Beta Blocker (Propranolol)


Jun 17, 2013
Hey you.

Have you had experience with these kind of meds in any kind of circumstances? 

I just got the prescribed propranolol for social anxiety - Tremblings, sweating, shaking, head twitching - neck twitching (Try drinking a cup of coffe in front of people YEA RIGHT)

Been reading allot about them for a long time and my dr recommended these.

Most on the NET seems positive for the synmptons , Any of you here had experience with these?

I have not yet tried them but im going to when in public areas


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yep...i was on them for years for mitral valve prolpse and it happens to be I also have social anxiety, but take somethin diff for that.  Anyways, the propranolol seems to slow everything down in your system so it very well could work.  It helped alot with my leaky heart valve symptoms, and actually my migraines.  I do know someone who took it on an as needed basis for public speaking  nerves, and he said it worked like a charm.  As far as any negative side effects...nada, zip.  I really hope these work for you as I truly understand the feelings associated with social anxiety....lemme know how they work out for you and take care!      Regards,  Bobo

Hi,  No I didn't have any sleep disturbances at all.  I also meant to add it can help with blood pressure, keeping it down.  My blood pressure can really go up from stress and crankin out all that adrenaline, and the propranolol helps with that too.

That sounds exactly like me. Looks like ive found something good.

Thanks again

I had them prescribed a couple years ago because I complained to my doctor about some increasing anxiety. They didn't do much for me, but beta blockers aren't designed to take away anxiety, just block the outward symptoms (shaky hands, sweating, etc) So I'm sure they work great for the right person under the right circumstances, but for me they didn't help much. As for side effects and sleep problems, I don't remember encountering any issues in the department.

I had them prescribed a couple years ago because I complained to my doctor about some increasing anxiety. They didn't do much for me, but beta blockers aren't designed to take away anxiety, just block the outward symptoms (shaky hands, sweating, etc) So I'm sure they work great for the right person under the right circumstances, but for me they didn't help much. As for side effects and sleep problems, I don't remember encountering any issues in the department.
Great, I was really worried about the sleep issues. And im only taking them for the physical issues 

I take 60mg of Propranolol aka Inderal per day for outward symptoms of anxiety.  I've found that they are most effective when taken on a regular basis.  They are not like benzos where you can just pop a few then feel ok.  The medication needs to build up in your system for a week or so before it becomes really effective.  It's decreased my benzo use by a lot and has also helped with my blood pressure.  As for sleep issues, I really haven't had any, but I've heard reports that betas can make you sleepy so it's best to take them at night. 

Another note on beta blockers is that I've been warned time and time again by a handful of doctors that they can cause depression, so keep an eye on your moods.  If you're feeling down it could be the Propranolol.  They can also cause a degree of sexual dysfunction (impotence) in men as well.  Stopping a regimen of blood pressure medications can cause serious hypertension so please take care in weaning yourself off of them, I would talk to a doctor about how to go about this.

On a final note, if you are taking betas on a regular basis it is best to avoid strenuous exercise.  I've had some times where I've almost passed out after getting off the treadmill, the dizziness or syncope can be a terrifying experience for some.  Grabbing a wall so that I don't fall over and seeing everything turn to spots is what I've experienced.  So take it easy in the gym if you decide to take betas on a regular basis.

Hope the extra information helps a bit.

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I take 60mg of Propranolol aka Inderal per day for outward symptoms of anxiety.  I've found that they are most effective when taken on a regular basis.  They are not like benzos where you can just pop a few then feel ok.  The medication needs to build up in your system for a week or so before it becomes really effective.  It's decreased my benzo use by a lot and has also helped with my blood pressure.  As for sleep issues, I really haven't had any, but I've heard reports that betas can make you sleepy so it's best to take them at night. 

Another note on beta blockers is that I've been warned time and time again by a handful of doctors that they can cause depression, so keep an eye on your moods.  If you're feeling down it could be the Propranolol.  They can also cause a degree of sexual dysfunction (impotence) in men as well.  Stopping a regimen of blood pressure medications can cause serious hypertension so please take care in weaning yourself off of them, I would talk to a doctor about how to go about this.

On a final note, if you are taking betas on a regular basis it is best to avoid strenuous exercise.  I've had some times where I've almost passed out after getting off the treadmill, the dizziness or syncope can be a terrifying experience for some.  Grabbing a wall so that I don't fall over and seeing everything turn to spots is what I've experienced.  So take it easy in the gym if you decide to take betas on a regular basis.

Hope the extra information helps a bit.
I apreciate your post.

What you are telling me is exactly the oposite the doctor who prescribed them to me told me tough. Only to be taken when needed. Max 4 times a week and no more then 60mg per day. Taking them everyday could cause serious health issues he said... I went trough some medical tests to see what kind of shape I was in to.. And are going in once a month for monitor the heart wile on it. He also said never to take them at night (LOL)

I also asked him about exercise, because I run 60km/37miles a week. And he urged me to do this exercise.. Told me it could be alitle harder to achive the high pulse only. 

