blu '0xy' v-48|12

@drjimmy1964 Diego replaced my purples, like I said, without even a flinch. However he did what I think he is getting "famous" for which is sending only half of what he owed me. But again, not a flinch, just a "oh yeah sorry, I will send the balance." 
yeah i got offered some "replacements" so we'll see. id be lying if i said my confidence was high on these being legit and/or my order being right. 

Yeah, unfortunately I had a great source for #4 straight from the block, it had no fent in it. He tested, i tested. After a few good deliveries. Poof, he went awol... It was outstanding product. Im so pissed, but hope it was not LE. Waiting for a reply, so far not too optimistic...  😢
Damn. thats such a tease lol. onions? I hope he resurfaces and becomes a viable hookup for you again. thats sounds like my kind of luck lol

yeah i got offered some "replacements" so we'll see. id be lying if i said my confidence was high on these being legit and/or my order being right. 

Damn. thats such a tease lol. onions? I hope he resurfaces and becomes a viable hookup for you again. thats sounds like my kind of luck lol
I was gonna ask everyone- Ive never tested - got a positive and went back to vendor -  I do agree and think they should really test but I guess in the rush of life they just fill orders.   So if I go back to “D” he will replace with no argument ?  I assumed I would get a “not my problem dude” kind of answer.

I’ll take the purples  perks over nothing.  Yea he may not realize they are dangerous bunk and needs to know.    The only thing with me is he threw in the “crap” magazines because it was a weeks wait so I didn’t actually donate. That being said the f@nt could have made me meet my maker sooner than wanted 

I just sent eeee male to D and told him about the dangerous bunks.   I’m curious what he’ll say.   Mine as I stated were tossed in as a sorry for the wait.   Keep u all posted 

I just sent eeee male to D and told him about the dangerous bunks.   I’m curious what he’ll say.   Mine as I stated were tossed in as a sorry for the wait.   Keep u all posted 
D responded and told me this was first time he's faced this challenge - felt horrible - and actually said he's gonna send some magazines to replace my bootlegs duringthe early part  of the upcoming week - so - I will see if he does and will alert you with the outcome.  From what I gather,  the temp agency sent him a bad admin and he's had to terminate the worker after their first few days in the office,  so I'll be happy as hell if he still ships me some books to replace the free manuals.  I can't complain too much as far as donations because as I explained,  what I got was an "im sorry I showed up late"  box of candy  so I didn't think I was going to get an offer of a rain check- but I'll know by end of week.  I wasn't expecting the answer I got - I told him I wasn't looking for anything on the house - I was more concerned that he was made aware ( and I am sure I and a lot of others did that )  that that brand was spoiled lethal milk.   @7ohmbro on the other hand - you actually have a strong beef since what you donated for was bunk-a-roo ( sorry not making light ).  I hope "D"  responded and will fix you up.   I just hopped on real fast and didn't read all the replies, I just wanted to mention my particular issue and how I was treated   

STAY SAFE PEEPS !    Do yourself a favor and TEST TEST TEST.    I know as do many others that each book is pricey.  We get it.   My stubborn head used to not want to do that because of that exact reason ( ruining one magazine )  -  but it can still be read just in a different form post TEST.   Please remember if you do the strip that even if it's not as dark - LOOK FOR 2 LINES  - even if one is faint.    But if its ONE DON'T TAKE ANY RISKS !    STAY SAFE!     

These magazines that @7ohmbro and I got LOOK LIKE UNREAD OFF THE SHELF REAL DEAL BOOKS !    DONT LET THE UNTOUCHED COVERS AND PAGES LEAD YOU TO A SENSE OF SECURITY!      Thank you - off soap box.   Just don't want anyone hurt by reading any garbage articles 

I also suggested and gave the link to "D"  for the Rapid Response and strongly suggested he proof reads his articles before submitting.     Hopefully he will.   He was cool with me so I don't want to see his rep get torn,  but he has to know and has to proof read.   IMO which I think is shared. 

yeah i got offered some "replacements" so we'll see. id be lying if i said my confidence was high on these being legit and/or my order being right. 

@7ohmbro   i am in the same boat as you -  I want to see if he really does replace.   This is my first time I had to send the food back in his restaurant so....hopefully he is just as honest as he seems.   

