Are You In A Committed Relat.? Who Is Your Hall Pass?

Damn it! That eliminates the Wookie from the Beranda Sweepstakes! Always a day late and a few IQ points short.
Whatever do you mean?

Perhaps another quick equation will help demonstrate...

Jewy = Wookie

Wookie = Smart

And so to review:

Smart = Sexy

There is a touch of irony here, but I don't mind clarifying.

Please don't be shy, one-on-one tutoring is available.


Whatever do you mean?

Perhaps another quick equation will help demonstrate...

Jewy = Wookie

Wookie = Smart

And so to review:

Smart = Sexy

There is a touch of irony here, but I don't mind clarifying.

Please don't be shy, one-on-one tutoring is available.

It's indeed my lucky day, as I could use some remedial instruction! Where might I sign up?! /default_biggrin.png



Ooohhhh I have to go post with quotes now so excited!!

So your into "special needs" men? You and my exwife have a lot in common /default_smile.png

No sir I am NOT into special needs....he wasn't special needs so to say, just ...slower than any of us.  Let's say that. 

My husband now scares me to no end.  We'll be talking about some odd random topic and all of a sudden he busts out with "blah blah blah".  Then I am stunned and ask him WHY in the world would he know such a thing and he claims he heard of it and looked it up on google. 

We would be RICH BEYOND UNDERSTANDING if he went on money awarding game shows.

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No sir I am NOT into special needs....he wasn't special needs so to say, just ...slower than any of us.  Let's say that. 

My husband now scares me to no end.  We'll be talking about some odd random topic and all of a sudden he busts out with "blah blah blah".  Then I am stunned and ask him WHY in the world would he know such a thing and he claims he heard of it and looked it up on google. 

We would be RICH BEYOND UNDERSTANDING if he went on money awarding game shows.
I can relate to that Misery.  My better half seems to pull stuff right out of the air that almost makes my head fall off when I snap my neck around.  It's also a good thing... Keeps ya on your toes.

Too funny.  Many years ago, my wife called me on the cell with a problem from one of her college courses.  She said I have a pool; so many feet long by so many feet wide, so much water in it, with a hose pouring at a rate of...Bla bla bla after such & such a length of time, how much raise de wa wa?

6 inches.  Howdja do dat??   I dunno, baby...  *click*   30 minutes later:  Ring!  I have the answer she says, so proudly. It's point five feet!!  HAH! 

Sugar britches, how many inches in half a foot?  I hate you, she replies.  *click*


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Too funny.  Many years ago, my wife called me on the cell with a problem from one of her college courses.  She said I have a pool; so many feet long by so many feet wide, so much water in it, with a hose pouring at a rate of...Bla bla bla after such & such a length of time, how much raise de wa wa?

6 inches.  Howdja do dat??   I dunno, baby...  *click*   30 minutes later:  Ring!  I have the answer she says, so proudly. It's point five feet!!  HAH! 

Sugar britches, how many inches in half a foot?  I hate you, she replies.  *click*

That is exactly what I would do if I were in her shoes, rather if my husband, which he does, answered a weird question so quickly!!

I can relate to that Misery.  My better half seems to pull stuff right out of the air that almost makes my head fall off when I snap my neck around.  It's also a good thing... Keeps ya on your toes.
OH dude I gave up trying to keep up with him!!! LOL Now I just try to keep him in clean undies and pants (when I can) and give him dirty looks when we're watching game shows and he answers every single question.  It IS ANNOYING isn't it!!

That is exactly what I would do if I were in her shoes, rather if my husband, which he does, answered a weird question so quickly!!

OH dude I gave up trying to keep up with him!!! LOL Now I just try to keep him in clean undies and pants (when I can) and give him dirty looks when we're watching game shows and he answers every single question.  It IS ANNOYING isn't it!!
Yes maam it is.... I don't know why or how someone keeps so much trivial stuff locked up in there noggin.