Its good to hear you experience


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I apreciate your post.

What you are telling me is exactly the oposite the doctor who prescribed them to me told me tough. Only to be taken when needed. Max 4 times a week and no more then 60mg per day. Taking them everyday could cause serious health issues he said... I went trough some medical tests to see what kind of shape I was in to.. And are going in once a month for monitor the heart wile on it. He also said never to take them at night (LOL)

I also asked him about exercise, because I run 60km/37miles a week. And he urged me to do this exercise.. Told me it could be alitle harder to achive the high pulse only.

Its good to hear you experience

I looked into it and you are right. Exercise is not harmful on betas. They only make it more difficult to reach your target heart rate. This makes me a bit concerned about my dizziness after working out. I'm going to talk to my new doctor about this and the possibility of a stress test. Thank you for your post, you saved the forum from some misinformation and possibly my well being. I'll also pose a few questions about dosing to my doctor as well. I wonder what my old docs were thinking. I'll repost here after my next appointment just in case anyone is interested.
I looked into it and you are right. Exercise is not harmful on betas. They only make it more difficult to reach your target heart rate. This makes me a bit concerned about my dizziness after working out. I'm going to talk to my new doctor about this and the possibility of a stress test. Thank you for your post, you saved the forum from some misinformation and possibly my well being. I'll also pose a few questions about dosing to my doctor as well. I wonder what my old docs were thinking. I'll repost here after my next appointment just in case anyone is interested.
In my country we have to take several tests before we can take these meds. Because if there is something wrong with the heart or lungs there can be problems. About you being dizzy, I dont really think its a huge concern because my DR toled me I could be dizzy after sitting and suddenly standing up, so there is something to it dizziness. 

Please post after youve been to your doctor.

Good luck /default_smile.png

I would like to post my first experience with this medicine.

Today I woke up up, nervous alitle twitchy always alitle bit sweaty on my back, shaky. I get tired in my eyes real quick from all the tension like their out of focus. So I took one tablet 20 mg and waited..

30 minutes later I notised my eyes didnt feel strained anymore and I wasent twitchy or shaking I felt really solid. I imediately tought that this had to be a placebo, but I know myself wery well with the anxiety I have, that especially my eyes would not feel "relaxed" from placebo.

It was an immense relief. It did not feel unnatural or anything, I just felt like "normal" like I did when I was young. So I did the test and went out to highly public areas and felt really calm all the time. I did feel normal nervous but nothing bad. I had total control of my body and that took away my anxiety. I also notised I could focuse allot better on my surroundings, like I could see everything allot more clear. Wich help you relax offcourse. Also when I drove in traffic my relfexes were higher most likely because I was bodily relaxed. Unexpected confrontations or any of that sort would not been a problem at all.

So this whole day ive had zero anxiety because my body was calm. This is really exciting because its been many years since ive felt so relaxed. 

To sum it up.It does not affect you mentaly wich for me is good. It just feels like it calmes the body in a natural way, not in a chemical way. If only I listened to my doctor 2 years ago when he suggested this drug to me but I was so sceptical to drugs then because of bad experiences with other mood stabilators and anti depressants.

The effect from the drugs lasted about 6 hours from 1 tablett! So thats pretty good. Time will tell if this is a one time event, or it will continue.

If any one are interested I can post my experiences further. When some times has past.

I would like to post my first experience with this medicine.

Today I woke up up, nervous alitle twitchy always alitle bit sweaty on my back, shaky. I get tired in my eyes real quick from all the tension like their out of focus. So I took one tablet 20 mg and waited..

30 minutes later I notised my eyes didnt feel strained anymore and I wasent twitchy or shaking I felt really solid. I imediately tought that this had to be a placebo, but I know myself wery well with the anxiety I have, that especially my eyes would not feel "relaxed" from placebo.

It was an immense relief. It did not feel unnatural or anything, I just felt like "normal" like I did when I was young. So I did the test and went out to highly public areas and felt really calm all the time. I did feel normal nervous but nothing bad. I had total control of my body and that took away my anxiety. I also notised I could focuse allot better on my surroundings, like I could see everything allot more clear. Wich help you relax offcourse. Also when I drove in traffic my relfexes were higher most likely because I was bodily relaxed. Unexpected confrontations or any of that sort would not been a problem at all.

So this whole day ive had zero anxiety because my body was calm. This is really exciting because its been many years since ive felt so relaxed.

To sum it up.It does not affect you mentaly wich for me is good. It just feels like it calmes the body in a natural way, not in a chemical way. If only I listened to my doctor 2 years ago when he suggested this drug to me but I was so sceptical to drugs then because of bad experiences with other mood stabilators and anti depressants.

The effect from the drugs lasted about 6 hours from 1 tablett! So thats pretty good. Time will tell if this is a one time event, or it will continue.

