to the power of suggestion would be so handy (eek, sorry!). But as someone else said, WD don't lie...)
Soooo... hope this helps your decision-making process. Please let us know how things work out for you.
All best,