Strains that have the same effect as opioids. Also the strain that has the most euphoria................
Jesus man 8-9 days? I’m getting ready to get off Suboxone and at 1mg... didn’t realize it would last that long. I almost wonder if it’s better doing perks for 2 weeks then switching back to low dose subs for a couple days then getting off...I am new to kratom. I have a long history of opioid issues and recently came off of subutex. I was clean for a few years, relapsed and ended back on subs for about 7 months. I did a fast taper from 16 to 2 mg. Over 6 weeks and script ran out and jumped at 2 mg. This was pretty bad withdrawal, not as much in intensity but duration. Anyhow, I always used to think kratom was a placebo affect for people describing how it works for opioid withdrawals. So today, I received 250 gm. of Red Bali, from Amazing Botanicals. It was delayed in shipping and so I was at day 11 today, of stopping the subs. The worst was day 8 or 9, was subsiding a little, aches, pains, lethargy and severe insomnia. So i took about 6 gms. Of powder, 35 mins. Later 2 more gms. I'm a guy and have a high tolerance and could not believe it !! In one hour my withdrawals are gone, i have appetite and energy, and feel like i ate a couple percs. Unbelievable !! I relize from reading that it can be addictive also, but it cannot be as bad as 400 + mg. of oxy and/or buprenorphine. So I really like the Red Bali, but dont have any other strain to compare it too. I can't believe I suffered with so many withdrawls time and time again without trying it. Truly a miracle herb imho...
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Not a doubt. I also am up and down but the Red MD is a good steady and will help. It will pull someone through. Ethnobotanticals is another good vendor. My spelling may be off but they are good people with a clean room and good product. I think Kratom will confine to be a forerunner for studies especially after UF wraps up the 4 mill grant they had to study it. For many folks it has been a lifesaver when the lights went dark and the system decided to hell with pain warriors.I have a lot of experience with Kratom. Sometimes I appreciate Kratom, sometimes I don’t like it. I guess it depends on how you use it, why and how responsible you are.
For Euphoria, Green and white strains are the best. Green is my favorite because sometimes white can be too intense for me. Green is basically in the middle of red and white and works best for me.
For withdrawals, red strains are indeed the best. Any red will work but Maeng Da is best as it is the strongest. Any Kratom will help for withdrawal though.
But not all Kratom is created equal. I use to be a driver, traveling all over America, so I have had many many different kinds. Some is weaker, some makes your vision screw up, some don’t really work at all and some are so strong, you don’t have to take much. You must find a reliable source with good quality.
You could buy Maeng Da from 5 different places, but each one will vary in quality and potency.
I have been ordering from Oasis and really like their quality. It’s the strongest that I’ve ever had. But there are many other good places too.
For powder Blate Papes which are conical edible wrappers that hold about 2g easily are the way to go if you don't want to do the work to make capsules which is a huge pain in the tuckus. Some kratom vendors sell them but caution if you order from the company directly the packaging is not at all discreet.Any tips to make it less disgusting lol, so far the best I have come up with is drinking it through a straw so less of it hits my tongue,
I have read about adding citrus and salt....the citric helps breakdown the kratom and the salt gets rid of the bitterness. Anyone else try this?