If any one are interested I can post my experiences further. When some times has past.
Congratulations on your newfound freedom from anxiety. It's great that you found an alternative to benzodiazepines or antidepressants. I like how you posted that the medication took care of your somatic complaints and did not have an effect on you mentally. The shaking, twitching, and sweating can make people feel awkward in public or while just sitting at home trying to relax. If only more doctors and psychiatrists would turn to this medication for anxiety or use it to help patients get off of anti anxiety drugs.
For me, it didn't work right away. I was originally taking it for lithium tremors in my hands and it took a few weeks to build up in my system. But I do believe that it can work for many people immediately. It took me a while to notice that my V@lium consumption had gone down until I was finding that I was only taking that drug sporadically, instead of relying on it on a daily basis.

My somatic symptoms of anxiety are trembling, tachycardia, and neck tightness. Propranolol seemed to knock these symptoms down by making my body feel less anxious. There was still some anxiety related thoughts in my mind, but since my body wasn't going haywire from them, it was much easier to find coping methods for these disturbing thoughts.

I am very interested in hearing about your future experiences with this medication. Please let us know if it retains its effectiveness for you at your normal dose or if you find that you build up a tolerance to it over time. The information you provide could help a lot of people who are suffering.

I would really like to know exactly how and why this drug works if it is known by the scientific community. I'll be doing my own research on it in the near future and posting my findings for anyone interested. Feel free to chime in with anything you already know about Propranolol's action on the body and why it works in the manner that it does.

Congratulations on your newfound freedom from anxiety. It's great that you found an alternative to benzodiazepines or antidepressants. I like how you posted that the medication took care of your somatic complaints and did not have an effect on you mentally. The shaking, twitching, and sweating can make people feel awkward in public or while just sitting at home trying to relax. If only more doctors and psychiatrists would turn to this medication for anxiety or use it to help patients get off of anti anxiety drugs.

For me, it didn't work right away. I was originally taking it for lithium tremors in my hands and it took a few weeks to build up in my system. But I do believe that it can work for many people immediately. It took me a while to notice that my V@lium consumption had gone down until I was finding that I was only taking that drug sporadically, instead of relying on it on a daily basis.

My somatic symptoms of anxiety are trembling, tachycardia, and neck tightness. Propranolol seemed to knock these symptoms down by making my body feel less anxious. There was still some anxiety related thoughts in my mind, but since my body wasn't going haywire from them, it was much easier to find coping methods for these disturbing thoughts.

I am very interested in hearing about your future experiences with this medication. Please let us know if it retains its effectiveness for you at your normal dose or if you find that you build up a tolerance to it over time. The information you provide could help a lot of people who are suffering.

I would really like to know exactly how and why this drug works if it is known by the scientific community. I'll be doing my own research on it in the near future and posting my findings for anyone interested. Feel free to chime in with anything you already know about Propranolol's action on the body and why it works in the manner that it does.
Thank you!

How long have you been using propranolol exactly?

I will ask my doctor how the drug works next time im going in. Next month. He told me alitle and that was that it block some of the receptors that connect to the heart in the brain, and something about the liver or kidney to not produce some chemical. If I remember correctly.

I also asked him when I got it if I could get some permanent side effects, like if you talk hormones your body will not produce the right amount later in life. And he said there were no side effects like that.

I notised last night it deffently messed with my sleep. But I guess ill get use to it.

Im having slight sharp chest pains when on it. And big pains all over chest when meds are wearing off.

You experienced that Soldier?

Im having slight sharp chest pains when on it. And big pains all over chest when meds are wearing off.

You experienced that Soldier?
No, I haven't experienced that at all.  These are very disconcerting side effects and you really need to talk to your doctor about it soon.  I can't even venture to guess why this is happening.  Please take care of yourself!

So I just got back from the DR. And he toled me it was nothing to worry about. Most likely caused by anxiety and inner muscles contractions. 

He could not tell me why I had these side effects, but he could ensure me it was not dangerous. I also toled him that I use to smoke many years ago and I could get some of the same pain. And again had to do with contractions in the lungs with muscles and stuff.

Having a hard time falling a sleep and staying asleep. But maybe that will change over time !

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I take 5 mg Bystolic (generic I believe is Nebivolol) and not to sound corny but this medication has changed my life. About 2 years ago I developed horrible anxiety mainly focused around health (due to bone marrow transplant and reliving the psychological effects of the transplant due to the big C diagnosis). Granted the transplant was many years ago. The anxiety was so bad I literally could not function at my job or in life. Tried 10 mg Paxil and Ativan. Helped some but I thought I'd never be back to my normal self again. Coming from a person who used to think anxiety was all made up! Ha! Wrong, wrong, wrong! The Bystolic worked immediately. It has been a Godsend and for the last year I've felt like my old self. Side effects at first was just some drowsiness but that subsided after a couple weeks.

Just wanted to put my two cents in. Beta blockers has given me back normalcy.

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