Damn. thats such a tease lol. onions? I hope he resurfaces and becomes a viable hookup for you again. thats sounds like my kind of luck lol

I searched real V 4812 by Vintage Pharmaceuticals. (Roxy 30's). Its clear the difference from the couple I've seen posted previously on this thread. The fakes are fairly good,but the V is different and the line is straight throughout the edges in comparison to the op's pics. These also look lighter in color but thats not always easy to tell from pics. Obviously the 2 posters allready tested and they were fent positive, so thats allready been determined but I wanted to post this for informational purposes on this brand/pill.


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@drjimmy1964 The purples I got tested + for MET on a reagent and then subsequent UAs. Those have been sent off for lab testing. According to Diego he is not offering any perq products AND he was only getting the purples for me because so many others had complained about them.  


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  @7ohmbro on the other hand - you actually have a strong beef since what you donated for was bunk-a-roo ( sorry not making light ).  I hope "D"  responded and will fix you up.   I just hopped on real fast and didn't read all the replies, I just wanted to mention my particular issue and how I was treated   
Yes, replacement materials should be on their way within a few days just like what was promised to you. Unlike others in my position -- i'm sure -- i'm willing to see this through because like you said, I dont want his (or anyone elses) reputation torn. they've been viable options to people who need them for many years and I dont want to tear the vendor down on my first order. I really, really hope he runs testing for books from here on out. I refuse to believe that it's a financial issue. vendors have to adapt just like buyers. basic testings with every order is the norm now. two incidents should be reason enough to take a step back and invest in the necessary protocols to ensure everyones safety. theres really no excuse anymore. 

in fact, if theres any vendors out there vying for more popularity/business, one smart thing they can do to separate themselves from everyone is to invest in these measures. courtesy goes a long way. 

you guys spend so much time and wasting so much money on finding opiates....NO doctor will prescribe you anything like 15s/30s, hell they are more scared of losing their license than giving it too a patient with cancer....this is coming from an IV heroin addict for the last 10 years, you will never find any oxy's that a real anymore..they will all be pressed with fent. and come from mexico, via china....(the fent.) and as far as my addiction, i can find black tar and fent. from my dealer all the time...IT is all over the place....what i am saying is, you might as well just find a dope dealer and smoke it off foil...its cheaper and more reliable to get, than constantly being on this forum and asking questions, waiting and waiting for the exact same thing you will get on the street. MORE expensive at that IMO. but hey that's just me...good luck and be safe to everyone.

you guys spend so much time and wasting so much money on finding opiates....
I hope this doesn't get deleted - but probably will because it seems like I am trying to start a confrontation - but I am just curious -didn't you donate to get here for the same reason we did ?  I can't control the donation fees these vendors charge , but this is social media-  people exchange experiences which helps me to decide if I want to donate or not - and I try to do the same thing.   And some of us post our results after test reading a book or two and deciding the author is a fraud so that other readers have a heads up/  I don't think the management of this outlet has a large donation fee - it's not like they are robbing me and made me sign up for some time share that I wanted no part of.    For my small donation I learned about  and met a lot of cool vendors.   Not every one of them are %100 perfect - no one is.  But I'd love to know - if it's allowed to be discussed - why you spent the same donation for the rights to read and contribute to this area ?  I know the magazines and books are a risk to read - covers always look good - but lesson learned sometimes if the books are boring and I fell for donation fees because the cover looked cool.   

you guys spend so much time and wasting so much money on finding opiates....NO doctor will prescribe you anything like 15s/30s, hell they are more scared of losing their license than giving it too a patient with cancer....this is coming from an IV heroin addict for the last 10 years, you will never find any oxy's that a real anymore..they will all be pressed with fent. and come from mexico, via china....(the fent.) and as far as my addiction, i can find black tar and fent. from my dealer all the time...IT is all over the place....what i am saying is, you might as well just find a dope dealer and smoke it off foil...its cheaper and more reliable to get, than constantly being on this forum and asking questions, waiting and waiting for the exact same thing you will get on the street. MORE expensive at that IMO. but hey that's just me...good luck and be safe to everyone.
yeah, playboy, people are dropping dead chasing foil highs with pre$$d 0xys..  for someone so in the know with the STREETZ, you sure are clueless. gtfo with that shit. 

 I'm not looking for a doc to prescribe it, I have no illusions of that. and yeah, real 0xy can be found. just usually not in north america.