That is exactly what I would do if I were in her shoes, rather if my husband, which he does, answered a weird question so quickly!!

OH dude I gave up trying to keep up with him!!! LOL Now I just try to keep him in clean undies and pants (when I can) and give him dirty looks when we're watching game shows and he answers every single question.  It IS ANNOYING isn't it!!
/default_tongue.png  /default_laugh.png  /default_wub.png  /default_cool.png  It's good to be in love.

Yes he is MM's latest selfie...

pfft, I look way better than that LOL

hooter1 said:
You're better off not knowing. Be blissful, or if your neighborhood mods want to be buried in requests for explanations you can go that route. We like to play n stuff around here, but we (honestly) do not fuck around when it comes to security.

Let's just all remember to be careful who you trust, and what hood this is. That's all I'm gonna say about that. 
On that note, I hope that the Mods aren't buried in PM's about this...


hooter1 said:
Agreed Ma'am, but I guess it was going to be noticed eventually.  For now, every1 just chill about it, it'll leak out in time I'm sure
Oh yes, no doubt that it was going to be noticed, and bits and pieces of the puzzle will (have?) come out, but I don't think that it is something that the Mod's need to be bothered about.  Sort of a need-to-know basis.  When it can be public, it will be public.  Right Hootie Hoo?  <------  That should be a song...oh wait!  It is!  

I never said I was a gangsta but I will do ya 

So Hallelujah, Hallelujah 

One for the playas at the crib, dank and dranks 

And two is for the sound, Hootie Hoo that I make

well dont worry I didnt bug anyone about it but I got the details and Im not shocked. when people try so hard to make you think theyre this type of person it always turns out theyre actually THAT type of person.

.............fckn loser ass weirdo STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM US YOU FUGLY BEOTCH /default_angry.png

well dont worry I didnt bug anyone about it but I got the details and Im not shocked. when people try so hard to make you think theyre this type of person it always turns out theyre actually THAT type of person.

.............fckn loser ass weirdo STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM US YOU FUGLY BEOTCH /default_angry.png
Amen.  The internet-o is a dangerous place and certain people make it even more dangerous.  Certain people are monsters.  

I, for one, was surprised, I will admit.  Never saw it coming.  But, all I knew of him were his posts.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. M @ Mammasboi123: Welcome to the fam, @GABAtastic!
  2. G @ GABAtastic: Good morning DBG fam! Im proud to be part of the family!!
  3. UFOtofu @ UFOtofu: 🌏+🌍+🌎=🫶🏽
  4. H @ hotdog45: @rockychoc my partner does logo design for a living. DM me if your interested. Hope everyone had a great holiday
  5. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Morning DBG! Do we have any logo makers up in here?
  6. CnC5 @ CnC5: @oddhyena69 Merry Christmas to you as well!
  7. O @ oddhyena69: merry Christmas everyone, hope yall had a great day!!
  8. Jason @ Jason: Merry Xmas :)
  9. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! I hope everyone is well today. Peace N Love
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 everyone here at DBG!
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: 4f-mph suppliers dropped it in favor of 4-metmp. pretty sure all the 4f left floating around is from month's old supply.
  12. UFOtofu @ UFOtofu: Whatever happened to 4F-MPH? IMPOSSIBLE to find lately
  13. A @ abadon: Merry Christmas everyone!
  14. P @ Pan-Am_FltRsk: Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the reading
  15. P @ psychedpsych: I’m new to the site, but still wish a happy holidays as we begin a new year of learning and growing!
  16. P @ player72: Happy Holidays and New Year everyone!
  17. Professor_ @ Professor_: Good morning! May your heart be full of joy and your mind clear with positivity today.
  18. CnC5 @ CnC5: Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 & A Happy & Prosperous New Year To The DBG FAM I Hope Yall Have A Great One!
  19. H @ hotdog45: @Lokemer: No worries my friend!! Happy holidays to and all dbg
  20. L @ Lokemer: @hotdog45 noted and thx for the heads up. Edited!