you guys spend so much time and wasting so much money on finding opiates....NO doctor will prescribe you anything like 15s/30s, hell they are more scared of losing their license than giving it too a patient with cancer....this is coming from an IV heroin addict for the last 10 years, you will never find any oxy's that a real anymore..they will all be pressed with fent. and come from mexico, via china....(the fent.) and as far as my addiction, i can find black tar and fent. from my dealer all the time...IT is all over the place....what i am saying is, you might as well just find a dope dealer and smoke it off foil...its cheaper and more reliable to get, than constantly being on this forum and asking questions, waiting and waiting for the exact same thing you will get on the street. MORE expensive at that IMO. but hey that's just me...good luck and be safe to everyone.