PLEASE heed the advice of FG. She's been in this world a LOT longer than probably all of you and her advice reflects that.
And as info from another forum from a couple weeks ago, as well as info from today, notice to vendors that have shipped via Purple and those receiving TNs with them. As of very recently, they are routinely returning shipments. Don't know how or why, though one can certainly speculate. Sorry if this is bad news for some of you, and others can rationalize it all they like, but it's a fact. I do know that if you are hoping for a package sent by purple sent by one of these main vendors, please post if you receive, I'd love to be proven wrong. But if recent history is any indication, that probably won't happen. That's all the info I have - just the recent results of others in the same boat - and it seems to be happening again. If you want more info, please check threads on the other forum (OP).
That said, I hope everyone receives, but it's best to inform vendors of this situation.