Bitcoin Suppliers

Reading through these pages I'm a little bettet off understanding it all but have a lot if learning how to pay using BTC. Some vendors accept payment through bit 4 coin dot net, no registration required apparently. Anyone used this one?
I have not tried them. I noticed they do not deal with the States at this juncture. 

To pay, just copy and past the addresses provided in the receive/send from corresponding wallet/vendor. If you need any help, we here will try our best. 

I still dont quite understand what is going on.  Havent read that article.

The Winklevoss twins are the ones who sued Mark Zuckerburg over Facebook saying they created it.   

I got accepted into Gemini.   Havne't done anything. Looks like it's more for trading and stuff.  Still dont know fees but I   don't know about options with the blockchain split.  It's all beyond me.

I just want to buy btc or whatever its now called and use it to buy stuff.  

Just wait a few days, and then read a article on the topic. I just read a few. BTC looks ok atm. Some say it will lose value, some say it will gain, some, the remain the same. Idk, but I'm in it for the whole shebang. Not too much, but a decent amount. We will see... Fingers crossed.

Gocelery has this message up today,


7/5/2017 5:15 PM

"The time estimate for withdrawals is on track for late July/early August. Please be aware that this is a best estimate and that a number of issues are still being worked through, all of which need to be fully addressed before any withdrawals occur. A full update will be posted at that time.

All user transactions on their logged-in dashboard are accurate. However, all users are currently shown a zero balance. This zero balance issue was an unintended consequence of the site freeze on May 4th, 2017.

Any "Rejected" order entries shown on user dashboards were created by a bug that was introduced in early June and has since been resolved. The entries were price quotes created when visiting the "Buy" and/or "Sell" screens of the logged-in dashboard, not placed orders by users."

Just fyi for anyone else using this site for your BTC's

I'll be interested to open my wallet and see what's happened...........

I'll be interested to open my wallet and see what's happened...........
From what ive read, your good to go now. You can continue like you were before. That was all a bunch of hype imo.. Hard fork...

From what ive read, your good to go now. You can continue like you were before. That was all a bunch of hype imo.. Hard fork...
So this has been one been scam?  I had to close my electrum wallet today.  Have to dig out the password and see.   Like BTC isn't confusing enough?

So this has been one been scam?  I had to close my electrum wallet today.  Have to dig out the password and see.   Like BTC isn't confusing enough?
No scam, at least not if your only interested in btc. BCC has yet to be 100% trusted by ME... There was so much reading to scour over I cant get into the bitcoin cash aka BCC. That is just a whole other thing..... 

Yea, BTC is confusing enough already ;)

So we still use BTC and forget about BCC for now?
Yea BTC is good to go. I am going to wait it out a while until I see that BCC is working out. Then, I may try and acquire both currencies by moving my coin around, and installing another program on a different computer, or virtual machine. Electron cash is the program.  That is a whole other topic that I'm not comfortable moving my coins around yet. Too risky for me atm.

thanks @Natty   I still have not read anything, computer problems and other stuff.   Is there any benefit that you saw using Bcc?

I'd wait and see how it works too before I dove in. 

thanks @Natty   I still have not read anything, computer problems and other stuff.   Is there any benefit that you saw using Bcc?
The benefit that I see is the possibility of receiving free BCC when I had my BTC in the electrum wallet. Again, it is a possibility, and some have claimed to have had issues, while others claim they made easy money by doing what I had mentioned about Electron. Electron = BCC = Sketchy (imo) I have my reasons, and Electrum = BTC = we are good to go as we have been. Coinbase is also going to jump on the BCC bandwagon by 2018 after saying they would not. BCC has dropped 33% in value last time I looked. Its just another form of cryptocurrency at this point. Unless you plan to pay using BCC, or in doubling your coin via Electron, I wouldn't bother with it.

:13_upside_down: Headache.... lol

BTC on the rise big time atm. Almost 3200..... 

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It might be due to the fork. Some exchanges are now converting bcc to btc. So in a way it was a free pump into bitcoin buys. I'm actually selling BTC, ETH, and LTD if anyone want to ride this wave up a bit. I actually expect ETC and LTC to go up as BTC ultimately stabilizes.

It might be due to the fork. Some exchanges are now converting bcc to btc. So in a way it was a free pump into bitcoin buys. I'm actually selling BTC, ETH, and LTD if anyone want to ride this wave up a bit. I actually expect ETC and LTC to go up as BTC ultimately stabilizes.
Who do you use to sell your cryptocurrency?

Yes there are many ways. Different fees, etc.... ;)
Yeah it's true. I just make it easy on people and charge a flat fee. I also dont ask for I.D.'s. Like most of these sites will. Then let them choose how they'd like to pay. I try to simplify the process as much as possible. I'm also I'm the process of writing up a detailed how to guide for new users. It should include Alt coins as well. My goal is to get the coins to my customers quickly. 

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  4. L @ Layne_Cobain: Happy new years y’all enjoy your mags be safe and If venturing out take a Fkn Uber; it ain’t worth it!! 🚗 👮‍♀️ 🚨 🔒
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  8. CnC5 @ CnC5: HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone here at DBG i hope everyone has a great & prosperous NEW YEAR!!!s
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  11. T @ timyboy: 2025 bring it on!!
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Happy new years to all on DBG?!
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  14. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: @rockychoc I can make you a logo, feel free to message me about any ideas you have.
  15. O @ oddhyena69: @RiftChems good morning to you too at 1pm lol. I'm in the same boat, Got up at 1:30 today I think. damn dmt carts are too much fun haha
  16. RiftChems @ RiftChems: Happy happy days. Good morning everyone
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Happy Saturday everyone, good job making it through another week 💪
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