I swear to you this is what works for me:
Get the larger boxes of special K (with almonds or berries) - fill up a bowl and eat it dry. It gives you something to munch on
I love soda now (the meds), so I just buy Seagram's ginger ale (serving size is 160 or 1 bottle). Otherwise I buy jugs of water that they keep in the baby aisle (cheaper than bottled water, less waste) for 1.99 -2.99 = 8 - 12 bottles of water. I'll mix a glass with crystal light lil' packets to go.
Breakfast is so vital: and my meals are all atkins
I also walk daily till the dog tires out of peeing on everything lol
I do indulge when I want but I do portion control. I'm not obese or overweight but I found myself with really shitty eating habits and this is my "go-to" now
PS: I would try anything I mentioned before Rx - because once you stop that, you'll gain it all back