thanks for continued help friends i've had $$$ for this helpful site for 2 plus months now. main problem in my neck or wide norcal redwood curtain we are in masse for most part flipping all assets and $ local credit unions popping up like spring flowers post 2008. b of a chase wamu about 870 percent have closed shop for my area for good and colorful creative new signs with peoples local money actually working for us is new norm here i don't know about rest of country i've tried cash app, ceo.ix gemini etc etc and none will accept mom and pop credit unions i know of. any help id greatly apprec even just so i can show my apprec for this site!
long term i may be wrong but unless its made easier like how you can call stock broker make a trade for a fee if your not into self low fee day trading or whatever, unless ease of access to btc particularly from what i've read compared to access in non us countries how easy it is without all the hoops makes me miss living in the uk and euro

Anyway where i live now an explosion of mom pop creative names new colorful signs have utterly popped up over post 2008 decade and all but wells fargo have skipped a very large college town> i think are positive as well as the crypto movement. question how can i interface with trades of btc like gemini or ceo.ix etc where i can buy at1-2 percent i have a wasabi wallet set up gone round and round and unless you seem to in the usa at least already have an account in the banking system which crypto is trying to eliminate the middle person and become your own virtual bank, heck with a rasp pi and little software and tech buddy,help you can have your own b-chain live at home for reference who would then need a personal acct., except for moderate to huge transactions then for small to moderate transactions?
I feel so close to closing this loop and figuring it out i've yet to find a btc reliable low int vendor will deal with a established local credit union (over 20 plus years). im sure there
must b ea plug in solution but the custie service i talked to couldn't figure it out ( over 20 plus kind b and f q and a )nor i yet? Granted where i live is prolly more progressive and weird than amsterdamn in a lot of way,s but this has to still be doable without the 10-20 percent interest. LOVE PEACE GOOD FORTUNE AND a HAPPY NEW YEARS o my DBG family.
I had another close health scare"death" almost took me /updown but im not going that easy! Still enjoy simple things like- i love life blue skies flowers, and for me at least, wonderful evenings with a loveyt lady or spent with close male friend over great food and convo- its a wonderfull life, afterall, isn't it folks? PEACE Mark