here;s some eternal wisdom i was given some years ago: motivation comes from action, not the other way around! As someone with ADD I find that I'm never "motivated" by my stimulant medication, but when I begrudgingly put the phone down and just start doing the laundry or whatever iit is I'm not inspired to do, lol, something happens, like a switch where once you get started, and the medication is kicking in, you just sort of become engrossed in the task. Action creates the energy and motivation, no drug is gonna inspire you to clean a filthy toilet or do your homework or whatever it is, but if you just start doing things, I've found I start almost hyperfocusing on the tasks, and suddenly i'm in Action Mode. This is something you gotta be careful with of course, don't become a tweaker, it's why the cliche of the guy on meth who starts dissasembling his engine block or the housewife taking apart the tv remote because she wants it to be clean, even on the inside and suddenly she's using q tips to clean the microchips inside the remote. Anyways I thihnk you get the point. You gotta check yourself on both ends:getting up and starting a task, and making sure you don't hyperfocus too much where you get into tweaker territory.