I wouldn’t count on the big banks to be helpful either. Chase won’t allow debit purchase of crypto. They want you to set up bank transfers ACH. When doing that usually Plaid is used to connect apps to banking info. It asks you to log into your bank on their app with banking username & password. Even though they are widely used I didn’t like giving my banking info & access to a third party. Prepaid cards some state on the back no crypto transactions. So I tried LibertyX app you take cash to a local retailer but that’s capped at 500 a day plus they require ID. Next is the bitcoin atm. You’ll need cash but depending on where you live there’s usually a few in the area. Coinatmradar.com has maps, info on limits & requirements. Some don’t require ID until over 2k ( according to the site). Although I have yet to see how costly the transaction fee may be since none are listed. This was all so much easier before Biden administration implemented changes to cash apps & requiring id transactions over $600. Previously you could use Coinbase or Kracken with a credit card. It was simple & fast. Was.