"find a dope dealer" lol like its that universally easy. i've had a few "fuck it" moments like you described and came up with nothing. it's funny how you just quickly assume that I or any poster in this thread are just a bunch of amateur dumbasses that we've never thought about this.

and when I come back to my senses I realize just how retarded that all is considering like you said.. hard to find even #4 anymore and I'm not going to wreck my tolerance for street f3nt with little euphoria and no legs. yeah. eventually needing to score multiple times a day, every day -- that sure sounds rational and intelligent....

I'm really trying to keep my tolerance still manageable and not fly off the deep end as long as I can.. 

crazy idea right?!?

@7ohmbrowow that was a little offensive especially since I know that you and many members test pressed pills.

yeah, playboy, people are dropping dead chasing foil highs with pre$$d 0xys..  for someone so in the know with the STREETZ, you sure are clueless. gtfo with that shit. 

 I'm not looking for a doc to prescribe it, I have no illusions of that. and yeah, real 0xy can be found. just usually not in north america.
Wow @westcoastkook the small donation does help I never have been scammed in 8 years years and never been scammed and members are quite aware about pressed pills. Most of us have tester kits before taking. I know @7ohmbro for a while he is so safe and tests everything. I don't understand putting the forum donation then complaint we are all stupid there are highly educated people here and have learned a ton from them. If you dont like it here why are you posting.

Just curious? Hev

I hope this doesn't get deleted - but probably will because it seems like I am trying to start a confrontation - but I am just curious -didn't you donate to get here for the same reason we did ?  I can't control the donation fees these vendors charge , but this is social media-  people exchange experiences which helps me to decide if I want to donate or not - and I try to do the same thing.   And some of us post our results after test reading a book or two and deciding the author is a fraud so that other readers have a heads up/  I don't think the management of this outlet has a large donation fee - it's not like they are robbing me and made me sign up for some time share that I wanted no part of.    For my small donation I learned about  and met a lot of cool vendors.   Not every one of them are %100 perfect - no one is.  But I'd love to know - if it's allowed to be discussed - why you spent the same donation for the rights to read and contribute to this area ?  I know the magazines and books are a risk to read - covers always look good - but lesson learned sometimes if the books are boring and I fell for donation fees because the cover looked cool.   
I meant this one? 

I think I get what @7ohmbrois trying to say to @westcoastkook.

I don’t think anyone needs nudging or suggested to start doing fentanyl or heroin. I really don’t think that’s a good idea. While we are all looking for real pills and maybe most are fent pressed, that is not what we ultimately want. If that were so, your suggestion might make sense , but who wants to turn a beer habit into a vodka one when we don’t have to go there and don’t want to. Most members are intelligent here and know what they’re doing. I can’t see the ones who take pain pills legitimately for arthritis or CANCER after a long day of work, turning to shooting up in a back alley or chasing the dragon before their next dr visit.  Why would anyone suggest that? Isn’t that what we are trying to avoid? Not that we all haven’t thought of it.

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@jtab I agree. We are all careful here. Why suggest street drugs that are far more dangerous thats why we have this forum to keep each other safe. But thank you for the explanation. I was confused. Was he saying it was a waste of time donating when we can buy street drugs? Not trying to be mean to @westbroook The post did not make sense thanks for clearing it up for me! PS I do not have cancer but other health problems  my doc wants to see my pain management doctor and he has written me for fentanyl and 80 oxys  At least my doc has done before. But I guess it depends on the State 

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@7ohmbro hey, man. You should think about taking down these photos and replacing with ones that don't include your hands, as multiple people have been identified by LE through photographic analysis of their fingerprints on the D@rkN3t and busted as a result. Just letting you know. It is bad OpSec (Operational Security). Most people don't think about it, but I happen to be aware, so I'm just trying to keep you safe here.

This shit is getting out of control. 10 years ago and before, fent was a rarity in pills, now it seems legit pills are the rarity. And they press it in to anything. Roxy, it seemed that they pressed these with fent first, then percs, vics and even xanny. Hell its found in stimulants too. It's just greed, they know its harder for people to get scripts for CII drugs and press for pennies and charging 1$ or more a mg. Best to have these strips for anything you purchase nowadays. 
F3nt has even been found in L§Đ blotters before, as of now. It's really a shame the lengths unscrupulous and unethical manufacturers and dealers will go to.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!